Anchor problem after RCT repair !!

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Hi all, I am just wondering if anyone ever had an issues with the anchors that were placed for the repair  and later on had to take them out ? I had my ROTATOR CUFF repair last year and now another surgeon says that it should be taken out as this is causing ‘impingement’. I am having second surgery this Tuesday but I am quite nervous as to how they are going to pull out my anchor and if it is going to make another problem in the bone. 

 Anyone had the same problem , please share your experiences🙏🙏🙏 

Thanks ! 

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    I had some pins or screws in my rotator cuff surgery 23 years ago, and I never had any problems; the Dr. that did my surgery then, was great! I ended up getting hurt at work by a student last year, and had to have surgery on the same shoulder, but this time it was worse off because my biceps were involved too. As far as I know, the pins or screws were taken out during my surgery in Aug. of 2017, and none were put in this time. I pray everything works out for you, and you have a speedy recovery! Keep us informed.
    • Posted

      Thank you for your concern ! Yeah, hope everything goes well. Just a bit nervous as this is a ‘second surgery ‘. smile 
    • Posted

      This was my second surgery on the same shoulder, and job related, but this time my biceps were involved, and it was more intense. I was assaulted by a student this time, but I love working with little kids! You have to put your trust and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ! He will get you through this!! I strongly believe if your faith is in the Lord, there's nothing He won't help you get through! Ever since I got closer to the Lord almost 4 years ago, I can deal with things better, and I know He's by my side! Keeping you in prayer!

  • Posted

    I had a RCT repair last year, too. Arthrex Speed Bridge anchor. Repair area looks deformed. Shoulder can be lifted 75%. I probably have an impingement, too. I still have pain. I’m not going back to anyone. PT did a number on my from the get go, too. Kept insisting I had a dissolving implant. I quit after 5 sessions. Did exercises at home.
    • Posted

      WOW! I'm sorry to hear that! How have uou been feeling? I pray you can get some relief, and something changes for the better! I've been dealing with a lot of neck pain 2 months after my shoulder and bicep surgery, and then my shoulder and bicep started all over again, but as of today, I'm still dealing with this neck pain and shoulder/bicep everyday, and it's so frustrating!! I'm waiting on MRI's to get approved now! Will keep you in my prayers!

    • Posted

      Yeah, I think you should see a specialist. PT and specialist have different opinions. Well, even two different specialist vary the options. that’s what my experience have been. One ortho Dr was telling me that the anchor looks okay and impingement is due to ‘bone spur’ and another Dr thinks that the anchor as well as bone spur both are the reason behind it.  So, sometimes it is really hard to which one is right !! 

      Anyway, good luck for your recovery too ! 

    • Posted

      I’ll pray for you, too! I have neck pain, bicep pain and the area where the joints attach and downward into my elbow. I had two tears in the rotator cuff, two bicep tears and two tears under my arm pit. I had been working part time at a farm feed store lifting 50+ lb feed bags and had constant pain. I had been to my neurosurgeon and he said the pain was rotator cuff related. Suggested an Ortho guy. I went and got steroid injections first. Then, no relief so I got a second opinion. That ortho said is was my neck. So, months later, pain getting worse, I went back to original ortho guy. Now, MRI ordered. Received a call to get back in. MRI looked bad. Really??? Immediate surgery scheduled. I honestly regret getting it done. So painful. Recovery was extremely long. Still not right. Can no longer work even part time. Talk to your doctor. This is a very painful procedure and recovery.
    • Posted

      OH MY GOODNESS! I'm so so sorry for you!! You have been through a lot!! Did your neck pain come after your shoulder and bicep surgery too? This is what happened to me; 2 months after my surgery. I've been waiting since last month to get this MRI approved for my neck. The first one eas denied, and after a xray, meds & therapy, neurologist/spine Dr submitted anither order. I'm waiting once again. I'm really sorry that you're going through all that! I can't go back to work until I know what's going on. My shoulder and bicep surgery was due from getting injured at work which has caused me a lot of stress & depression! I'll keep you in my prayers!

    • Posted

      My neck pain was before shoulder. I’ve had 2 cervicle surgeries with hardware. Pain mgt and one ortho said pain was nerve damage in my neck. Neuron and his ortho friend said it was due to rotator cuff. MRI will tell all. Hope your insurance stops playing games and approve the test. Workman’s comp is the worst. Jump thru this hoop and jump through that hoop. Meanwhile, months of pain and driving everywhere. I’ve been down that absurd trail before. Their doctors are usually idiots, too. The bottom of the barrel. Do not us them for any surgery unless you vet them. They may hurt you. Mine did. Almost died during a procedure. I also had 3 lower back surgeries. That’s with Workman’s comp.  Watch your employer, too. They may try to get rid of you now. I worked in a big hospital in the pharmacy. They tried everything to get me to resign.

      Good luck. Push for that MRI.

    • Posted

      I really appreciate all the info! It's a shame that our bodies have to go through all that it does! I just hate that mine was due to breaking up fights and trying to restrain little kids that had a behavioral problems, and I was only trying to help from anyone getting hurt! I'm not really mad at the few students; just the situations! All this pain just keeps reminding me of what happened to me, and I just wanted to forget! It's so frustrating and stressful! A few people have mentioned that it might be nerve coming from my neck, and due to my shoulder. I just want to know how and why!! My neck hurts majority on the right side going down my shoulder and arm, and if I lean my head forward, then the back of my neck will hurt too now! I will continue to contact doctor's office as often as I have to until the cervical MRI is approved! THANKS FOR YOUR CONCERN ALSO! Will keep you informed. God bless you!

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