amitriptyline withdrawal

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Hi all, i have tried unsuccessfully to withdrawal from amitriptyline twice.  every time i get down to 5mg i start with awful symptoms, bad headaches, nausea, belching, abdominal cramps, back ache and  my bowels get so upset they feel like they are swollen i get bloated have wind and abdomen feels bruised. has anyone experienced this also?   

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    Hey Amanda, Sammy, Sheena, Paula etc.

    So I am going back to the doctor because I'm still having withdrawal cycles. That's what i am calling them. I will feel great for 2.5 weeks then have 10 days where I feel up and down (headaches, nausea anxiety ) then I'll be back to great. Did anyone else experience a pattern? It's like clockwork ..very weird🤔 I know all our experiences with this drug is different but has anyone noticed a pattern or cycle like me...

    Thank you ?

    • Posted

      Hi Tiffany, that is weird but I'm happy that you are getting the symptom free days. Let's hope they take over the other days soon. I'm still struggling with sleep and bring sent insane by the post nasal drip that never eases but apart from that I'm good.

    • Posted

      Hey Tiffany,Amanda, Sheena

      sorry to hear you are having these issues but know that you are not alone, I too am having nausea issues on and off. I have been off this medication for 44 weeks now and whilst I do have gaps where I feel ok, I still am susceptible to stomach and nausea problems maybe it the immune system that needs boosting. My sleep is a little better so that's a good thing. I've stopped going to naturopath as it is so expensive and my digestive system  got so sensitive that everything seem to aggravate it, so just sticking to fruit/veg good food etc and hope that time will heal. I have ETD which I think was caused by this med so I am reluctant now to take anything, my trust in the medical profession has taken a battering and I just don't trust their judgment when it comes to medication. 

      I hope you find a solution to you problem Tiffany wishing you


    • Posted

      Hi Sammy. I have now developed burning tongue syndrome which is a product of anxiety. Have you ever experienced this during your withdrawal? Currently at 5mg and that’s when all my withdrawals started. Presently waiting for a compounded creme of amitripyline to reduce even further. Don’t know what to take to lessen this burning sensation on my tongue and lips and itching on my face. 
    • Posted

      H Sammy, Sheena and all, i am having a difficult time and have to make a difficult decission. As you are all aware I was put on Amitriptyline for nerve pain in January 2016 and came off it in Decemeber 2017. It was a struggle to get off it but, i did is as did we all. My nerve pain was back related and in December 2017 my back problem returned.  Not only did it return but, it has progressed and is so much worse, i have sciatica in both legs which, i have had since May 2018 even though was having physio at the time and have had since January and am still having physio. It is hard to do my job but, i do and it is hard to live a meaningful life as the pain is so horrific, i cry daily longing to be able to live a normal life. I cannot do any exercise, i go to work , am miserable and in pain, come home and lay on the floor all evening. I am on a cocktail of drugs which, help a little but, my GP says i have exhausted all options and he has prescribed Amitriptyline again. I am taking another evil drug Gabapentin which, too messes with your brain chemicals but, sadly does not ease my nerve pain.I am currently weaning off of gabapentin having been on it 58 days. I have been referred to orthopedics re my back and go 18th sept so, i am holding off taking the Amitriptyline until then. But, if this is still all due to the same old herniated disc in 2016 then sadly i will have no choice but, to go back on Amitriptyline. My main fear is  as this back problem is far worse than before,  the Amitriptyline may not work so i will have to wean off it again whilst enduring such pain. I would go back on it if it guarenteed me being pain free, even though it made my resting heart rate 98 bpm, gave me a dry mouth causing BMS, made me gain weight and may  increases my risk of developing dementia not to mention causing liver problems. I would rather have have a much shorter pain free life than a prolonged painful one.  So, this is where i am at present, hope you are all well. x 
    • Posted

      What an awful decision to have to make, Amanda. I can quite understand the dilemma. I was given Ami for fibromyalgia and it seemed to work like magic. 20 years later I'm really worried it's badly affected my short term memory. I'm also trying to come off seroxat. The wd effects have been terrible and I'm struggling with depression but really can't face the idea of increasing the doses again. It sounds amazing that you're still at work. How have you managed? Hugs!

    • Posted

      Hi catali, i do mindfulness to help me cope and take the cocktail of drugs to help me  carry on working, tbh if i was not on naproxen and cocodamol i would not be able to work. I love my job and working and keeping moving takes my mind off this awful pain. I know how you feel re the long term effects of amitriptyline  i too worry about the long term effects of any drug. But, as things stand i feel a little desperate the constant pain is wearing and making me sad. I want to live again ;( 
    • Posted

      Amanda, I an so sorry that you might have to go back on amitriptyline again. I know how hard it was for you to get off it in the past.  Please let us know how you make out on the 18th at your doctors appt. I'm not sure it would work the same, but you know best what your body needs.  I concur with the AMI causing my resting heart rate to hover around 100, dry  mouth, BMS, weight gain, constipation, dry eye....and the list goes on and on. We'll be thinking of you on Sept 18th. You have been such a help for me.  x

    • Posted

      I'm so sorry to read you are in so much pain Amanda. I hope they have other options aside from the Ami on Sept 18th. You worked so hard to come of that drug...But on the other hand if taking the Ami can help you with your severe pain so you can enjoy life it is worth it. Either way I hope you find some relief soon?? thinking of you!

    • Posted

      Thank you Sammy?? I have heard from a few other ladies who have experienced cycles of on and off nausea too...Ugh why do the prescribe drugs they don't fully understand. Hopefully time will heal our tummies. The cycles were getting MUCH better...then I came off my 5htp pills which messes with your brain chemistry...I'm thinking that is why I was feeling SO sick. I have not felt that bad since stopping the Ami.... My naturopath said I may feel slightly unwell considering how sensitive I am...I didn't think it would be Ami bad😓 so hopefully the 5htp was the issue. *Fingers crossed* I hope you are having some good days Sammy and thank you for all the support

  • Posted

    During withdrawal I have now developed burning tongue syndrome and a very itchy face especially around my mouth. Has anyone dealt with this before. I researched it and it seems it’s a side effect of anxiety. 


    • Posted

      hi  nancy, wow i also developed BMS the tip of my tongue during withdrawal. This happened in June when i was at 5 mg of amitriptyline. I did not make the connection as was told it was due to anxiety and believe me i was anxious. My tongue no longer burns but, the tip has lost some of its normal sensation. I went to  the dental hospital who diagnosed this x 
    • Posted

      WOW Amanda....thank you SO much for getting back to me so quickly.  I am also at 5 mgs....and that's when it started. I did some research and it is indeed related to anxiety.....and my anxiety is so heightened because of the withdrawal process. Thank you for the reassurance that it will, in time, go away.  I see my dentist in 2 days for a routine cleaning and will ask them about it also.  To know that you also had this and I am not going mad brings me much reassurance while I go though this. xo

    • Posted

      Its OK Nancy, it is horrible and hard to deal with. I cried loads as joined a group of FB called BMS and many of the people on it have had a burning tongue for 5 plus years, so was really down. The dental hospital stated i may get flares when anxious and i have had one since it ended but, it only lasted a few days.  For me it was anxiety and i am currently not suffering from anxiety xxx
    • Posted

      Hi i haven't had the burning tongue but nausea but I have a hh and I'm sure ami has made it worse also morning anxiety I never had b 4 taking this terrible drug I 've dropped from 25mg to 15 and really struggling is their a light at the end of the tunnel

    • Posted

      Anita, I come here often to get help and support for going through this terrible withdrawal ordeal. There is strength in numbers and with each story I gain enough motivation to stick this out and carry on.  I wish you well through this journey and that we all see glimpses of the light at the end. Hang in there and never give up! We can do this! One day at a time!

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