Anal skin tag removal
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I wanted to post my experience because I read a lot of horrible things about anal skin tag removals.
I thought I had a hemorrhoid. I bled and felt the little lump. I lived with it for 4 years until it got too irritating. I booked an appointment with a colorectal doc who did a quick physical exam and told me I have an internal hemorrhoid and an external skin tag. She said they don't remove the internal hemorrhoids unless they really have to because the recovery is difficult. She said the external skin tag was created from a fissure when I was constipated. I had chemo 4 years ago for ovarian cancer so that is when I was most constipated.
She said the skin tag could be removed in office with shots in the anal area. Um, no. She then said, because I have a previous cancer diagnosis and my aunt died of colon cancer, I qualified to get a colonoscopy. She could take it off the skin tag during the colonoscopy. She would cut it off and cauterize it.
I decided to do it. I was told I would need a week to recover.
The prep was the worst. I got through 7/8ths of the prep before I threw up. Then I waited two hours to drink the remaining prep. The next day I felt nauseated but didn't throw up again.
The colonoscopy portion went ok. The IV was fine because they gave me some numbing medicine. I have had a lot of IVs and they are way easier with the numbing shot first. However, when I was in the procedure room, the anesthesiologist pushed the meds through my IV way too fast, it totally burned, way more than it burned with chemo. Then I quickly fell asleep.
I woke up afterwards with gauze in my bum. They sent me home and I drank a milkshake to calm my stomach, then I went straight to sleep. I woke up later and ate a small dinner and took a normal dose of Miralax. Then I took a bath. I tried removing the gauze early on in the bath but it hurt. So I waited for the bath water to let the gauze float off. Then it didn't hurt.
That night I took another normal dose of Miralax. The next day I pooped, but it didn't hurt. It was very loose. So daily I have been told to take 3 baths a day AND after every poop. I have been taking two doses of Miralax a day and it has totally worked to keep my poop loose and pain free. My doctor had said to take a different stool softener but I know Miralax works for me so that is why I am taking it.
My doc gave me a SPRIX prescription. It is an anti-inflammatory pain reliever that is a nasal spray. Follow the directions and it won't burn as much. Holding your breath is key. I have found it to be helpful in reducing the swelling of my anal wound and the pain has decreased.
I am on day 3. So far, little pain and I am up doing laundry, etc. I will update when my week is up.
I think the baths are key to not getting an infection in the anal wound. I want to avoid an infection at all costs.
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patientjl candice43816
I got one skin tag removed 5 days ago in the office with local anesthesia, and the doctor left the wound open because he said suturing it could risk another tag forming. He gave me some gauze to press against the wound for the next 5 days. It throbbed for about forty minutes after the procedure but then it was relatively painless. However, I stupidly got constipated despite the doctor warning me to avoid constipation... haven't had bm since the procedure and I tried to go this morning but the stool was too hard and it caused pain and bleeding so now I'm dreading using the bathroom. I did go to the pharmacy and the pharmicist recommended Ducolax tablets as a stool softener so I'm hoping for a more painless experience...
Morgan1234 patientjl
stool softeners, fiber pills, fruits/veggies and lots of water! good luck!!
patientjl Morgan1234
thank you! I had a question I was wondering about; I tried to pass the stool but it was too hard so I couldn't. Will the stool softener help soften that or does it only work for stools forming later..?
Morgan1234 patientjl
I am not a doctor so I am unsure how stool softners work once you are already constipated. I believe it works the same which is adds water to your bowel movements making it easier to go. I have been taking one a day since my procedure. If you still cant have a BM, maybe take a laxative too.
patientjl Morgan1234
Ok thank you! just thought I'd give an update for any poor soul reading this in the future. I finally had a successful bm after about 20 painful minutes on the toilet using a small bench to prop up my feet. I still had to get the hard stool out at the front (not sure if the stool softener really did anything for that part), but after those finally passed the rest was softer and came out easily. I also read that you can try pressing a dampened hot towel down there to help since heat can help relax your muscles. There was a bit of bleeding though and I'm concerned it may have caused a fissure or something... but I'm not feeling that much pain right now.
Morgan1234 patientjl
You might be ok! I have had one or two harder stools since my procedure! I think I am ok. You should look into the squaty potty, which is a foot stool to help you have easier BM!
patient10760 Morgan1234
Hi Morgan, could you please post a picture of how it was before procedure and how it is now? please, please. I saw some of the pictures you posted and they look much better
Morgan1234 patient10760
I don't have any photos of before! Basically, I had three skin tags. The last picture I posted is how it still looks now! I am 13 weeks post op with no changes since week 5.
ally06189 Morgan1234
Hi there! just wondering how you're travelling? How did your appointment go with the surgeon?
Morgan1234 ally06189
Hi there! My appointment was disappointing because she stated that the first surgery didnt work and I would need to try again. I am currently waiting to get the procedure done. How are you???
Sabi1234 candice43816
Hi guys,
i came on here for some help please.
I had my hemorrhoidectomy on the 12th April. i had quite few skin tags which i wanted to get rid off. The surgeon at the time burned off 3 skin tags (no stitches given). Prior to my surgery, i always had normal BMs.
After surgery i was in excruciating pain and would cry evry single day. I wanted go die because i couldn't take the pain.
i have a baby to look after so i have to live and get better for her.
its day 13 and since past two days i have been bleeding each BM. when i take my laxatives, i get diarrhoe. When i stop taking the laxatives, im constipated. i am bleeding from inside so i must have had a cut inside which bleeds each BM.
i am so scared for my BMs now that it makes cry. Since yesterday i have been going for 3-4 BM (first part hurts when it comes out but its all runny after) makes me want to strain.
I am sick and tired of seeing blood each time. how will i recover if i dont heal??? Please someone help me! i have a baby who is fully dependant on me and i have to get better for her. Please help guys.
ryerye1234 Sabi1234
I am really sorry to hear of your experience. That sounds so awful.
Can you titrate your laxatives? Maybe use a gentler one, or half doses or instead of a laxative try a stool softener.
Also what's your diet and water intake like?
Roughage and fiber are key to preventing constipation.
If you don't have a squatty potty, definitely get one.
I would ask your doctor if you can lubricate your bum with sterile packets of surgilube or something similat. You can buy them individually wrapped and it's used for cath. insertions and such.
Mainly cause you definitely have open wounds and need to avoid infection but if you dial back on the laxatives, maybe having some slipperiness up there will help it go easier.
I hope you find something that helps, and that your doctor can be of help.
September1992 candice43816
Hey everyone,
i had my surgery 2 weeks ago.
just wanted to know if anyone elses bottom looked more swollen and 'taggy' than prior to op at this point?
pain has completely gone as has a lot of initial swelling but have still got what looks like tags.
following surgery they also told me i have grade 2 internal piles that will require banding at a different appointment.
i never had face to face appointment prior to op and no one ever went over what could happen and now im so nervous ive made it worse!
also thank god for the internet as this is just so hard to talk about and id convinced myself that my tag was something much more sinister. thank you!!!
naomi70174 September1992
Yes I have read near to all experiences available on the internet and everyone speaks about long term swelling and it looking worse than prior to the OP. For the end result u will have to have patience as it takes a long time to look normal. Most people speak about 6 to 8 weeks. Two weeks is simply a very short time for an area like that to heal properly. Don't stress yourself and stop checking just wait it out 😃
September1992 naomi70174
Thanks Naomi.
I'm now nearly 10 weeks post op. Looks sooo much better but still getting pain with BM and bleeding. I was told I have grade 2 internal piles so think this may be why?
I'm just so nervous that theyve missed something at surgery and theres more going on than i know about...i know I'm over worrying but does anyone else do this? I feel like im bonkers!!