am I perimenopausal?
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Hi can anyone please advise me, Im getting bad headaches every 4-5 weeks, feel lethargic, achy, my head is 'wuzzy'. Ive had bloods done revealing vit d defficiency. Difficult to know about periods as I have a mirena coil, had it for about 7yrs now. My GP is very good but wants me to take beta blockers for the headaches, she says they helped hers. Would menopace or something be better? Thanks in advance ladies
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metamorphed yvonnevn
hi. Get a good quality vitamin D3 supplement. That will help you. You have Mirena so you will be getting progesterone from that, which drops in peri. I just think Vitamin D3 if you have been tested and are low in it. Menopace sent me mad, had a funny affect on me probably because I am a headache sufferer I and the soy in it just didn't agree with me.
I had the very same symptoms as you right at the beginning of peri, migraine headaches every couple of weeks, dizzy, tiredness. Went around like that for a good while before Vitamin D deficiency and things improved when I supplemented with D3. Make sure its 'D3' though. hope that helps you for now.
yvonnevn metamorphed
metamorphed yvonnevn
hi yvonne
Just try and get this sorted as soon as you can. I went around like that for months on end because of the lack of information and knowledge from doctors and the confusing information on the internet. They are all in it for the money believe me, I tried all things, natural stuff etc. and none of it made me feel any better. It is very difficult to function during this time and we need help because our lives these days demand it. You know what I mean. The first thing I did was to clean up my diet and cut caffeine and sugar as much as possible, and although it improves things, the symptoms are a bit less, but they are still there. There is no getting away from it. I have now done a year of this (the heavy symptoms they came all at once, just like you are going through now) and although there are improvements, I still don't feel right and I don't know how long it will go on for, that's the problem.
The thing is, before this hit me and you now, you didn't have the headaches and out of it feelings? So what's causing it is lack of hormones. I wanted to stick it out, but after a year, and a lot of lost time, I know I can't, so looking at replacing hormones now. If you search through other ladies posts on here, you will see that a lot of them, after years and years, changed their minds and went the hrt route, and also stated that they'd wished they'd done it sooner. I am feeling that way now.
this is just my experience, but I know how you're feeling when you say you can't stand the thought of how it's going to be now.
I had the headaches for 4 years and then it just went downhill with all the rest and the funny part is, I am in really good health otherwise, everything normal, but feel so ill, all due to hormone decline but there is no set time as to when they will settle. Hope this helps you.
Sochima822 yvonnevn
bobbysgirl yvonnevn
looloo43 yvonnevn
Hi Yvonnevn. I think you should have a new mirena asap. they are only meant to be in for 5yrs, then replaced, so chances are you are not getting any progesterone, which may be upsetting your hormones. I would try that first & see if it helps your symptoms. since i started hrt in april, my headaches & mental symptoms are very much improved, & the hrt i take does include extra progesterone. so maybe a new mirena may help you. xxx