amitriptyline withdrawal

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Hi all, i have tried unsuccessfully to withdrawal from amitriptyline twice.  every time i get down to 5mg i start with awful symptoms, bad headaches, nausea, belching, abdominal cramps, back ache and  my bowels get so upset they feel like they are swollen i get bloated have wind and abdomen feels bruised. has anyone experienced this also?   

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    I really understand where you are coming from, Amanda.  Although I didn't get down as far as you, I had to face the reality that I may not make it all the way off.  My reason for going on it years ago was panic and anxiety attacks, and I found myself right back there after I got down to almost 10mg.  I had to go back up, and have not been able to cut back again yet.  My son, who is a doctor and toxicologist, asked me if I want to be miserable for the next several years trying to go off of it - and also said if I was going to have long term effects from it, then that had probably already happened since I have been on it over 20 years.  Looking back, there were times I didn't feel great on it, but when I started trying to go off, I have basically felt bad most of the time.  I have had other health problems - connected or not (diverticulitis followed by diagnosis of silent acid reflux).  I have totally stressed over each one - abnormally so, and I think part of the reason is from trying to go off amit.  I am now at a little over half of the 25mg - doing pretty well, but still have anxiety more than when I was on the full 25.  Maybe if you do decide you have to go back on, you can make it at a lower dose.  I guess it is kinda the quality vs quantity - I don't want to live the rest of my life being miserable.  Right now I will stay where I am and enjoy life each day.  Prayers and best for you in making this decision.  You have worked so long and hard to get where you are, I know it is so difficult to think about going back.   

    • Posted

      Hi Dee i am sat here crying typing, some of my friends have said the same to me it has to be quality of live not quantity.  I have not been myself for a year i blame the drug but, it may have  been the withdrawal all along.Before amitriptyline i was in a right state the constant nerve burning pain, and here i am again free from the drug but in pain. x 
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      Hi Dee still not back on Amitriptyline, i am trying distraction to help and mindfulness, i knew the pain would return as the drug never fully helped but, did help loads. i will take one day at a time and see how i go. xx
    • Posted

      Hi Dee how are you doing?

      It is day 19 for me still off the drug, feel rubbish, really low and anxious the last 9 days have been pretty bad with some nausea but mainly abdominal cramps and bloating and continuous back ache, i know i have hurt my back but this is constant aching. I am currently googling all sorts thinking the Amitriptyline must have been masking some  bowel cancer or something else just as sinister. My neck is so tense and i have headaches which the Naproxen and paracetamol and Codeine do not touch.  How are your bowels have they settled since you increased? xx  

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      Things have settled well for me - and I feel like I am enjoying life for the first time in over 6 months.  After my diverticulitis attack, it took me about 3 or 4 weeks to get back to normal bowel-wise.  During that time I obsessed about my health and had the anxiety attacks that first put me on amit - basically nonfunctional.  I think the thing that helped my bowels most get back in order was adding another probiotic - this one having many more strains in it.  Or maybe going back up slightly on the amit calmed me down a little - who knows!   Stress can definitely  cause the diverticulitis, so the stress and anxiety I had from cutting down on the amit probably contributed.  At my age (74) I am thankful for each day that I have and have almost assumed the attitude that I will do what I need to do to enjoy each day.  Yes, I may try to go down on amit but will wait until I am sure I have all other conditions under control.  I feel like if amit is going to be a factor in causing dementia (which is the reason I decided to come off), it probably has already done that  - I have never been on a higher dose than 25mg - and am now on about 14 mg.  I know it is a tough decision - if someone could just say, "it takes ___ days and then you will be fine", we could do this.  Very best to you.  

    • Posted

      Hi Dee, quality does out way quantity of life i think. Life is for living, the last 2 years of my life have been my worst, i have been on ami for the last 2 years. Amitriptyline was not the cause of my initial symptoms and actually helped me. I am 46 and want my life back now, if my symptoms persist and i end up back on this drug so be it, like i said it helped me. I was only supposed to be on it a year to allow my nerve endings to calm, as you know it took 11 months to get off 10 mg. So i am going to adopt a different out look, take each day as it comes and try and enjoy life. Take care xx  
    • Posted

      Prayers for you as you struggle with this and the best thing to do.  It is such an individual decision that has to include so many individual factors that no one else can totally relate to.  We each have our own set up symptoms and priorities and no one's decision is right or wrong - just has to be what is right for you as an individual.


  • Posted

    Hi all....

    Two months ago a doctor prescribed amitriptyline for me 25 mg after one month i went on 10 mg ... And its been like 5 days iam off and litterally it is imposible for me to go to sleep at night. Rolling in my bed for 4 hours straight after i finally sleep i cant sleep for more than 5 hours.

    Iam thinking going back on it and gradually coming off. Its like hell at night

    • Posted

      Hi Binar, Welcome!

      Sorry to hear that. This drug is very strong. I used 25mg of this drug for 7days, then 10mg for 2months and 3weeks. I stopped the drug cold turkey and had a lot of problems (insomnia, anxiety, panics, palpitation, brain zap etc). I am off now for 11 months. I am now 95% back as human and still having headaches some days due to this drug.

      I would advise you to not retake the drug. If you retake the drug, it will make it more difficult for you. Get some supplements (magnesium, fish oil and go to the gym). You will be fine, your sleep will come back slowly, do not try to rush, take things very easy and keep in mind that you will be fine again 

    • Posted

      Hi binar..I have been off Ami for about two months now and I am still suffering with sleep first I couldn’t sleep at all and this went on for a couple of weeks it was I can sleep for three hours and the rest of sleep is has got better than what it was but it’s been a very slow debilitating process and it’s still on going..

      Maybe get some Magnesium Glycinate this sometimes can help you relax and sleep but no just seems to take time to get better and it’s not a quick process..hope you start feeling better soon X

    • Posted

      Binar how are you doing now. i was also on it for a very short time. sleep off it became non existant. 2.5 months off and no improvements . hope you are sleeping now?

  • Posted

    Thank you amanda for you replay.

    I had visited the doctor because as far as i remember when i ever i felt a sleep especially in a dark room i would get sleep panic attack strong enough making me shake like a child and terrified. You suggest me to not go back on it again. You cant imagine my situation because it is like hell to roll in your bed for 4 hours. Thank you for the advice and will try to stay off and keep you updated

    • Posted

      Hi Binary,

      Welcome on here. I took amitriptyline 150mg a night for 18 yrs and stopped cold turkey about 18 months ago. I too went months without sleep, had panic attacks constantly and also general flu-like aches and stomach upsets. Things are beginning to improve but I do know the hell of not sleeping. If you feel you need to go back on it then taper slowly do so, you know your own situation. In my case it was affecting my heart and my doctor just refused to give me any more. Avena sativa drops are good for anxiety. The medical profession seem very unaware of how badly coming off this medication affects people and my symptoms have never been accepted as being caused by it but when I found this forum I knew they were. It does get better though, slowly. Take care, Diane

    • Posted

      Meant binar. Spell check problem!
  • Posted

    Iam sorry

    By amanda i ment amandolev

    Very sory

    • Posted

      Hi Binar, i have twice gone back up to  10 mg during my 11 month reduction from 10 mg to 0 mg. I had awful symptoms which is why i went back up. I was advised  not to keep doing this as this drug affects chemicals in your brain and you really should not  mess further. However, you  can go back on and do a really slow taper. You will eventually still go through the withdrawal type effects of this drug in the end but, by slowly tapering  the symptoms should not be so severe. I had a wobble a few days ago thinking i am going to go back on the drug as having awful cramps, slight nausea, bloating, back ache, head aches that pain killer do not touch. It can take months to get back to normal, many of my friends have said just stay on it as quality of life has to be better than quantity of life. I have come such a long way getting off the drug and TBH yes it has been a struggle at times but, i need to wait and see if things improve. My anxiety is through the roof, i keep crying and  keep thinking all this abdominal pain must be cancer or something sinister and maybe the amitriptyline was masking it. I am day 19 free of Amitriptyline the first  9 days were good the last 10 have been awful. You know you best you make your own mind up. Sleep has never really been an issue for me, this drug effects us all very differently. keep us posted xxx

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