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Wow...didn't realize that amlodipine and toprol xl had a side effect issue.  Dangerously low blood pressure.  No wonder why my doctor said to monitor my blood pressure.  Anyone else taking these two together?  Any issues with taking them together?

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi todd70383..I think you my have taken your doctors suggestion about taking your bp readings, a little over the top.When taking bp medications, it's always a good idea to monitor your bp, so you'll have readings to take back to the Dr. on your next visit. Also, taking the readings at home will tell you if your pressure is still too high or dropping too low. Toprol XL is a beta blocker. which helps lower the heart rate & the intensity of which it beats. If you read up on this, you'll see exactly what it does, & yes, it helps lower bp, as well as the Amlodipine. There are a lot of complaints about Amlodipine in this forum, but that doesn't mean you will have them. Everyone is different. I for one, cannot take Amlodipine anymore.

    We're on this forum to help each other, but we are not, nor do we profess to be doctors. 

  • Posted

    I am only taking amlodipine, and so far only for two weeks.  my blood pressure has fallen to within the normal range from being in the high 180's , i have some fluid retention around the ankles..also the pills slow me down physically..I am going for another BP check in a month.If the retention persists i think they will prescribe something else. It sounds like you need to talk to your doctor again, there are probably alternatives to the current combination which will suit you.

    i hate taking pills, but dont want to be disabled by a stroke either.

    • Posted

      Hi gill72653. I'm glad to 'hear' that your bp has fallen to within the normal range...& in just 2 weeks. How awesome is that!!! Fluid retention while taking Amlodipine is a very common side effect. IF the fluid should spread to your legs..& should consult your Dr. As I mentioned in an earlier post to you, 2 weeks is very early in the game. Keep an eye on your bp...& most certainly, on the fluid retention. I'm not saying you bp will go up, just suggesting you keep an eye on it. Remember, "White coat Syndrome" is very very common too. YOur bp could have been high just because you were at the Dr.

      The diastolic number (bottom)is just as important as the Systolic (top number). I'm not suggesting for a moment that you take your bp readings several times/, not at all...perhaps just once or twice per week. Keep a record...if there's any spike in the readings, don't get anxious about it. Wait a day or so, take the readings again..but be sure to be relaxed when doing so, or you won't get the readings you hope for. IF the reading is still high, call the Dr.

    • Posted

      thanks for the message mike, My blood pressure was high for a long time before i went to the doctors, i try to sort everything out via lifestyle changes and herbal medicine but big changes take time and sometimes we have to live with stress until we can make the  changes. I am hoping to wind my business up this year and retire..I hope that will do the trick. In the meantime i am taking amlodipine, but now the hawthorn trees are in leaf i am also drinking hawthorn tea and going to dry some leaves for the winter.  Thanks for the encouragement.
  • Posted

    Well this it.  Last day on this med.  Moving to a diuretic now.  Low dose.  Had swelling in the feet and ankles area.  Doc said it is a side effect and decided to remove me from the med.  I will miss it's BP lowering aspects.  I cant recall when I was at 121/75 before.  Afraid I may never be there again...

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