Am I going through menopause?
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Hi, Im 53 and having hot flushes, and night sweats. I need to sleep most nights with a fan on beside my bed, and also waken out of my sleep suddenly and have trouble getting back to sleep again. I have been on fluxotine for 13 years as I was suffering from anxiety and stress, but could not find a reason for this, now I think I may have been perimenopausal. My periods where always regular but then changed to very irregular and eventually very heavy but havent had a period now for 13 months. Am I going through menopause.
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just read your posts. I am 57 started having trouble sleeping missed a few periods that was ok.. till the sweats started ..all day long ..I went to my GP he sent me for blood work and he said my hormone levels where really low he put me on HRT.. the sweats stopped but the sleeping problem I still have. this was five years ago .I went through some bad stuff over the last year the doctor said I had anxiety he put me on antidepressants which made me feel worse so I came off them .I am going back to see him soon as I know I need something to help me sleep I have been told all women go through the menopause differently
I didn't expect this for me I went a full yr without a period then I get the odd one .I wish u all the best .
The past few days have been particulaly bad and I've been crying and feeling so low with my self esteem hitting rock bottom. The worst symptom is being awake from 3 to 5a.m, which happens for about 10 days in a row each month. It's then such a struggle to face the day ahead of me as I am really tired.
I have tried 3 types of HRT but I do not like the side effects, bloating being the worst. I have now been prescribed Indivina, I'm worried to start taking them but I need help sleeping and help with my mood swings. Is anyone on Indivina, perhaps you could let me know how you're getting on with it?
I am a great believer in acupuncture, it helps but doesn't allivate all my symptoms, I swim and do yoga, I am particular with the food that I eat following guidlines on eating soya etc, oh and I've had to stop drinking wine in the evenings as my hot flushes are much worse when I do, thats sad