Am I going nuts???
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I'm 44, I am still having regular periods. However I am experiencing uncontrolable bouts of crying, depression, feelings of dread, panic, raving heart, tiredness(like I don't want to bathe or do anything). I am normally an active happy person, but lately I don't want to do anything. I love to help people but I feel like my life is dead. I have no energy to even help myself. The panic is the worse. My mom went through menopause early. Is this what this is? I hate it!
3 likes, 14 replies
fiona69095 ann85482
Get to the doctor, going on a low dose pill can help. My periods are still regular too.
Just remember not to panic and that you are not going to die. This is yet another thing we women have to suffer through.
deidra40034 ann85482
But, either way, if it is your hormones, or depression/anxiety there is nothing to be ashamed of, there is no judgement here on these forums! You get on what ever meds you need to be on, and you will be back to yourself soon!! Our bodies are sure tricky things!! They used to call our periods "the curse"...I think what comes after is the real curse! LOL No one tells us that when we are younger!!
carole44875 ann85482
Every one of us seems to get their own set of dishes off the perimenopause menu and someone said on a forum that it seems to get you in your 'soft spot' ( i have had anxiety / depression before).
I would book in with doctor. The beauty of this wonderful site is that you pick up great tips from lots of people. One recommended writing a list of symptoms beforehand so you remember in docs room instead of going all 'wooly' and the other is keeping a mood diary/ journal to see if there is any pattern to moods. And be proactive about your own menopause because no one knows your body like you and it's easy to get fobbed off as some docs just don't take it seriously or dont see each woman as unique in terms of her experience.
Oh, and insomnia / poor sleep is a symptom for me. Hence the early reply!!
Take care
christine70191 ann85482
yvonne89730 ann85482
fiona69095 ann85482
Women rely on their ovaries and the estrogen and progesterone, when perimenopause hits, we start to lose our ovaries and our body has to adjust and start relying on the thyroid and adrenal glands. The adjustment takes time and causes an imbalance in our chemistry. For some of us, it manifests in horrible symptoms.
Please don't let yourself think you are nuts.
TropicalVon69 ann85482
Guest TropicalVon69
sue976 ann85482
fingers crossed at the moment I am good, but I have started doing a lot of excercise and it's since this I have picked up. Big Hugs because it really is a scary Time, but remember it is just your hormones xx
jamie50513 ann85482
You are not going nuts or mad. Fiona described it best. It's hormones all out whack and we all expierence it differently. You will find we go through some of the same symptoms at one time or another and this forum is a great place to be. Certainly start with the GP. Have some blood work done to see where your levels are and if your are low on any vitamins and nutrients that our body gets depleted of during this time and start from their. Don't get discouraged if your hormone levels come back normal. It doesn't mean that you aren't perimenopausal, those tests are not always reliable as hormones fluctuate hour to hour so some doctors go off symptoms. Just know you are not alone. We are here for you and each other. There is great suggestions, a place to vent and ask questions and to simply read other's expierences that may be going through the same as you. I hope you get some relief soon. Take care and be kind to yourself.
sabrina1971 ann85482
Good luck!
patricia16507 ann85482
Rhino2015 ann85482
HRT will be your lifeline for a while, there are many to chose from but with the right one your life will once again be happy.
Don't prcrastinate, do something today, your symptoms are saying your hormones are out of control and need some help.
Please do not take too much negative info in regarding HRT it is amazing when you find the right one.
Stay strong, keep your mind busy with talking books, catch up tv, movies anything to occupy your overactive mind at this time.
Wishing you well Ann,
Loui X