Anal fissure bum cheek throbbing

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Hi all. I am a 23yo female.

I was diagnosed with an small anal fissure last year, which comes and goes.

I’ve been lucky, with mine, I get the sharp pain like passing glass when the first bit of the stool passes but am ok after that, I will then have blood in the stool and bright red blood when I wipe on the toilet paper, apart from that, I’ve never really experienced anything else with it.

However, I travelled abroad last week and in all honesty I have let my eating habits slip (I was eating very healthily before holiday trying to get the ‘beach bod’) and since being here and being on all inclusive I have definitely over indulged in the wrong foods and drinks. So obviously it’s my fault that my fissure has returned.

Anyway, after passing stools, I still get the pain of passing glass and the bright red blood on the paper, but after one bowl movement I’ve had this week (sorry for tmi), I was burning from my anas for at least an hour- it was horrible! Anyway, after doing lots of research I discovered that sudocrem can help and luckily I brought some on holiday with me. 

I asked my (very understanding) boyfriend to apply some to my anus (not inside though as it scares me as I know it should be for external use only). Anyway, before he applied the cream, he said he saw what he thought was a tear which was inside the anus and also a skin tag.

Since applying the sudocrem daily, I haven’t had as much pain (if any) when passing stools but I still have bright red blood- this scares me as I thought if I had no pain I would have no blood. I now have an annoying itch which comes and goes in my anus too, but the thing that is worrying me the most is that I am now experiencing an ache in my left bum cheek that is radiating down the back of my left leg, this has been constant all day and I haven’t even had a BM today, I tend to pass stools in the evening.

I have never read about anybody else experiencing aching in their bum cheeks before so am worrying that maybe it’s not a fissure and something worse.

I suffer from bad anxiety and manage to think myself into having all sorts of illnesses, and being abroad my anxiety is at an all time high as I can’t just go to a doctor.

So please could you all reply with your experiences and has anybody ever experienced not much pain when passing stools but still bright red blood when wiping, itching in the evenings and constant aching/ throbbing in the bum cheek/ down leg.

Thanks so much for reading this.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Sounds like a fissure 

    Fissure usually come with a skin tag 

    And the pains I’m your butt cheeks is what I experienced 

    Bert bees lip balm peppermint is good ( mad I know ) but works 

    Take laxido too

    Especially whilst on holiday 

    I’ve just come back from all inclusive it was hard tying to get ya veggies in ! 

    Sitz baths with coconut oil age. You reach home 

    You from uk?  

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply.

      Yes I’m from the uk. Fly home this evening sad really not looking forward to sitting down for 4 and a bit hours on the aeroplane as can’t see that that will help the situation sad

      I also seem to be weeing much more, I’m not sure if this is related to the fissure or if that’s my anxiety playing badly with me!

    • Posted

      When my fissure was at its worse I was constantly weeing

      Aim to keep you poo soft buy some laxido when you arrive home 

      Sitz baths with Epsom salts and coconut oil

      Water bottle 

      It’s a hard slog 

  • Posted

    Hi Jamma. Its defo a fissure. To stop your anxiety go to see your doctor who can check quite quickly. Also drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Are you using diltazem cream? This can cause itching. You need to remember that you have an open wound. Also up your fibre in take too. You will get better soon

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