Amlodipine 5mg

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Have been on Amlodipine 5mg and Losartan 100mg for 6 months and whilst my blood pressure is the best it has been in years, I now find that I have very distinct 'floaters' in my eyes which appear to be getting worse. Has anyone experienced similar problems with Amlodipine at 5mg dosage. The 'floaters' are driving me mad!

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10 Replies

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    I have been on losartan for about 14 years. It is one of the few drugs that has not given me much in the way of side effects but we are all different. I was on amlodipine initially and pleaded to be taken off it due to side effects. Other drugs from that family were not much better but did not cause me floaters. Almost as soon as I was prescribed Amiodarone I started to have floaters (sometimes in the shape of a leaf other times in the shape of an island). The right eye was worse than the left. After I stopped Amiodarone they slowly went away. I was again prescribed amiodarone over a year later and the floater returned.  

    My GP says that he has one in the shape of a telephone and he only takes statins.

    I would initially make an appointment with an optician


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    Why do you think it is the medication that has caused the floaters, couldn't it just be coincidence that you connect them with the Losartan?  I have been taking Losartan 50mg for 7 months with no side effects having initially been on Ramipril for 4 months which gave me a nasty cough. I declined amlodipine [or any other calcium channel blocker] as I like to start the day with grapefruit and you can't with a ccb, even though the CCBs are a first choice med if you are over 55 yrs.  I have had floaters [spiders actually!!] for some years now and was just informed of the fact [although I already knew] when I had my annual eye test.  I wasn't aware floaters were a problem although flashes are. I did have a cataract which was removed in 2010.  I was told  later the floaters are still there, they don't go away but they do move about and sometimes you notice them and sometimes you don't.  When I first saw the 'spiders' I was constantly trying to catch them.!!!
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      Losartan is one of the few drugs not to give me side effects and I was first prescribed it nearly 14 years ago.
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    I've been on 10mg of Amlodiping since the beginning (approx 8 months) and luckily, I've not had any side effects smile that I know.

    It might be best with getting your eyes checked at your local opticians.

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    Thanks everyone.  It may just be a coincidence and I will certainly make an appointment with the optician.  Ramipril  also gave me a nasty cough so switched to Amlodipine.  Have not know anyone that I have talked to not having the cough association.
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    I can validate what you say here.  I had a lot of problems with Amlodipine and Perindopril.  They eventually gave me problems with urinary issues, pain in weeing and so on.  I stopped for a while and the pain and issues went away but as I stopped for a year or so my blood pressure was going through the roof.  I restarted some months ago and even increase the dose of Amlodipine from 5g to 10g following the advice of a young GP.  Result: I am in a hotel room in Strasbourg on a road trip with my family and a horrible floater has appeared for no reason in my right eye.  It is like a thin worm high up in the visual field to the right.  When I look left it "unrolls" itself, so it is like a worm that rolls and unrolls as if it were a moving curved eyelash.  I am very worried and will try to see an opthamologist or optician tomorrow morning here in France.  I am thinking it is the Amledopine.  I will discover tomorrow if my retina is startng to detach or if there is no reason for it.  I will stop both blood pressure drugs for three weeks to see if this floater business disappears.  Just because the side effect is rare does not mean that we do not have it.  Back to the earlier side effect, yes it came back again with the drugs but as I know it is due to them (almost certainly) it does not bother me as much (for example my PSA is very low and my prostate is very small and the problem went away when I went off the drug, the thing is complicated as I was undergoing an Atkins type diet that brought my weight down from obese to overweight borderline with normal (I went from 108 KG to 93 KG, currently I am 103 KG, I am six foot one inches tall and 54 years of age).
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      Amiodarone gave me floaters. They eventually went away when I stopped taking it and returned when I again started to take it.
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    I have been taking amlodipine for 6weeks now and yes I have experienced floaters thought it was just me
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    I have been taking amlodipine for few years and do not think floaters are due to that.

    I also have floaters but my opthalmic consultanant linked it to age related issue.

  • Posted

    I realise this is an old thread but wanted to add my experience in case other sufferers look in. I am 53 and started Amlodipine 6 months. Almost immediately I suffered with floaters. They have progressively gotten worse over this time. I think it is easy for doctors to explain this away as being linked to age. This drug is not usually prescribed until 55 plus so is convenient to explain away in this fashion. Seems like far too much of a coincidence to start just as I start taking this drug. I am also on 10mg Ramipril, metformin, gliclazide. I have never experienced any side effects from any of these. Indapamide is the only drug I've had a problem with causing nausea.

    These floaters have diminished my quality of life immensely. They do their job perfectly but at what cost. I shouls stop and see if this condition is reversible or even stems the seeming onslaught of floaters.

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