amitriptyline & weight gain

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Ive been taking amitriptyline for about a year for chronic tension headaches and i'm convinced they have made me gain weight. I've always kept an eye on my weight and i know how it can vary from day to day, but i always remained 2lb's either side of my ideal weight.

Since taking amitriptyline i've gained over half a stone, I even gained weight while trying to loose it! I've been eating around 1200 calories a day and still nothing!

I have asked several times at the doctors about this, and they all say that amitriptyline is not known for weight gain, but when looking on the internet it says that it is a well known fact, so i am quite confused.

Any help or advice would be great.

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  • Posted

    Hi I've been taking amitriptyline for around two months for chronic kidney pain. I've also noticed that I cannot control my weight. I don't feel that any food in the house is safe hehe!! I too eat 1200 calories a day and my weight never goes down, more up than down.

    Hope you don't feel alone smile

  • Posted

    Have you tried Propranolol. I was diagnosed with 'migrainous type headaches' by the Neurologist at my local hospital. Along with Sumatriptan for use at the onset of a migraine - which are now much reduced - I am taking 20 mg of propranolol 3 times a day. Like all medications they can have unwanted side effects: However, because of their beneficial effect in migraine frequency reduction I am qquite prepared for the 'trade off' up to date. These have been proved to be the most effective medications to date. I'm not saying that there aren't better ones - possibly with less side effects, but they CERTAINLY help me. I hope this helps YOU. X
  • Posted


    I started taking 120mgs of Amitriptyline for anxiety and then upped to 30mgs in November. Since then I have gained a stone in weight, despite watching what I eat and exercising 5 times a week. My weight would only go down by a pound after 8 weeks of this!

    I stopped taking it little over a week ago, and have lost 2 lbs! And that's with no excercise and eating whatever I want!!!! I have no doubt that this causes weightgain.

    • Posted

      Hi sarah32052

      I'm still taking ami and am only on 30mg. Have decided to reduce my dosage as the weight won't shift and doctors are reluctant to change my meds. So i have decided that the weight is actually causing more problems so will try to come off them. This is the third time o have been put on ami and the third time i have put on lots of weight. Need it to stop.

  • Posted

    Hi guys,

    I saw my doctor yesterday, I currently take citalopram for anxiety but they may be causing acid reflex. Was taking propranolol (beta-blockers) for migraines, but I'm nearly off these now. My headaches/migraine numb sensation in face and arm has come back.

    Been going to a chiropractor to work on my neck, but it hasnt worked.

    My GP has suggested taking amitriptyline to help with my headaches and anxiety/depression.

    After reading all the posts I'm scared to take it. I have already put half a stone on from taking the beta blockers. I'm 10 stone and 5ft 2 I can't afford to be any fatter. If I go back to my doctor she will say it's not an effect and it's not important but it is to me.

    Don't know what to do!! Help?

    • Posted


      Did you start taking it?  have you had any side affects?


  • Posted


    My name is Jenny and ive been taking Amitriptyline 25mgs for about a month now (1 a night) and I have definitely gained weight. I have been the same weight for the past 10 yrs+ with pregnancy being an exception. I have now in the past month gained 6kgs... I now am exercising heaps but it is making no difference. I also have a massive appetite now, sometimes i used to be able to even skip lunch and now i am having morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and still snacking in between. Im considering looking into appetiete suppresent medication cause the extra food is gonna start costing me a fortune.

    I was put on them to stop tension headaches as pain relief didnt work and it has worked wonders in that area. I used the have the maximum amount of headache tablets u could and would still have constant headaches and in the month ive taken these tablets ive maybe used headache tablets once a week. It has changed my life dramatically but I didnt think it would come with constant weight gain. Is it going to continue? Has anyone had it for a long period and gained weight the whole time or is it just at the beginning?

    I have noticed some instances where i sleep through my alarm or when im really tired during the day but usually a coffee or berrocca helps me wake up from it so its not too bad. To me its just the weight gain, I am very small so I could probably do with a bit more weight but only to a certain point. I dont have the time or money to go and buy new clothes that can fit. Plus whats with the weight going on my hips, why cant it make my tiny boobs bigger or at least the size and shape they were premotherhood lmao.

    Id love to hear peoples response to this as to what could help with the weight gain etc. Has really helped reading these other posts here too...

    From Jenny

    • Posted

      Hi Jenny,

      How are you doing now?  What are you taking for tension headaches, if anything and have you had success in losing the weight you gained?

      I too took it for tension headaches and works a treat but have been on it for around 3 years and whilst I wasnt losing weight I didnt really start gaining until around 6 months ago where I have gained nearly 10kgs sad  Would love to hear if you are having success or not!


  • Posted

    Hi Been taking amitriptyline for a few months after bad reaction to carbamazipine ,to control TN.Slowly having to increase doses .Currently on 25 to 35mg a day.Still seem to suffer chronic, mild but annoying symptoms, like numbness and tingling , also facial twitches and confusion. Anyway enough of that! Lets mention the weight issue..... have gained several pounds mostly around the middle, despite a poor appetite. Have wondered whether amitriptyline was to blame, if only because I cant stay awake in the evenings and have lost my energy.??Am all round SLOWER than usual. Some of this is possibly down to the sheer exhaustive nature of this damn condition , but I certainly think that the meds are a large factor in my weight gain AND general lack of tone(muscle) lately.Anyhelp to you ?
    • Posted

      Hi, thanks for the advise. I'm reluctant to take them I already have anxiety and self confidence issues. If I put weight on it will make me really down. Propranolol worked well for my headaches, but decided to stop because I gained half a stone. I've almost stopped and haven't lost any weight lol. Don't know what to do to be honest but I can't live with headaches everyday x
  • Posted

    I've been on 50mg of amytrip. to ease my fibro. It has definitely affected my weight. I've definitely been addicted to sweet carbs! I gained a couple of stone over two years. Today I do my best to eat healthily everyday. I tried to very slowly reduce my amytrip. dose until finally none at all. I have never felt so bad in all my life! It appears I will have to take this stuff to the end of my days. I find that shocking. I have to say logic tells me that if I eat less and move more I will indeed lose weight so I am going to try again. No matter how amytrip. might make me crave sweet carbs, make me feel hungry all the time or suppress my metabolism I am going to try.
    • Posted

      Don't fret Sarah.  I was on a smaller dose than you but I gave it up after only two months - I realised it was affecting my metabolism.  I am sticking with ordinary painkillers.  I started walking and watching what I  eat.  For sweet cravings I went for the sweet red grapes instead of sugary stuff.  I have managed to get rid of the extra weight and have built up my strength.  No way I will go back.  This is my individual choice but I advise you talk to your GP and reduce your dose.  Mine was 20mg at night and I just went cold turkey without any unbearable side effects.  As a matter of fact I feel more alive.  I am not saying this is the only way for everyone but you can find your own way.razz


  • Posted


    I have been taking this for around 3 years, off and on but mostly all the time, have tried to come off it couple times.  Went around 3 weeks without and then tension headaches came back so went back on it as stress at work increased again.  In the last 6months I have gained nearly 10kgs but nothing prior to that, just doubly hard to lose it even with high impact excercise and clean eating.

    I am currently consulting with doctor about waht else I could take as I am definately coming off this now!  but I wonder how easy it will be to lose the weight now?  anybody here lost what they have put on easily?

    Any other advice would be helpful and greatly appreciated, thank you!

    • Posted

      Ask about topomax, that's what I take for mirgranes. There's no weight gain as a side effect. The only real issue is that it might make you tired. I'm guessing the weight will come off once you stop taking the amitriptyline. I had a similar issue with weight gain when I was taking abilify and nothing helped until I stopped taking it. I lost the weight over a period of like 6 months or so. 
  • Posted

    I take topomax for my migranes. Weight gain is not a side effect. It might make you tired though. My doctors are thinking of putting me on amitriptyline for funtional abdominal pain, depression/anxiety and migraines so that I don't have to take so much medication, but I'm not liking that weight gain and constipation are side effects.

    I also had this same problem when I was taking abilify. I gained so much weight and no matter what I did it wouldn't come off and I kept gaining until I stopped taking it. I think your best bet is to talk to your doc about other options. 

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