Am I just being overly paranoid ?
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For about 8 months I've been having stomach issues.
It started with bad pains in the right side of my abdomen and spread to all over, my doctor was convinced it was indigestion and gas pain, but I'm. It so sure. I was tested for h pylori which was negative, 6 months ago I had several abdominal ultrasounds aswell and blood tests are clear for infections.
I'm on a waiting list for an endoscopy but it's a 12 month waiting list and the fear of waiting when it could be something dire terrifies me.
Although the pain has lessened a lot since last year I still have quite an upset stomach and have now developed an odd taste in my mouth that gives me more anxiety.
My symptoms are-
Abdomen pain
Loose stools occasionally
Weird taste in my mouth
I'm going back to the doctors to see if we can speed anything up and am thinking about purchasing a bowel screening kit, I'm not sure how accurate threat are though. I'm only 23 and I feel so stressed and exhausted about this, I'm so convinced I have something terrible like cancer, but I just can't eat any answers
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Barty11 marie99158
Well, yes I do think you're being a touch paranoid. You've had almost all the tests you could have and they've all come back negative. The fact that you will have to wait 12 months before an endoscopy, indicates that the chance of having cancer is utterly remote. It's 0 in my opinion. If there were any risk you would be seen within a few weeks. I concur with your doctor in the stress diagnosis. The more you fret about it the more stressed you will get and the more 'symptoms' you will have. Your age is also completely against a serious illness. Relax!
Barty11 marie99158
Barty11 marie99158
I'm sorry, my ipad is playing up - again. I hate it. Anyhow, the second reply went off unsolicited. Sorry again.
rocky31676 marie99158
Thankyou for relying I'm trying to be less stressed out about it and am trying more probiotic foods hopefully this help
Mrspiggy marie99158
My 11 year old has had the symptoms you describe on and off for 5 years. Started to notice it was becoming more frequent last simmersed and lasting longer. January 9th another episode except she didn't get any better. She was admitted overnight in case of appendicitis and discharged. Every other night for about 4 weeks at A&E she then had 4 gastro tests (1 being 3hrs under GA) all came back normal. Nurses were saying all signs were normal so psychosomatic pain diagnosed. I started the process of trying to get her seen for this but my gut feeling as it had been from the beginning was a grumbling appendix and if it was that what else could it be? She had 2 ultra sounds & 2 mri normal so appendix ruled out. I insisted on seeing a surgeon who said key hole and possibly remove appendix. Surgery about 45 mins 2 hrs later she comes out and extensive adhesions were found & removed as well as appendix. She has never had surgery or an infection that I am aware of. She's fine now. Seeing surgeon next week but all I know is nothing significant found on pathology. Surgeon & GP said she would have had adhesions for a long time.