Am stunned

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I am 51 and am less than 2 weeks away from the official one year of no periods--experiencing hot flashes, night sweats and chills, insomnia, and mood issues. I have a history of "manageable" back issues for years due to car accidents. These issues have increased and now know I have severe spinal stenosis at C4-C5, small herniated disc at L4-L5, and facet joint degeneration at L4-S1--all of which are being addressed via pain mgt. I thought the facet joint hip and butt burning were unbearable.....until I suddenly started having HORRENDOUS joint pain everywhere. It has been debilitating and I have been truly frantic about what is happening.

Then I came across this website and literally cried and laughed (not that any of this is funny). Admittedly, I have been a bit clueless about the totality of menopause. I was STUNNED to read all of these posts--so many of the responses could have been written by me. I promptly made an appt with my nurse practitioner and saw her yesterday. I love her and she patiently listened to my tearful story. We did blood work to rule out auto immune issues and she was both validating and reassuring during our HRT discussion as the possible next step. She prescribed a non-steroid anti-inflammatory and it has only been 24 hours and I feel some much grateful relief.

Clearly I have other issues going on with my back and have an appt with my pain management doctor on Friday. He is not yet aware of this new joint pain but will find out. I trust him and he is awesome, but let's face it.....he is a guy. No offense to the males in this world, but he will not get what I am experiencing despite his care and concern.

I am finally feeling some hope of pulling things together for an overall treatment plan to get my life back. THANK YOU to each of you for sharing your stories. I wish all the very best and will continue to follow this discussion!

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Again, I have severe neck issues from my profession. Try an epidural. They help so much and am overdue because I had to cancel my last apt because of Peri symptoms. I get my epidural next week, and it helps a lot
    • Posted

      Hi! Actually, I've had 2 lumbar epidurals and not alot of relief.....which led to the discovery of facet joint degeneration. We are still in assessment and planning stages for what's next. I appreciate your thought and glad you have found some relief!

    • Posted

      I hope you find relief Bri. Its hard enough we have to deal with a hormone imbalance.
    • Posted

      Good question , I believe its lidocaine injected into the cervical disks

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