ANA insight?
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About me and my symtoms: I have been seeing a doctor for 5 years being in a state of constant fatigue. I have anxiety and after reading over my medical charts when I switched to this new doctor, he attributed my health to stress. However, I feel blue only when I my fatigue has been relentless. I have terrible muscle spasms in my back and neck that come and go I have had psoriasis for 22 years. My hair is becoming more and more brittle, breaking so much that it won't grow. In the last couple of months my quality of sleep has been even worse. It's like I want sleep ALL day and when it's bed time, I realize it's morning and I felt as if my eyes were closed all night but I received no actual rest despite dreaming periodically throughout the night. My left eye has been twitching daily for over a month. I know it all sounds like anxiety, but I know it's bevause I'm so drained. I've had brain fog pretty bad these last 2 years. It's so difficult for me to concentrate, complete anything, find the right words, etc. It's getting worse as my quality of sleep worsens. My latest symptom has been a very dull ache in my knees and especially my ankles. It is there all day, but more noticeable when I'm trying to rest. I love being active, but cannot hardly do anything or accomplish anything anymore. When I do exercise I injure myself easily. I LOVE to exercise so this is a big problem. Anyway...
I received;
Positive ANA Screen IFA
Anti-nuclear AB Ritter is at 1:40
I'm not to familiar with this, but my symptoms began at 21 and I'm now 28 and so sick of not being able to live my life the way my soul wants me to due to the constant fatigue and weakness. Its hard because I have known something isn't right for so long, and I just feel like no one can relate or give me answers. At least the new doctor is running tests and trying now.
I haven't had a call back from the doc yet. I'm reading and it looks like common sense points toward testing for Lupus as well as a few other things. Should I bring this up when I go in or just wait?
I get Psoriasis and redness on my fave at times, but I'm thinking it's not what the malar rash deacribes.
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sweetmelissa bearsoup
It sounds like you could possibly have something going on, but I'm not too sure your doctor is going to be worried it, as your titter is only 1:40, which is very, very low. It's actually normal for some healthy people to have a low ANA. Have you had your thyroid levels tested yet? Your symptoms are very similar to hyperthyroidism... This would be a good place to start. If your thyroid comes back good, then you should ask your doctor to test you for the antibodies for Lupus, but he may, or may not, being your ANA is so low. Also.. do you live in an area where ticks are highly populated? If so, Lyme disease is also something to be looked into..
bearsoup sweetmelissa
I was often bit by ticks as a kid as I lived in the woods. I found a tick on me later around 20 ish, but I didn't have that bullseye rash they talk about. It's very frustrating because I know there's an answer. I just hope to find it. I'm so very tired of being tired. My 20's have been so depressing with this fatigue and junk.
anne35710 bearsoup
I don't know if you have looked at psoriatic arthritis? Very much like lupus, fatigue, pain, etc.