Amazingly petrified
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Ok, so March time i had this PS problem & the pain was unreal i thought it was just like a lump from where i had been wearing tight bottoms & obv sweated but 2 of my work colleagues (both women too) told me to go to the Docs coz it got the point where i could hardly walk or drive & I did & he gave me those antibiotics.............. It went down, pain stopped..
NOW, its returned, i now have a tiny single hole that is just below this lump (yet i have zero pain). I noticed that i would bleed after doin a poo... got me scared...... its annoyingly strange!!! Also on like 3 occasions i had pus coming out of the hole (not sure whether its good or bad)
Went back to the docs & now i gotta have the surgery in Sept!
I think i may pass out, hospitals and me and pain dont mix. I am literally terrified but SO glad i found this website, i thought i was the only non overweight female who works in an office with this \"man-fied\" problem!
Please tell me that the surgery is ok & its not as bad as i am thinking it is........
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Sorry to hear you're having trouble with this, these pilonidals are a darn nuisance!! I'm also a women that is not overweight by any stretch of the imagination, I've lost count of the number of dr's who've said, oh this usually affects the men . . . !!
The hole you described that is draining blood and pus is a sinus - I had one before my first operation, in a way I saw it as a good thing as it means that the cyst will drain there instead of swelling up and becoming infected and needing painkillers. I ended up taping a piece of gauze over it when it was draining.
Have you seen your surgeon yet? Do you know what procedure you'll be having? Surgery will definitely be better than coping with it at the moment!!
The Dr told me to put something on it but i totally forgot what he said... whoops.
I just hope it doesnt return afterward, although i have no pain its slightly embarrassing and annoying!!
Yes it is embarrassing and annoying too - I've ended up just telling everyone I have a cyst over my coccyx that needs to be removed, so they call it my 'back' problem now!
Two weeks?? I will go insane. I have to work!! I have never had stitches before, having said that i have never had any operation before!! Its terrifying! I hope they knock me out with the anasthetic, i dont want one where i am awake, but i think i will be because its not major surgery! I would love to go Private, im para that ill get MRSA!
How long do you think it would be (from your experience) until i can start driving again?
I am so glad i am not alone! Thank God for this site!! We're all in the same boat!
Two weeks is about right for a closed excision, if you have an open one (no stitches) you're looking at a few weeks, maybe even a couple of months. A good website to get lots of information is - they explain all the procedures so you're aware of your choices, as well as recovery times, etc. I had my operation on the NHS, and it was under general which to be honest is the best way, they knock you out, it's like going to sleep, when you wake up it's all done and over. They won't do a pilonidal excision without a general, don't worry about that!
Hope this helps a bit? Nat x
Im countin down the days, worst of all, my parents go on holiday the DAY i have the op.... ill be home alone recovering! Hope i dont profusely bleed.
I think what im most scared of is the needles, the ambarrassment and the aftermath pain. Do they not give painkillers???
They do give you painkillers so don't worry about that, the embarrassment is pretty minor by then, when you're in hospital you're not an unique case, they've seen it all before so jus remember that
The aftermath pain isn't too bad either, you're more achey than anything from whatever position they put you in for the surgery. The needles are ok too, I promise. It is worth getting some stool softeners to take after the operation though, as your first bowel movement may be a long time in coming - the painkillers often cause a bit of constipation, but I found lots of fresh fruit and water helped, as do stool softeners. Don't worry, the whole thing will be so much easier than you're anticipating!!
Also, where do they stick the needle? Im 22 and i know i shall be crying!! A friend from work is going to drive me there & back, i am actually dreadin the journey home. The pain!
I just want to know everything before i go in there. I am really scared. Hospitals are not my favourite places! Im hoping ill go home the same day too, sort of like an in & out jobby!
Im startin to feel pain from it now... like when i put my weight on it!! Fantastic. I hope to God this doesnt come back again!
They'll put a wee needle in your left hand, it's pretty small and you probably won't feel it, then that's it!! I was worried about the journey home too, but the best way I found was to lie face down on the back seats - it's comfy that way and you don't have to try sitting. It probably will be a day surgery one too, mine was, in and out on the same day, although they do ask you to take pyjamas in just in case they want to keep you in overnight.
Don't worry about the pain too much now, you can just look forward to getting rid of it!! :D
How long does the surgery take?? Please tell me like 20 mins!!
Im dreading it more than ever now! Its worse than child birth & i havent got that far yet!