Am I The Only One??
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Hi Ladies,
I have seen a lot of posts about pressure in the head. Do any of you experience whooshing in the ears when this happens? It feels like I go deaf for a minute because it's so intense. Am I the only one who experiences this? Today is a bad day for me as I have the wonky head and a slight headache. I guess it could be worse π. I hope you ladies are having a decent day. his to all of you!
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Guest susane84679
Hi Susane, yes, I get the swooshing in the ears usually right before mine start ringing. pressure too. Also, my hearing will cut out for a second, like it got covered. There is an artery that runs along the sides of our head...carotid artery...the swooshing sound is the blood running through it. If you ever put your head on your pillow and hear movement, that is what it is. Goes along with your heartbeat too. I had a hearing test last year, my ears were screaming during it...I kept asking the tech if she could hear it...apparently my hearing is top notch. I have vertigo too from migraines that started in peri. Seeing a specialist soon on that. However, I am 10 days in on BCP and I take a med to manage the migraines. Actually, have been feeling ok the last few days. Hugs to you too...stay strong! π
susane84679 Guest
Yes!! That is exactly it, like my ears have been covered. I sometimes get the ringing in my ears but not like the whooshing gone deaf feeling. Very freakyπ
caroline62395 susane84679
I have constant high pitch ringing in my ears and the whooshing/wind noise sometimes when i bend down suddenly, it drives me mad and i'm thinking of going to my doctors to get it checked out, i've also noticed that I can see the pulse in my neck sometimes this is also freaking me out! My other peri symptoms seem to have calmed down for the moment, I'm on day 53 of no period so don't know if its all related
Guest caroline62395
Hi Caroline...totally normal to see your pulse in your neck...that same artery I mentioned runs along head and neck...really freaky though to feel and hear it!
caroline62395 Guest
thank you for that Lou, I didnt used to get so freaked out about things but since peri started i notice every single bodily function, I am constantly checking my husband to see if he has the same things and he never does!
Guest caroline62395
Ha, ha! I am the same. I just recently figured out that we move a little when we stand still...just a tiny sway back and forth. I had my husband and kids stand still...sure enough they moved a little too. Must be learn something new everyday! Apparently, I am normal...well...kind of! π
kelly55079 susane84679
Your not the only one!! Yesterday I had a dull headacche and today it seems more instense. I have been using nose spray and need to get some sinus pressure meds today. Ugh hope this goes away soon.
karen65574 susane84679
Hi , i get awful pressure headaches , whooshing and deafness in one ear , also ringing as well its awful , comes an goes , gets worse with the anxiety , seems to have calmed down at moment ( fingers crossed ) but when you have so many symptoms at once it life changing , some ease of then others appear !!! hope yours eases of soon , thinking of you x
susane84679 karen65574
Hi Karen,
It feels like a headache when it happens but it only lasts minutes, not very long at all. so freaky...
sharcerv52408 susane84679
Yes I get a pulsing sound in my ear like I can feel my heart beat in my ear. I also have had the sensation like I'm losing my hearing like sound is going away from me or my ear is closing up. So we
tmpearce susane84679
Yes, I get the head pressure and headaches....hate it! Sometimes I feel the pressure in my ears and neck too...and that whooshing in the ears. I also get ringing in my ears that can last for up to a week. The pressure headaches and headache behind my eyes usually happens around the week before my period would be starting. (I am what I think is post menopausal...had hysterectomy with ovaries left in 3 years ago but still have some symptoms that I would have during ovulation or period.)