Am I positive for HSV

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i took a test 2 years ago. ive never had sores not in my mouth or genitals in my life im sure i would notice the pain if i did. but my OBGYN told me i was positive for both. ive read HSV test are wrong half the time and low numbers typically is more likely a false positive. i have different numbers for igg and igm. so im confused. does this look like it could be wrong and i should retest or is the hsv1 too high ? again ive never had any sores and i been under alot of stress before so if i was positive wouldnt it have popped up already?? also i was in a 6 years relationship with my ex and he is negative for hsv 1 and 2. ive been with my current bf for 9 months and he has never had any sores or pain and neither have I. imageimage

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    HSV 1 is what causes the cold sores on your mouth and it's ridiculously common.

    HSV 2 is the genital herpes.

    • Posted

      yes i know. but my question is based on the results does it say im positive for both and if the numbers are low and what are the chances its wrong because ive never had sores and neither has my ex or current bf.

    • Posted

      both strains effect genital and oral.

      this is a big misconception.

      hsv1 is now more prevelant on the genitals then hsv2.

      this is another thing that adds to stigma, not better or worse to have either strain!

      hsv1 effects both, hsv2 effects both but rarely orally.

    • Posted

      you dont have to have sores to have herpes.

      87.4% of people with the virus genitally never have symptoms.

    • Posted

      according to your test, you are <.90 for HSV 2 which, according to the chart on your document, is negative.

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