Anal fissure

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Since I was on antibiotics after a short stay in hospital late-May, I have had issues with bowel movements... thus creating hemorrhoids. I've been using cream after each bowel movement and the hemorrhoids aren't as aggressive. There were even some days where there was no pain or blood after bowel movement. I have also been using baby wipes to clean the area instead of toilet paper as recommended. 

But after the past few days bowel movements are excruciating! There isn't always blood present, but most of the time their is. I believe it's an anal fissure after examination. There is even a little skin tag - after Googling this is looks to be a chronic fissure with a sentinel pile.

How do I speed up the healing process!? I have started to include more fibre in my diet and will be eating much healthier from now on. I have also started to increase water intake. Is there a cream I can buy to help heal this? I want to avoid the doctor if I can for another week at least to see if I can clear this up - if not, I will admit defeat and see my doctor.

Photo in comments.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    I use P-cool Cream and Xylocaine 5% Ointment and consume Pilon Tablets whenever i have pain or inflammation .

    I am not a doctor nor do i have any medical degree i am a victim of internal hemorrhoids and mucosal prolapse . It is just out of my experience dwelling with these diseases that i am giving this reply

  • Posted

    Nifidipin cream will help fissures and good diet...
  • Posted

    Gtn cream from your GP

    Also movicol twice a day 

    Fiber lots of water 

    I also used proktis m cream 

    Sitz baths with coconut oil and Epsom salts - when my fissure was at its worst I pooped in the sitz bath and then filled it back and bathed the area 

    Crazy however bert bees lip balm was a life saver !!! 

    The one with peppermint 

    My fissure has now healed however still do the same routine daily 

    • Posted

      how would you apply the bert bees lip balm?

      And how much water a day would you drink?

      will try all this you surgested .

  • Posted

    Hi Kasey, Try using and taking more olive oil this will ease thing out a lot better, but taking 2 table spoons of olive is very good for you even when your better.

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