Amiodipine side efects

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My blood pressure sometimes is very high 196/110 most of the time 150/80 Dr did a 24hour test and said all was well as BP very often dropped to 120/70 and I had white coat syndrum. I have been on BP medication for years with some terrible side effects. I stopped taking Ramipril 10 and Lercanidpine Christmas 2016 have been sleeping well instead off watching the television all night rashes have nearly dissapeared from my arms and am now able to do my housework. Yesterday saw the nurse as I have developed problems breathing the fields are full of rape seed I am sure this is my problem but when the nurse took my BP it was 200/110 and has prescribed Amlodipine 5mg took the first one last night awake all night with horrific cramp in my left leg my eyes are very dry today and whether from lack of sleep or the pill  dont want to do anything today forgot I had a pie in the oven burnt to a cinder I could smell it cooking but didnt have the energy to check on it. I am going to take another pill to see if I again get the cramps. I cant see the point of taking medication just incase you have a stroke and feeling so bad.  regards Jacky      

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    Jacky, I sympathise and empathise with everything you say as, like you, I also suffer nasty side effects from, it seems, every BP drug on the market!  Losartan Potassium has been the best for me so far but every time they add a second pill, I seem unable to tolerate the side effects.  Amlodipine was the first pill I was prescribed some 3 years ago - after several months suffering with swollen and inflamed legs and ankles, which culminated in a diagnosis of varicose eczema, I was switched to another drug....and the saga continues as some 7 different pills later I am having quite a late reaction to Doxazosin with very swollen and uncomfortable ankles, feet and legs, also muscle pain and stiffness and breathless when walking.  I have the added complication of chronic kidney disease (have only one kidney) so that is at risk from both the high blood pressure and many of the pills themselves  I live in hope that there is a pill out there that will suit people like us!  I hope you find something soon but don't just remain on Amlodipine if side effects are too bad - I kept quiet for too long and the varicose eczema never went away.  Good luck!
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      Mrs O saw the nurse on Friday wanted to increase Arlodipine said I would not take it as up all night with cramp and felt I was walking above the floor, she spoke to a Doctor and am now taking Folpik XL 5mg so far dosent seem to be nasty side effects but blood pressure still high I expect when I go to see the nurse on Friday it will be increased to 10mg. One BP medication upset my kidneys now have blood tests to make sure they are working ok now. I have noticed this week the skin on my legs very dry. regards Jacky 
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      Alberta, I had to look that one up as I'd never heard of it.  Here in the UK it's marketed as Felodipine, so another calcium channel blocker like Amlodipine.  I hope this one proves successful for you.  How frustrating it is when we eventually find a pill that doesn't give us any side effects but doesn't reduce our BP either!  Which was the medication that upset your kidneys?  Have you heard of Doublebase Gel?  it's an excellent moisturiser and will help the dry skin on your legs.
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      I have been on so many BP meds that havent touched my BP. I remember my doctor telling me we will try this one it is for men with prostrate problems but has been seen to lower BP it caused me to have urine retention I had  been very busy and didnt realise I hadnt passed water all day until I had great pain swollen fingers hands and feet rang DR told to stop taking imediatley. Took a few days to get back to normal I was terrified I would end up with a catheter and all the water infections that go with it. this was then changed to Zestril didnt work until recently Ramipril 10 and  Lercanidipine 20 BP still very high couldnt see the point of taking drugs that were obviously not working and seem to be giving me breathing problems. Appt with nurse tomorrow 22/04/16 I have a bety with my husband she will increase Felodipine dose or prescribe a duretic BP has gone down  avarage 171/104 heart rate 81    fluctuating from 172/106 and 157/87  I have an appt with Asthma clinic at the end of may Graves disease has a lot to answer for. regards Jacky
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      Alberta, you didn't say which was the medication that upset your kidneys?

      I be the second pill I'm taking now is the one you took that was designed for men with prostate problems: Doxazosin.  Although it didn't have much effect on me for the first couple of months, I now have swollen ankles and feet and am breathless when walking.  The consultant knows but hasn't offered any advice.....other than to take a second Doxazosin at night if the BP doesn't improve!!!  I think then I could be at risk of experiencing worse swelling and urine retention as you experienced - that would be so very bad for my kidney function as I only have one and it is low functioning as it is!  I've been on Ramipril, Bisoprolol, Indapamide (the last two caused sudden sharp reduction in kidney function), Candesartan, Diltiazem and  Amlodipine, and now I'm not enjoying the Doxazosin side effects - just wish the Losartan would work on its own to reduce the BP as I'm getting just a little fed up.  Good luck to you for tomorrow's appointment.

  • Posted

    Please, do not be tempted to stop taking medication used to treat your blood pressure. You risk far more than stroke if it is left untreated; you potentially risk dementia, kidney disease, heart failure, aneurysms, damage to the eyes, cardiovascular diseases, and more.

    Because high blood pressure has many different causes it can take time to arrive at medications that work without significant side effects. Most of the people in these forums, myself included have been through a period of chopping and changing, with multiple trips back and forth to the doctor until suitable treatment was found, but it is important to stick with it.

    Unfortunately, because high blood pressure often causes no direct symptoms that might be felt day to day, many people are tempted to stop medication when they do suffer side effects from their medication, and this is a huge mistake. So many of the long term implications of untreated blood pressure are life altering and far more debilitating than feeling tired, muscle cramps, swollen feet and so on.

    You certainly should not suffer in silence and it is important to communicate with your doctor until a suitable treatment is found, but do not stop treatment without medical consultation.

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      Robert I think that after over thirty years I should now be on the right medication having been a nurse in my thirties and my mother having a stoke in her sixties but we have all got to go sometime and the side effects can make me feel so ill and unable to do so many things i.e light housework or climb the stairs. It is now almost impossible to see a doctor and am being prescribed by a nurse.


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