amitriptyline withdrawal

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Hi all, i have tried unsuccessfully to withdrawal from amitriptyline twice.  every time i get down to 5mg i start with awful symptoms, bad headaches, nausea, belching, abdominal cramps, back ache and  my bowels get so upset they feel like they are swollen i get bloated have wind and abdomen feels bruised. has anyone experienced this also?   

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    I don't have good news. I've tried, seriously, to withdraw from amitriptyline quite a number of times - all under medical supervision - and ultimately been unable to successfully do so. By "successfully" I mean complete withdrawal to the point of no major symptoms. I've taken amitriptyline for many years as amitriptyline is, for me, the sole and only effective insomnia medication. My most recent attempt at withdrawal was in the Fall of 2016. After four months of titration down to five mg I had to give up, with the agreement of my psychiatrist. The only other thing I might try (with my psychiatrist's consent) would be a very, very much slower titration, perhaps three or four months per step down from the 25 mg at which I stabilized eight years ago. The withdrawal symptoms from which I always suffer are simply a recurrence of the major insomnia (less than three hours sleep a night for many weeks in succession) from which I've suffered since middle age. I know your symptoms are different, but it would appear that amitriptyline is a very powerful drug indeed which may affect individuals differently but almost always very strongly and deeply. To be contrasted with benzodiazepines - also prescribed to me for insomnia - to which I've become addicted many times and which I've always been able successfully to withdraw from. Hope this helps.     

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      Robert don,t give up hope. I do not have the problems with sleep like you have but, i have not been on this drug as long as you. I think you will have to go real slow xxx
  • Posted

    Hi Amanda, I quit amitriptyline cold turkey from 150mg per night for 18 years 20 months ago. I suffered horrendously for a year with insomnia, stomach cramps/stomach upsets, acute anxiety and depression. I was taking it for CFS and my doctor refused to continue prescribing it due to it causing me heart problems. I am just about coming out of the tunnel. For the stomach problems I followed the FODMAP diet for a while, it worked. I use Avena sativa drops for anxiety and sleep and also valerian tablets. It's been the hardest thing I've ever done and for a year I couldn't work, but I've done it. If your're reducing try a pill cutter then going to every other night. It won't be easy, they tell you amitriptyline is safe, it is until you are told to stop taking it and doctors in general are either unsympathetic or sceptical of the withdrawal symptoms. That's why we're on here for support. I wish you all the best. Diane

    • Posted

      Hi Diane, i am prescribed amitriptyline in liquid form which makes reducing easy. I have been on it almost 2 years but weaning off it for the last 10 months. Anxiety, nausea, cramps , headaches, bloating and belching have  all been an issue for me. Yes the Gp says it is not addictive, but the way it effects your brain and systems coming off it are similar to withdrawal symptoms. x
    • Posted

      Hi Diane

      So sorry to hear that you have had such a terrible time and especially coming off cold turkey I have done that with another medication and it is brutal and cruel, so glad you have come out the other side. I would be interested in knowing what heart problems it was causing if that is not too personal.

      i am so happy that you are off this medication my father was on it for migraines for decades and he passed away from a very rare form of dementia, it makes me wonder now if this drug was the culprit. 

      The research that that I have done on this medication has been quite vast as no Drs were acknowledging that my symptoms were from withdrawal when they couldn't figure out why I felt dizzy spacey vertigo they just ignored it some didn't tell them anything and did my own withdrawal. My last dose was a week ago so I am finally free of ami my withdrawal took about 21 months. I crushed my last 5mg pill in 50 ml of water every day and reduced it by 1 every day for 50 days, made it so much easier and smoother.

      Glad to hear that you have come out the other side I admire the strength that you have had to endure such a terrible time.

      talk soon 😁Xx

    • Posted

      It caused a heart attack after months of arrhythmia. My doctor refused to continue the prescription entirely. He also refused to believe that any of my symptoms were withdrawal. I knew they were and finding this forum really helped. Coming off it is hell but it can be done and your brain does readjust eventually. I wish everyone on here all the best in their recovery.
    • Posted

      They call it 'discontinuation syndrome' because you're not craving the drug just suffering because your brain has become dependent on it. They also say it lasts a maximum of two weeks. You only have to look on this forum to see that's rubbish. Good luck with the reducing. After 20 months my stomach is still suffering now and then, as is my sleep but things are much much better and I hope that will continue and that it will for you too.

    • Posted

      Hi Diane i agree my dr stated he had never heard of anyone having such symptoms, it is scary really. hope your symptoms fully resolve quickly.x
    • Posted

      Hi Sammy,

       I am sorry to hear about your dad. Unfortunately,this drug has been proven to cause dementia. I advise anyone to taper their mess because I didn't know of the extreme side effects of quitting this med cold turkey,but at the end of the day I'm glad I did it. There is no going back for me but it is a good thing to have forums like this for people to ask these questions before jumping in without doing the extensive research before doing so.

    • Posted

      Hi Turkessa 

      thankyou so much for your kind words, yes it does cause dementia such a cruel drug god knows how long my dad was on it decades dating back to the 1970's so sad to think that this medication could have caused so much grief.

      How long were you on Ami for? Congrats on being off and cold turkey wow that is both braves and cruel, so glad you have made it.

      And I agree totally that forums such as this are so important for people to get an overall look at what others have been through and also what lots of us have conquered which is by no means a small feat, but it can be done and it can be done in a doable slow symptom based taper which is easier on the body than a cold turkey. 

      I am extremely grateful to this forum as there are not many on Ami out there so this was a godsend to me.

      good luck with your continued journey of healing talk soon xxx

  • Posted

    Hi Amanda, Sheena, Dee, Diane 

    just checking in gin to see how everyone is going? Hoping this finds everyone in an ok place in their withdrawal. 

    Its been 2&1/2 weeks since I jumped off the Ami wagon and all is going reasonably well, I must say I am a little lethargic at times but slowly the energy is coming back. The anxiety raises its ugly head mainly when I am a passenger, I think it is a control thing lol. Quite a few aches that I didn't know existed that obviously the Ami was masking so just trying to ride through the pain at the moment.

    Its Amazing how much this medication dulled everything from pain to emotions I find it overwhelming to get glimpses of my old self that I never realised had taken a back seat for so long.

    wishing you all well in your withdrawal journey, I will stick around to see you all accomplish your goal.

    The snail definitely wins the race, hands down.

    talk soon xxxxxx

    • Posted

      Hi Sammy, Amanda, Dee & Diane,

                                                              I've been away from the internet for a couple of weeks and I'm just catching up with stuff now.  Sammy it's go good to see someone coming out the other side and starting to see the light.  I hope you continue to improve and get yourself back. 

                                                              Diane, I'm sorry you've had such a hard time of it.  It just shows how cruel it is going cold turkey.  

                                                              Amanda, where are you at now. The last I can see is 1.8mg.

                                                             Dee, I hope you are feeling better this week.

                                                             Well I have strayed from my system of cutting down by 2.5mg every 6 weeks but it's all going very well.  4 weeks ago I cut fro 10mg to 7.5mg as I was due to go to an 8 day Spinal Flow Retreat in Bali that was going to involve 8 days of juice fasting and 40 hours of healing sessions.  So, I thought I'd start getting rid of more Ami from my system before I got there.  I was on 7.5mg for 2 weeks before the retreat and was going ok but my body was just riddled with pain.  I persisted knowing that my body was going to get lots of help at the retreat.  Then when I got to the retreat we had a talk about cutting Ami even further so after 2 weeks on 7.5mg I cut to 5mg.  The retreat was so hectic (healing sessions and other activities packed in from 7am to 9pm every day for 8 days while fasting) that I didn't really notice how I was feeling on less Ami.  My sleep was pretty messy though and I only really got 4-5 hours per night.  Anyway I've been home for a week and have had the best 8hr sleep every night since I've been home.  I am feeling extremely healthy and some of the major pains in my spine are gone and others are now bearable.  I'm eating really healthily and still taking supplements.  Before I went on the retreat I was getting some weird stabbing pains in different parts of my brain but they seem to have gone now as well.  So, it's been 2 weeks on 5mg and I think I'll do at least 4 weeks before cutting down to 2.5mg.  Don't want to mess things up now.  I was almost tempted to cut Ami out completely at the retreat but I'm just so happy to be surviving well on 5mg.

      All the best to you all xox

    • Posted

      Hi Sheena, the retreat was probably very good for you. Glad you're feeling better. I'm much better in general thank you for asking. Sleeping is better and the anxiety only now and again compared to a year ago. I still take supplements and eat healthy too, I think it helps. I had random aching for months when I quit but it's long gone by now. Wish I could go to Bali but it's quite a way from London!

      Thank you again for taking the time to ask how I'm doing. If you have any questions if you reduce further I'm here to answer them. I am through the worst now and amitriptyline free.


    • Posted

      Hi Sheena OMG, look at you that,s amazing and i am glad you are not experiencing withdrawal symptoms i did when i dropped by 2.5 mg it was always too much for me. I agree with Diane the retreat has been good for you. I am currently on 1.4 mg. xx
    • Posted

      Hi sammy 

      Just read your comment I’m I’m going through exactly the same I was on 100mg and dropped down 25 at time. I have been ami free for almost 4 weeks. It’s going great but I have never been so tired I can’t keep my eyes open. I am also struggling with anxiety which I have not had since I was a teenager. I am glad I’m ami free and nothing can make me go back on them just can’t wait for this withdrawal to finish. Do u have any idea when we should start to feel normal again 

    • Posted

      Hi Sammy glad your ok and getting your old self back. I am now at 1.4 mg day 2 but again the nausea and anxiety have raised their ugly heads. I will order my last bottle of amitriptyline tomorrow and will continue to drop once the nausea stops and be free from this dru by January. x
    • Posted

      Hi Sheena, Amanda, Dee, Diane and everyone else who has joined us!!

      Wow Sheena so glad you found the retreat helpful and in a beautiful place in the world to heal, we are definitely lucky to have Bali so close. I am so pleased that this worked so well for you. I hope your sleep continues to be good and good quality sleep as well it makes the world of difference.

      Amanda 1.4 you are so doing this, well done I too still get the nausea every now and then but it soon passes. Not long until you are completely off and 2018 will be the start of a new med free life.

      Diane glad to hear you are continually improving it gives us all hope and encouragement that all will events return to a somewhat normal state.

      i am now just on from week 3 with no Ami everything is so far quite mild in the scheme of things my sleep is getting better but still waking multiple times a night. I just try and keep myself very activye to keep my mind off of how I feel but overall it is very doable.

      i am so pleased to see so many of us making such great progress it goes to show that with great advice and knowledge and endless support we can all come through this relatively ok.

      talk soon xxxx


    • Posted

      Hi Danielle

      100mg !! Amazing feat in coming off such a high dose. So pleased for you. How long had you been on ami for? And over what time frame did you come off? Just good to know especially for others reading this forum it gives them an idea of how we are all so different and all come off at different rates.

      i can so relate to the relief of being off, it is an amazing feeling to know never again will I touch this horrid medication.

      who knows how long it takes to feel normal again there are so many variables that come into play. I feel mostly good but have times when the nausea shows itself or the anxiety rears its ugly head, but knowing that these are all caused by ami withdrawal makes you more aware and how to calm yourself down especially with the anxiety. 

      I think looking back over the past few weeks I can feel myself getting healthier and feeling fitter and the aches and pains are slowly diminishing.

      i take supplements and have a wonderful naturopath/microbiologist who understands withdrawal from all sorts of medication so this has made my journey so much easier.

      Wishing you well in your continued journey of healing we will all get there.

      talk soon. Xxx


    • Posted

      Hi Sammy, Amanda, Dee, Diane and everyone else who's here,

      Sammy, you'd be about a month completely off Ami by now, I hope you are feeling great.  

      Amanda, how's it going?  Are you still on 1.4?

      I am still feeling great after the retreat.  Still eating extremely healthily and following everything I learned on the retreat.  If it makes this a pain free withdrawal I will do whatever it takes.  I'm just over 4 weeks on 5mg and still sleeping better than I was even on the higher doses of Ami.  I've NEVER slept this well, a good solid 8 hours a night.  The pain levels are still good and manageable. I just don't do a lot of sitting now as that really starts off the back pain.

      Anyway, I'll do another week of 5mg then I'll be ready to take the plunge down to 2.5mg.  I think I'll stay there for 4 weeks then start to do 2.5mg every second night before coming off completely.  That's the plan anyway.  I am feeling so good I'd like to speed it up but don't want to mess things up now.

      Lets hope we are all Ami free, healthy and happy for 2018 :-)


    • Posted

      Hi Sheena, Sammy, Dee, Diane and all, i am now on 0.8 mg its tiny but still not feeling so good anxiety persists and slight nausea but there is other thinngs i am worried about so dont think it is ami. i will stay here another 2 days then drop to 0.5mg. xx  
    • Posted

      Hi Amanda

      You are so close now. What a long journey this is. There is so much that Ami does to us as we are coming off it but good idea to get other things checked out if you are not feeling right. Keep plodding on, you're almost there.

    • Posted

      Hey Sheena, Amanda, Diane, Dee

      You are correct Sheena Friday I hit the 4 week mark and I am feeling pretty good, sleep is slowly getting better I worked out that taking magnesium at night gives me energy so I don't sleep as well so take all magnesium in the morning I probably get about 5/6 solid hours of sleep which is far better than it was. Like you I eat very clean and healthy and do lots of exercise which I have found helps enormously. I still have the odd buzzy/spacey feeling every now and then but that too is lessening and tinnitus is still there but at times sounds quite dull (would love for that to go completely) Ami obviously acts as a painkiller so without it I have a lot of lower back pain.

      but overall doing really well.

      Glad to hear that you are doing so well and have dropped so much you are nearly there and 2018 is looking very bright for you.

      Amanda wow you are doing so well not long before the Ami is history and the real healing begins, the anxiety will hopefully lessen as time goes on I still get a little of it from time to time especially if I have over done it and am tired. Be patient with yourself this has been a long hard journey for us all but you are getting there.

      Hoorah to all of us for making this monumental effort to rid ourselves of this poison and I raise my glass to your continued bravery in your journeys. The light for all of us is sure looking brighter for 2018.

      Stay safe and we'll talk soon xxx

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