Am I pregnant or is stress/anxiety effecting my periods?

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Two months ago, two weeks before my period, my partner put himself inside me. We didn't use a condom as he was just putting it inside and he figured it was relatively safe. He did not do any "thrusting", and he did not ejaculate.

 Even so, when the reality of what we'd done hit us we got scared. For the two weeks leading up to my period due date we were panicking and looking things up on Google for answers. It was a very stressful and scary time, because as well as this going on, I was having a hard time and work and I wasn't getting along with my mother.

 In the end up, my period arrived two days early. It was light at first but became heavy and stayed for five days. Just to put us at ease, I took a pregnancy test on the day that my period was MEANT to come, and it was a dark negative.

 Thinking we were out of the woods, we didn't give it much thought until the lead-up to my next period. I was nervous and worried about starting school (I'm in my final year and exams are intimidating) and my relationship with my mum had deteriorated further. My period arrived on time this time (on Wednesday) and was heavy enough, but on my way home from school some debris fell on my head from a 13ft height.

 I was hospitalised with suspected head trauma and neck injuries but was discharged that night. The next day my period was very light, and that night I didn't bleed at all! I'm now worried that I may be pregnant, but I'm also wondering if the stress/anxiety of the past few months could've affected my periods as well? I'm scared and confused, please help!

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    I doubt your pregnant if you've had your period for the past two months, but why don't you take a pregnancy test if you think you're pregnant..? Or see a doctor if you're concerned..? 
    • Posted

      I've taken two tests, both negative! But I've read that in some cases women can still get their period while they're pregnant, and sometimes you can get a false negative. I think I'm okay though - I think it was just all the stress of the past two months affecting my body!
    • Posted

      Yeah, if you've both had your period and taken two tests that say negative, you're not pregnant. But see your dr if you're concerned, no on can diagnose you here. Hope everything sorts itself out soon. 
  • Posted

    gosh so sorry to hear of this.

    are you both able to carry you're aren't caught out like this again?

    is there an issue with your mum objecting to your relations? how old are you.

    very sorry to hear about your injury...that was serious. where did the debris come from and who was responsible for letting it fall?

    • Posted

      Yes, we both have them and will start using them in the future! Right now we're taking things slow again! My mother and I have a strained relationship; I feel like she doesn't approve of my boyfriend and we've clashed over that a lot. The debris was a windowbox suspended at the top window of a two-storey building - it fell 13ft and hit me square on the head. The doctors said if it had been made of a different material (it was hard plastic), it would've split my head open and I would've died. It was a very scary experience!
    • Posted

      Best to take things slow! Best really to put sexual relations into the background....and to concentrate on your studies...I would suggest paying attention to your mother's concerns. You are so lucky that she cares about you! So many don't....simply unable to, too busy, or, misguided by modern culture into believing that kids can bring themselves up. Gabor Mate is the author of a book on this subject...suggesting parents do need to keep their children close. You could just read the covers to get an idea of the topic, print it out and leave it lying around to show your mum your know where she's coming from and that infact she is a thoroughly modern mum! Neglect is uncool!!

      May I suggest you arrange to meet with your mum in a relaxed setting...NOT over a meal....and invite her to tell you what's on her mind and what her point of view is. I would suggest giving her your complete attention and not commenting but rather asking if you could have a think about what she has said and ask if you could meet with her again in a few days. Make the arrangement to meet again and keep to the time of the meeting. Don't put yourself under pressure to have made any decisions but remember you are in your mother's house and you need to know her rules so somethings may not be negotiable. Try to get a picture of what her concerns really are and imagine yourself as a mother in the future ...know that the karma of the way you handle this will follow think about the kind of relations you would like with any children you yourself may be blessed with in the future.

      May the hit on the head was a message!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Posted

      I agree, but my boyfriend is the best thing that ever happened to me! He's a lovely guy and very sweet, patient and understanding, which is why it hurts me that my mum doesn't seem to like him! rolleyes I know that things will get better between eventually (things are tense at home as my father is home), but it just hurts when someone who is meant to support you doesn't seem to support the best thing in your life at the minute! I'm very dedicated to my studies and it'll be hard for me to get on top of things with my injury but hopefully things will work out x
    • Posted thing I might add is to NOT talk to her about any problems you and your boyfriend are having.  She will (as most mom's do) think it's all him and he's no good for you.  Just talk positive about your life and the things you love about him.  Also, you may tell her that she's putting you in a hard position because you love her as well as your boyfriend.   Just understand we, mothers, always want the best (most do anyway) for their children.  She just may be testing the waters with the both of you (your boyfriend and you) to see how far into your relationship she can push.  It's ok to step back and think before reacting but do it in a way that shows her you're maturing.  Like, Mom, I understand what you're saying but I'm not sure how I feel, may I get back with you on this.......this is a way your mother will know you have your head on straight.  I'm sorry you had that hit on your head, that's not a good thing.  Karma is a beotch but, I don't believe either your mother or yourself are reacting in a hateful way...just a normal way between a good healthy relationship just before the child cuts the apron strings.

      Good luck and take a breath...breathe!


  • Posted

    I was in the same boat as you about a year ago.  In fact, I even skipped a period.  I find personally that if I stress and worry about the possibility of being pregnant or stress over other things, my period is more likely to be irregular.  When my grandfather died a few years back, I was very upset and my anxiety was through the roof.  I skipped several periods and the like (though I was still young, about fourteen) and found that once I was able to calm down, things fell back into cycle. 

    Just my two cents. smile

    • Posted

      thats lovely orangeslice!

      B (it was H? great name change...and i am on the right thread!!)... oh so sorry your mum seems unkeen...but you are still in the dark about her reasons. are you going to meet with her to find out what is truly on her mind?

      maybe the bang on the head was a nudge....I should not have said...I was not serious reply was getting long. what i wondered was whether you could indentify the flat from which the window box fell.. and could go to see them to say what happened? this might be difficult i know... but perhaps if you're not wanting any compo they may respond to you in a decent way, apologise and perhaps give you some sympathy ?

      Good luck with your mum. so what are the characteristics of this boy that appeal to you? sorry your dad is causing this what's really getting to you mum?

  • Posted

    Hi Bananarama~

    Just wanted to respond even though this has been up and running for a while.  I can most positively say that stress/anxiety does affect your periods and anyones at that. The fact that you're not getting along with your mum is also a factor.  I mean most go to their mother for help and if you're not able to, you need to be pro-active and keep looking up things until you are satisfied or until you start to get along with mum.  I don't know what the spat is about but honestly, time goes so quickly and I'm afraid that if you're so sensitive to everything right now and if something ever happened to you mum b4 you two had time to reflect and forgive, you could throw yourself into a major downhill tailspin. 

    I wish you well and hope you and your mother can work things out.  If not, that's ok always have your boyfriend.  Do you get along well enough with his mother to speak with her about your periods?  Or possibly someone else in your family that is a good influence and you respect, can they help you?

    Good luck and I wish you well.  Let us know how you're doing, please.

    Warm regards,


    • Posted

      The other thing regarding periods, stress/anxiety can cause you to stop but I also had periods while one just never knows...use abstinence if all else fails.

      Good luck!


  • Posted

    Hi, I am facing the similar situation now. I had unprotected sex and then my periods from past two months are lighter than usual. I am under lot of stress because of thinking about possibility of pregnancy. What happened to you later? Can u plz share?

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