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Now I am slightly anemic !  Anyone else 

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5 Replies

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    Yes..  I have a couple times in the past.   I try to eat foods with more iron in them and I also take a good quality iron pill a couple times a week.   When I was first anemic, I took them every day but now I just take them a couple times a week or even more around my period.  And my iron levels have been really good.
  • Posted

    Thanks ,scared it’s not due to period !  Scared it’s cancer 
  • Posted

    Me too.  Always been a blood donor, but in past year periods been very heavy and prolonged so the last time I had a blood test...anaemia.
  • Posted

    Me too even tho I haven't had a period since Nov last year but my doctor told me menopause can cause animic I have to take iron tablets for 6 months, I did have very heavy periods before I stopped tho x

  • Posted

    Hi I’m new on here and going for some blood tests today to check for anemia. I’m scared too as been exhasuted and now my eyes are slightly jaundiced which apparently can happen with anemia. Fed up of feeling off kilter with all these new symptoms xx

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