Anal fissures and what helped me.
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I recently have experienced anal fissures. I am healing and feeling better than I have in 5 months. I want to share what has worked for me in hopes it will help someone not have to suffer as long as I did. I originally thought it was hemorrhoids, so I was buying all of this cream and medicines. That did not help. I can’t remember when it happened that it became horribly painful, but I was so scared to talk about it, I dealt with it for about 2 months. I went to GI doctor who confirmed that I had anal fissures. He was so nonchalant about it and gave me an antiseptic and said to take baths. I was in so much pain that I couldn’t understand his relaxed approach. To me it was as if he didn’t have a sense of urgency about it, because to me I was in the worst pain of my life. The cream he had given me did nothing, nothing helped, he told me to take fiber and a stool softener. It got worse. I was in so much pain that one day, I couldn’t hold it and went in my pants, and I had no control. This was a breaking point for me. I took a bath and cried, I cried all day and called the doctor back, they referred me to a colorectal doctor who saw me the next day. This was so traumatizing for me, every time I had to talk about it I cried. I started talking about it to my friends and family because my life basically was revolved around this. The pain is something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. Its like torture, not a one-time deal, but its EVERY DAY. The anxiety leading up to it and the pain made me almost think I cant live like this anymore. Luckily the colorectal doctor gave me a cream that helps the constricted blood vessels to relax. She told me to take fiber but for me that was the WORST possible solution!!!! Fiber bulks up your stool and makes things so much worse. I understand this can sound silly but I really didn’t know any better, I didn’t have a clue what this was all about and I have found a solution that works for me and I hope gives someone hope or relief. I take miraLAX every day, I take two stool softeners at night before I go to bed and drink plenty of water. If I need to I take ibuprophen. I use the cream that the colorectal doctor gave me. It is mixed at the pharmacy, Its supposedly for a certain heart problem due to constricting vessels surrounding your heart, but they mix it and put in a gel form and it helps increase blood flow to the area. The big problem is that there is not enough blood flow to the rectum and the fissures cant heal, so the cream helps that and then take two warm baths a day. I was not doing this at first and now that I am I have felt a huge difference in my pain level. I eat the same, I am trying to eat better, but that’s really not what I had to change in order to help it. Obviously healthy is better, but when I first became crippled with this pain I didn’t want to eat and I didn’t want to do anything, I would buy all soft foods and barley eat. I still was in pain. I am so sorry for anyone who is dealing with this! You are not alone and it can get better, I know there are many options and you have to find what works for you. On top of the fissures, they cause hemorrhoids and so the combo is not good, I found tucks to help a lot, but mostly a hot bath has been the key and consistency. I feel like I am getting my life back and I have a newfound gratitude for the things we take for granted. I tell you I cannot express how horrible these are and I had never been in so much pain in my life. I could go on and on. So here’s my list again.
1. Two warm baths a day,
2. MiraLAX daily
3. Water
4. Two stool softeners at night with water
5. Tucks with Witch hazel
6. Prescription from a colorectal doctor, mine is a white petroleum consistency with 3% LIDO /NIF0.5%
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madhava19 andercar51687
Anal fissure is common for everybody now a days
the people who are not having physical activty and food habits
2 years ago i have sevioar problam and i go for 3 times oparation no doctor given garanty for compleate treatmenet i suffered a lot . my job is sitting type all the day . some time i cry my self
now i am healthy since 3 yrs i never visited dr by keeping healthy by following rules very strictly
1.0 if your working style sitting i suggest that make a habit to minimum 1 hour workuot daily
2.0 Dont go for non vegeterian foods and try to consume 12mg fibere foods daily
make helathy habits eating at same time and need 8hrs sleep daily
and keep away the streess .
by the way important dont eat frozen foods and try to eat fresh leafy vegitables daily
follow the rules that leave happy kepp your body and mind healthy
Good luck
edmund15166 andercar51687
andercar51687 edmund15166
I don't see why not? Take hot baths daily, I thought I didn't have time for that and it was not as important but its been the biggest game changer for me, along with everything else I am doing, the consistent baths have helped more than I thought and I am having the best week yet with very minimal pain. I know that a colorectal doctor will help. I have had good luck with it and what really changed is when I started taking miraLAX daily, you can get that anywhere, plus stool softners, also the baths. I know I will not keep up this mixture forever, but its helping me and will keep things soft so healing can happen. Good luck to you !!
Jazzy1339 andercar51687
Hey there - I can relate on the pain issue. My husband although caring can't grasp the pain I try to describe to him. I read your story and it's similar to mine. My doc perscribed diltazen and I feel like fainting and the pain if gives for about 5 minutes is paralyzing. I have a job where I'm fortunate I can sit so my heating pad is my best friend. It not only releases the pain but it helps heal the fissure by drawing blood to that area. I sit on it on it at home, work, driving anywhere I can. I also use stool softeners and this has helped but note that they turn your bowel movement acidy. The pain is less but still there. I hope in the next few weeks all this helps it heal. I've got my routine down to one BM a day. For this the rest of the day is not bad. Can't sit on hard surfaces though. I have a water bottle in my hand 23/7 and exercise on treadmill daily for an hour ( gets blood circulating). I am not convinced of surgery yet or in the near future. I am praying daily for healing ( I believe in prayer ). I've deal with this since last October. Didn't use stool softeners till recently. Hate any type of medicine but finally gave in. Hope no long term effects of it. Thanks for sharing and listening....
andercar51687 Jazzy1339
Jazzy1339 andercar51687
Well folks I'm on my way to recovery. Finally after 4 months I can sit to have a BM. I've been standing for the last 4 months to perform this act. I can't stress enough stool softeners and drinking water. There is no more pain - just a kind of discomfort (toleratable). I am sure this will subside. I am no longer afraid to poop. I remember everything though and will never forget. Unfortunately my fissure was caused by another problem that I am dealing with now and hope to have soon resolved. Time will tell. I want to thank everyone for their comments and help and just to say hang in there - it will get better. It is so comforting to know you guys were just a click away and "someone" understands your pain. 💕
andercar51687 Jazzy1339
That's awesome that you are feeling better! I completely understand, I to am feeling better after almost 5 months, still a little discomfort but nothing I can't handle compared to what the pain was like before. I had missed my stool softeners and mirlax one day and I some pain came back and I was so terrified, it didn't come back thankfully but it's a good reminder that it can! Wow who knew something like this exsisted and was a pain unlike any other! I also found comfort reading others experience and ideas to help. This is where I found the mirlax idea that saved me! Happy to read your post! Thx for sharing 😊
Lmd614 Jazzy1339
Lmd614 andercar51687
I definately can relate! My problem first started in March of 2016 as constipation and hemorrhoids. The pain was excrutiating, so much so that I was taking percocets, 800 ibuprofens and this was my only relief. I too would cry in pain (unlike any pain I've ever felt and I've given birth to 2 children). No one understood. I finally brought it to the attention of my gyno who said I had a fissure. I then saw a colorectal doc.
Tried to treat it with high fiber, lots of water, warm baths, prescribed cream. Nothing worked. I've recently had Botox injections and I must say am starting to feel some relief. Today is exactly one week since the injections and while I'm not 100% after a bm, the discomfort is certainly manageable with no pain meds...not even ibuprofen. I feel I am on the road to recovery.
I agree with all of your suggestions but would like to add just one...DON'T WAIT TO DISCUSS THIS WITH YOUR DOCTOR! I feel it is because I waited over 6 months I made things worse.
Good luck to you in your recovery!