Anal skin tag removal

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I wanted to post my experience because I read a lot of horrible things about anal skin tag removals.  

I thought I had a hemorrhoid.  I bled and felt the little lump.  I lived with it for 4 years until it got too irritating.  I booked an appointment with a colorectal doc who did a quick physical exam and told me I have an internal hemorrhoid and an external skin tag.  She said they don't remove the internal hemorrhoids unless they really have to because the recovery is difficult.  She said the external skin tag was created from a fissure when I was constipated. I had chemo 4 years ago for ovarian cancer so that is when I was most constipated.

She said the skin tag could be removed in office with shots in the anal area.  Um, no.  She then said, because I have a previous cancer diagnosis and my aunt died of colon cancer, I qualified to get a colonoscopy.  She could take it off the skin tag during the colonoscopy. She would cut it off and cauterize it.

I decided to do it.  I was told I would need a week to recover.

The prep was the worst.  I got through 7/8ths of the prep before I threw up.  Then I waited two hours to drink the remaining prep. The next day I felt nauseated but didn't throw up again.

The colonoscopy portion went ok.  The IV was fine because they gave me some numbing medicine.  I have had a lot of IVs and they are way easier with the numbing shot first. However, when I was in the procedure room, the anesthesiologist pushed the meds through my IV way too fast, it totally burned, way more than it burned with chemo. Then I quickly fell asleep.

I woke up afterwards with gauze in my bum.  They sent me home and I drank a milkshake to calm my stomach, then I went straight to sleep.  I woke up later and ate a small dinner and took a normal dose of Miralax.  Then I took a bath.  I tried removing the gauze early on in the bath but it hurt. So I waited for the bath water to let the gauze float off.  Then it didn't hurt. 

That night I took another normal dose of Miralax. The next day I pooped, but it didn't hurt. It was very loose.  So daily I have been told to take 3 baths a day AND after every poop. I have been taking two doses of Miralax a day and it has totally worked to keep my poop loose and pain free. My doctor had said to take a different stool softener but I know Miralax works for me so that is why I am taking it.

My doc gave me a SPRIX prescription. It is an anti-inflammatory pain reliever that is a nasal spray.  Follow the directions and it won't burn as much. Holding your breath is key.  I have found it to be helpful in reducing the swelling of my anal wound and the pain has decreased.

I am on day 3. So far, little pain and I am up doing laundry, etc.  I will update when my week is up.

I think the baths are key to not getting an infection in the anal wound. I want to avoid an infection at all costs.

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    i had botox injected into my fissure to try and heal it. but i have a skin tag left over , they didn't remove it.

    My skin tag gets swollen and sore, going to ask them to remove it at the follow up apt.

    Did your fissure heal? how has recovery been from skin tag removal?

    which stool softener did they tell you to use? i thought miralax was one.

    I am also a stay at home mum

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    i had 2 anal skin tags removed and was dissapointed with the result. i have more skin tags and hems and am waiting for surgery.

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      it looked hardly any different to be honest, and i got more hems afterwards which means more skin tags 😦

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    hi i had fissures for 10 long years ,finally removed by laser surgery in india ..right now i dont have fissures or any other issues except two small skin tags.. dont know why didnt they remove it..want to remove it now .i need to know how much time it takes to heal and how was the experience

  • Edited

    This thread hasn't been active for a few months but I wanted to share my experience in hopes it will give some of ya'll some clarity/ peace of mind during your healing process. I'm 19 years old. I had one large anal skin tag removed exactly one month ago. I have Ulcerative colitis, and after my procedure I got a flare and was constantly having to poo. Like 5 bowel movements a day. Was horrified every time I looked at my bum for the first 3 weeks after procedure. Oozing, open wounds, stitches coming out and everything looked so messy. It wasn't until last week (3 weeks post op) that everything started looking normal again. And I still have a couple ittle lumps and bumps that seem to be getting smaller each day. So... my advice. Be prepared for the healing process to take longer than you expected. Eat good foods that your belly can digest easily. I know going into this a lot of people worry about constipation, I had the opposite. Focus on what foods you need for a smooth digestion. Still taking baths a couple times a day. I invested in a bidet pre procedure but couldn't use it for the first couple weeks as the area was too sensitive. But now I use it every time I go, cleans the area off really well. Good luck to whoever reads this!

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      Thanks for the post! I had 6 anal tags removed 3 days ago, so much pain....

      and it looks 10x worse. Feels like i have mountains down there. Take 3 bath a day clean with hibiclens hope this is normal and didnt do this for nothing.

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      I had two tags removed 8 months ago. I felt like the mountains would never go away but I promise they do! It takes quite awhile but it WILL look better!

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      Oh i hope so, thank you for the reply makes me feel a little better! My Dr. is closed so i could not even ask her. She down played this procedure and didnt even give me pain meds ugh.

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      hi how much did your procedure cost ? i want to get mine removed i have a big one in the 6 o'clock region a small one at 9 o'clock and id say medium/large one in the 12 o'clock region and how was your recovery did your got hard every time you did number 2 or bleed ? how fast was your recovery im sorry for asking so many questions but im a single mom i got big ole hemorroids during my pregnancy and left me with some nasty skin tags and thats if they're skin tags ... i want to get mine removed but im afraind it will take a long recovery and rn i can't do that since my

      baby is only a few months old and also because im afraid the doctor might say they're still hemorroids or something worst

    • Posted

      This makes me feel a little better.

      I had internal hemorrhoids banded & 3 external skin tags that were supposed to be excised 4 days ago. when I have inspected to see how things are healing I was so confused. I was expecting to see the skin tags removed but it literally looks like they haven't been touched & look even larger than before. I've been so upset because i was really looking forward to seeing an improvement.

      I'm really not sure what exactly was done now ??

      I cant imagine things looking better down there judging by what it looks like now, but will wait & see.

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      My insurance covered it. Im not going to hurt quite a bit. but so worth it to have them gone. It did hurt to go number 2 and I did bleed. I was still hurting after 3 weeks but I was going to work and could function.

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      hi thank you for answering all of my questions i really appreciate you taking some time to answer all my questions . I had been saving for a few months now but i just want to make sure that i have enough to cover for my baby expenses and my rent during that recovery time hopefully i'll be able to visit my doctor once this quarantine is over And i feel like i could manage 3 weeks of pain hopefully .

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      hi how is your recovery now? did skin tags ho away?

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      how long did it take for the lumps to go away?? i had anal skin tag removal surgery 10 days ago and probably around 4 days ago i noticed lumps around my anus that look quite pink compared to the rest of the skin. i see my surgeon on monday but im kind of freaking out. he said over the phone that it could just be swelling and it would be highly unlikely for skin tags to re- emerge so quickly. has anyone had a similar experience?? i have become obsessive about checking in the mirror and its bringing up a lot of shame and anxiety. i almost wonder if i need to switch focus from trying to fix the problem to trying to accept the way i look down there 😦

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      I am 7 weeks post surgery & I still have a small bump in the middle. it's shrunk ALOT since surgery but it's not getting any smaller so I've booked to see a doctor to see whether its still swelling because I'm freaking out! I'm feeling the same, I just want a normal looking bum! I had 2 removed and I think the surgeon missed one, can't remember if it was there before but it's there now -_-

      I'm trying so hard not to look everyday but I cant help it lol.

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      i am in the same boat as both of you!!! I am constantly checking with a mirror or my phone camera! My 5 week post op appointment, my doctor said my bumps looked normal. I have been drinking 7-10 cups of water a day, i eat healthy, etc! I have taken baths 3-4 times a day. I don't know why these bumps wont go away.

      Since we are all having the same experience, maybe this is the normal process! My seven weeks post op will be on Tuesday.

    • Posted

      Thanks so much for chiming in with your experience.

      I had one tag removed by a colorectal surgeon, it was cut off in office with a local numbing agent. My surgeon said 3-5 days for stitches to dissolve, 2 weeks healing.

      So far this has been my experience and I'm not even a week post op but I am kinda freaking out because my area still looks terrible.

      Days 1-3 were much more painful than I anticipated but it wasn't severe pain. At times it just felt like an slightly painful uncomfortable lump in my butt. My stitches dissolved/fell off on Day 4 and the biggest "improvement" in appearance then as well. I experienced the most relief and so far greatest reduction in swelling so far across day 3 and 4. I'm now day 5 and don't really feel any pain or discomfort anymore but it still looks like a trainwreck.

      Having a BM was not at all painful but there was bleeding day 2 and 3. I took an imodium the day of the surgery because I was too scared to have a BM that day.

      After BMs I didn't use toilet paper, I used wet wipes and didn't actually wipe, kinda just patted the area to remove the bulk and then washed with antibacterial soap (Provon).

      I can still see a clear demarcation in the where the skin was joined by stitching, there's now 2-3 bumps, one is very pink and was definitely internal prior to the surgery.

      I know it's still early and based on what you're saying I will probably be fine but I'm really nervous I won't have the smooth normal looking area I'm hoping for once the healing "ends" and would have endured this for nothing or have to go through it again.

      I have a follow up at week 3, hopefully the incision is closed by then, I plan to use silicone treatment to reduce any scarring.

      I really hope everything goes back to normal though.

    • Posted

      Based on my experience and reading/chatting with people on this board, our doctors say 2 week healing and that's simply not true! My colorectal surgeon did not prepare me for the recovery I had. When I had my 5 week check up, she said it looked good and was healing properly! I am almost at week 8 and all 3 tags are still there! I have read online that they are not new tags but swelling from the procedure. I am hopeful that it will continue to reduce until gone! I have another follow up in June.

      I believe since you had stitching, your healing process is different than mine! My doctor left my wounds open. What is silicone treatment?

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      Thanks for the response! Based on the increased recovery time I'm really regretting not doing this when covid restrictions were more stringent and I wasn't dating anyone. I seriously need to stop looking because I have a big pink lump sticking out and it just making me want to cry. My skin tag was noticeable but it was flesh toned but now it looks like something that should be inside of me is now outside.

      I had no idea swelling could last as long as 8 weeks! I wonder if that's because of not having stitches. I was reading online and some doctors say they prefer to leave it open and that healing goes better and you're less likely to get an infection that way.

      Did she say if there was anything you could do to help it along? Sea salt soaks or sitz baths? Anything?

      I suppose it is reassuring to know that what you're experiencing is normal albeit unpleasant.

      My skin tends to scar with raised scars regardless of if there's stitches or not.

      Silicone gel or sheets reduces scar tissue and works magically to prevent new scars from getting thick and hyperpigmented.

    • Posted

      Where are you located? I have read online that healing can take up to 3 months. I am in a similar situation in which I wish I had this procedure done in 2020. When my doctor told me that tags are "normal" and she even has them, I explained that I am 29 years old and single. This effects my confidence! I am not dating until this clears up. My tags were also skin color and now they are bright pink and look irritated.

      I haven't heard of silicone treatment! At my 5 week check up, my surgeon told me to not do anything more. She said extra time in the shower can be helpful to let water drip there but nothing else! I continued to take regular baths for the first 6 weeks, I wear loose pants and no underwear, and I have continued to take stool softeners and 8-10 cups of water a day. Based on a lot of discussion here, healing time seems to be longer than most of us expect! hopefully we both heal properly soon!!

    • Posted

      I'm in the US. We're definitely in the same boat, I'm 30 and have had it since my 20s and just decided I was through with being self conscious.

      I'm glad to know the pinkness isn't just me.

      In the past couple days it's moved inside me a little bit more, but there's still a pink bit hanging out and there's a hard bump that's inside.

      I have to think my surgeon will find it upon exam if it's still there during my followup and can hopefully explain.

      I'm the same when I shower, now nothing goes there but antibacterial soap and water. I'm not wearing underwear but the first few days I did have to go out so I stuffed sterile gauze in there, and wore a comfy thong to keep it there for extra security. I haven't needed the stool softeners luckily. I have IBS, so unless I take fiber supplements I will only poop once a week. So I take my fiber stuff and that always keeps everything soft. Staying hydrated is where I struggle and without the water the fiber doesn't work. But I am definitely trying to avoid getting constipated.

      Truly when it comes to healing I don't fully listen to my surgeons cause they're always disconnected a bit from the importance of the aesthetic side. Their concern is that you heal without infection and complication. So because I really know my skin and have had another surgery before, a lot of piercings and a bunch of deep cuts before, I do what I think is best so that I heal without infection AND the scarring is minimal.

    • Posted

      I am also in the US ! I am in NYC. My colorectal surgeon warned me of scarring. She said that she can never assume how a body will heal in that area since its constantly being irritated with every BM. I have one bump that is still massive (to me) and I have been checking in the mirror every day. When I saw my doctor 3 weeks ago, she said I still had two small cuts that was causing the area to be swollen. If I have to get the procedure done again, I would rather do it now. Would you get the procedure done again if this doesnt heal for you? Does your doctor know you want to use silicone?

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      Hey, I have that pink lump too! What you're explaining sounds very similar to my experience. It's so frustrating, I have a doctors appointment next week, I am desperate to know if it's normal.

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      I'm in Maryland!

      My surgeon didn't even get into scarring honestly but that's always something I have learned to cover on my own because unless it's a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon the scarring really isn't on their radar.

      I haven't told him my plans to use silicone but I can't imagine it's a problem once the lesion is fully closed which it seems to be but I'm going to wait for him to confirm.

      It might be my imagination but it does seem to be getting less pink, and returning to flesh tone it just seems to be happening from the edges in so the center is pink still.

      It was flattening out a bit but then my TOM hit and I had a rather loose BM and it made it inflate a bit but since there was no bleeding I am pretty convinced I'm closed up.

      I will regret it if the color never returns to normal cause I don't think there is anything that can remedy that. Right now, even though it's not super smooth it still looks better to me than the skin tag did. The pinkness is really the problem because abnormal in a "wait do you have a lesion" kind of way as opposed to the skin tag which was just slightly off putting?

      Overall it's a very confusing experience and I'm probably not doing myself any favors looking everyday, but I must.

    • Posted

      I'm so sorry to hear that!

      In the past few days the edges have returned to normal-ish color a bit, but the center is still very pink.

      How many days post op are you? How did they do your procedure? Did you have stitches?

    • Posted

      I am in the same boat as you! I check it every day. I am sure if I didn't, it would look different to me by now. Hopefully since your procedure was stitched, you will be healed sooner than me! This Wednesday will be 9 weeks post op and one of the bumps is still massive to me. I have posted a few pics in my thread if you are curious lol. I really wish my second appointment was sooner. If I had to get them removed again, I would rather do it now.

      I know Ally didn't reply to you yet but her and I chatted for a little. She had to her procedure a few days before me so she is 9 or 10 weeks post op too.

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      I've been taking pictures. I looked at what I had 2 days post-op, and day 4 when the stitches fell out, and compared to now I can definitely see progress so you're right. Looking everyday you miss it.

      I'm going to check yours out!

      When I'm about a month post op I will probably make a post about how the whole thing went since it really seems like we need them. Everyone here seems to be confused and realizing what their dr said wasn't exactly representative of what actually happens.

      Totally understand your point though, if I need any more taken off, I don't wanna wait. My appointment is next week.

      I'm so hopeful all our pink nubbins will flatten out and return to their normal color.

      Maybe ask your dr exactly when you can safely say they're still there.

      I'm guessing after those two smaller wounds have been healed for a bit.

    • Posted


      Just thought I'd update you on my progress.

      At exactly two weeks out I felt certain what I was seeing was swelling and scar tissue. It was flattening out slowly but still pink. Because my incision is closed completely I started using silicone cream on my scar 3-8x a day. I also felt safe doing this cause there was little to no swelling post BM, even when I had some mild diarrhea.

      I also started massaging the area to break down the scar tissue.

      Once I started using the silicone cream things looked much better, it is still lighter colored but not pink and not nearly as bumpy. After a while I feel like my progress hit a plateau

      On another thread I saw someone recommend this cream called hirudoid, I found it on ebay and tried it and saw improvement with the swelling. Then I started tag teaming it with silicone cream followed by the hirudoid and my hole is looking pretty good.

      I don't think it will ever be perfect, there is a bit of skin the doctor didn't get, so it looks a little odd but overall my hole is getting smooth and less discolored. There is some soreness to the touch but I know that's partially because of the massaging.

      I have my follow up on Thur, I might get scolded but I do plan to tell my doctor what I've been doing.

      I feel pretty certain that if I didn't take these measures I would be more unhappy with how things are looking. I'm no doctor well at least the medical kind, but this routine has been working for me. I'll keep it up until I'm satisfied or stop seeing improvement.

      Don't think it'll be the perfect bumhole I had before I ever got a hemorrhoid but it looks better than it did with the skin tag.

    • Posted

      I am glad to hear that the creams are working for you! Does the area no longer have any bumps that looks like tags? What does the horudoid cream do?

      I have hit a plateau with healing and tomorrow is 10 weeks for me, so I made an appointment with my doctor today. She told me that I have a vein that will swell when i strain, exercise or walk a lot. She said "gravity pulls down." Its not swollen enough to be removed or banded. She told me to start using hem cream every night to see if that helps. She examined my area and told me I still have an open wound on the inside which is causing the swelling which looks like tags. I asked her what is the next steps if it still looks like this at my appointment in June, she said "surgery again." She is hesitant though. She thinks there is more risk than reward. I wish there was something I could do to speed up the healing process!

      let me know how your appointment goes!!

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      I looked up that cream on ebay. Did you buy the one with the blue packaging or the red? Thanks!

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      I no longer have anything that looks like a tag but the little area of skin that's kind of on my taint looks a little unusual. Except for one small tiny scar bump still left, it's honestly much smoother than I thought it would ever get based on how it was looking.

      I think the cream just reduces swelling? I bought the one in the red package.

      On your vein that swells up, is it external so it looks like a tag? Have you tried suppositories? I found these witch hazel ones on amazon that would help relieve my hemmies and skin tag if they inflated a bit.

      What would surgery be for again if you still have an open incision on the inside? Is it too late for stitches to help that close up? 10 weeks is so long. Do you have any bleeding? Is she at all concerned that there is one still open?

      I hope the swelling goes down so you can decide on how it looks and if surgery again is worth it. I really do think its almost impossible to tell how it'll turn out till everything closes up and swelling goes down.

      Keep me updated on your progress, I hope it gets better.

    • Posted


      how long was it in the end until you were healed?

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