Am i taking to much Lyrica
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I have lower back problems with arthritis and so on
I have been taking Lyrica for the last few months but Im not following the doctors instructions
I had been putting up with pain for a long time then I decided enough was enough. I went and had a C/T scan there were a few problems including arthritis, he put me on Norspan 25 mg which didn't seem to do much.
About 8 weeks after I had the C/T scan I slipped on the concrete and I hit the deck hard, real hard.
Anyway I was having a bad day and I saw another doctor who put me on Lyrica....75 mg twice a day. well I'm taking 75 or 200 mg in the morning same at lunch time 75/200 mg, well things change when I finish work I take 900 mg at 4pm another 900mg at 6 pm another 900 mg at 8 pm and anywhere between 900 and 1200 mg a bit later and when i get out of my chair I shuffle like an old man until I warm up a bit. I have had another C/T scan I get the results this week.
Anyway that's whats going on I appreciate any thoughts and any help anyone can give me
Thank you
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janet74449 reg79179
Just cannot believe you are taking all this Pregabalin
It is a lethal drug - my husband is presently on 12mg in the morning and 25mg at night and due to all the side effects cannot function properly - slurred speech and difficulty walking to name a couple of side effects. If you are on facebook there is a site which may be worth you joining - over 2,500 people having problems with this drug
gemma39685 reg79179
Omg you are taking so so much. Please be careful as the side affects can be crazy. I understand the pain is bad but please that's way to much. Doctors suggest a max of 600mg a day as that was what I was told.
Please I say it again talk to your doctor about how much your taking, although I'm guessing soon they will realise you are going through way too many meds.
I hope things go well for you and meds don't make things worse!!
All the best
claire99103 gemma39685
Can Janet say exactly what to search for on Facebook re: the Pregabilin group? Do I just type in 'Pregabilin'?
Many thanks, I need guidance on this as I'm getting very little from my psychiatrist.
Good discussion, thank you all.
janet74449 claire99103
Hi Claire - Type in Lyrica Survivors into facebook - you have to pm the Admin just to say you want to withdraw off of this evil drug. I am on there nearly everyday at the moment for my husband . Btw his psychiatrist told him to leave his morning 25mg off as from Saturday - we had a hell of a day - ended up phoning our brilliant pharmacist and he said unscrew the capsule and try to keep even doses in each half (which somehow I'm managing) so now he's having 12ish mg every morning and still his 25mg a night - got to be done very very slowly and he's only been on it 4 weeks ! See you on the site later![smile](
Have just messaged you Claire![smile](
claire99103 janet74449
Thanks Janet, will type that into Facebook. don't know what to do regards feeling suicidal. Was hoping upping the pregabaline would help suicidal feelings subside and started taking more of it today. My psychiatirst seems clueless at the moment and says "we'll review the meds" so will have to chase up what that means. I have severe depression so that may be v different to what your husband's going through
janet74449 claire99103
Oh dear
. Husband has depression with GAD (through Pregabalin) together with slurred speech and walking difficulties ![sad](
Thank you so much for your reply's
After writing this I started to think to myself that something isn't right so as of today I'm going to cut back to 200mg in the morning 200mg at lunch and 200mg at night I'm actually seeing the doctor tomorrow and will get my C/T scan results which I'm expecting a lot more damage to my lower back.
Again thank you for all your reply's you have made me realize the amount of Lyrica I have been taking is dangerous
Alwaysalone reg79179
I have been against this drug since having problems myself and then researching it.
I have offered my opinion on this forum and it hasn't been taken well because people believe it is a wonder drug because it works for them.
I've never disregarded the fact that it IS of benefit in some aspects, but the negative results and the irreparable damage done to vital organs and other parts of the body by pregabalin cannot be ignored.
Reg, i hope all goes well for you and that things can be sorted out and you are helped in a better way.
Claire, i also wish you the best as i know doctors are very reluctant to speak ill of this toxic concoction they are prescribing so often to people who trust them.
It's also a relief to know others are on this forum with the same views of this drug as me.
I wish you luck and wellness.
claire99103 Alwaysalone
Hi All, Just thought I should add, to Janet particularly, that the pregabalin did help stabilise me when I really felt I was falling part emotionally and with severe clinical depression a couple of years ago, I felt like I wouldn't have stayed alive without it. I have since then had several more times when my mood has downcycled to suicidal level though, nearly as bad as that time two years ago but not quite. So I don't know if this drug stays effective for long, as a mood stabiliser, or whether it can perhaps even contribute to suicidal episodes over time. I've yet to google all the physical side effects/ long term damage it does, but believe what Alwaysalone says and need to do that asap.
janet74449 claire99103
A 10,000% EVIL drug for evryone
thank you again ladies but Im taking the drug for a bad back Im not about to neck myself
Please keep replys in relation to the topic "am I taking to much Lyrica for lower back problems"
I can't seem to find any of these "horrific withdrawal stories", yes when I first started taking the drug I did have some symptoms of confusion and a couple of other things but I cant find much or anything about withdrawal.
janet74449 reg79179
Type in Lyrica Survivors into facebook - you have to pm the Admin just to say you want to withdraw off of this evil drug. If you're not on Facebook just type it into google -plenty of info on there