Anal fissure in complete agony

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Hi everyone,

ive been diagnosed with an anal fissure, originally thought it was piles but after the pain becoming unbareable and visiting my doctor she ruled out piles and after trying to do an internal examination and failing due to me being in agony.

Im posting because I don't know where else to turn, aside from going to a&e.

I have been perscribed recogesic 4% ointment and cocodamol for pain. The ointment stings like hell when i put it on.

Going to the toilet is so so painful, close to the pain of labour but i'm in pain all of the time not just while going or straight after going to the loo.

I havent slept in days and i just dont know what to do. I feel like I cant cope with the pain anymore.

Any advice is massivley appriciated

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    • don't eat white flour foods or anything that is constipating
    • add kiwis, pears, prunes, flax seed to your diet
    • take a stool softner daily such as movicol, lactulose, or magnesium citrate/oxide
    • take 2-3 sitz baths a day to get blood flowing to the area to promote healing
    • light exercise such as walking is also good for blood flow
    • don't wipe with dry tissue. dab with wet tissue until clean
    • or better option, buy a portable shower spray bidet to clean the area

    the creams take weeks to work, so try to be patient.

    if they don't work, don't live in pain. ask your GP be referred to a CRS so you can discuss surgery options.

    if your fissure is under 6 months old and isn't too deep, botox is a good option.

    if your fissure is chronic, years old, then ask for LIS.

    LIS has very high success rate

    • Posted

      thank you for your advice, really its much appriciated.

      It's certainly under 6 months old so will ask about surgery options.

      thanks again x

  • Posted


    sorry about your pain.

    is sitting in very hot bath helping at all.?

    watch your diet to keep everything soft.

  • Posted

    Hello Emma, I have experienced what you are going through and here is what finally cured me. Im 67 now and have had problems off and on since my twenties. Here is what I did. Take a sitz bath three times a day. Apply coconut oil liberally. Get some cold milled flax seed. Costco has the best price. Mix three tablespoons of flax seed in 8 ounces of water and drink it every evening with a stool softener. I use Costco brand. It doesnt taste bad, but can me mixed with yogurt. Quit eating red meat and bread. . Eat lots of fruit and vegetables and, I CANT STRESS ENOUGH drink A LOT of water. I finally cured myself in 2016 and have not had a relapse. I never miss my flax and stool softener and always have water beside me all day and night. Also, dont ever strain during a bowl movement. It doesnt take much to tear a fissure which really doesnt ever go away. Good luck.

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