Angina on & off for two days now...bugger !
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l was diagnosed with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome some years ago which took them just 50 years to diagnose as lve had it dince l was 13 .
Recently ( well 17 years ago ) l started feeling , out , in out of hospital stupid tests which proved nothing as they were the wrong ones,
chest pain increasing, shortness of breath, blacking out , sweats......omg hell on earth.....ah-ha diagnosed with congenital heart disease at last 😡
Anyhow, drugs, drugs and more drugs ( 25-30 a day ) but in the last 2-3 weeks my angina has become worse, in last two days lve had chest pain on and off around 5-6 times a day its dam annoying, as lm spraying and spraying it goes away then 20-30 minutes its back.
l hate hospitas because of the way l have been yreated by them for all the years befote my two diagnosis , but having had lung problems and heart faliure in the past lm wondering how long should l leave it before l must go and seek help ......we live 15 miles from help ......opppps😧
Ami.......old ...falling apart ...but still has a sense of humour .
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samuels lady_ami
Hi lady ami,
unfortunately that's about the crux of it, getting old and falling apart. In a situation like yours the recommended thing to do is for the angina, take 1 spray of GTN wait 5 minutes if pain is still there or has returned, take another single spray ( or however much you cardiologist has instructed you to ) if no relief after 4 sprays (20 minutes ) call an ambulance. That's the usual procedure 4 sprays (20 minutes ) seek immediate helplady_ami samuels
I wasnt that old at 13 when it started and having suffered the pain and humiliation for years having been 999 into hospital with heart beats of either 20 or 290+ being sent out by consultants....hubby has been going mad with worry here.
But in the past months its changed again from an attack every day day or two to an attack every two to three hours, having now two diagnosis of heart problems ( plus other health issues ) lm doing as my doctor/ consultant has said and its not helping a bit but.......l hate hospitals and just hate the thought of some strange consultant shouting at me again saying lm an idiot making me cry when lm in pain, going grey, sweating and cant get breath.......yep, its happened before.
even though they have my full medical history, scans, notes, operations, drugs lm still treated like some idiot child when lm in my 60s .......ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
what is it about my name.....!!!!
samuels lady_ami
Hi lady ami,
I can fully relate to that as I have been in the exact same boat, I also have other health issues and I think they do intertwine. I hate hospitals too but when ya gotta go you gotta go, I can also fully relate to where they can see you are in pain and won't give you any pain relief, well I lie, the younger generation of doctors give you Paracetamol, like "hello Dr" I know the heart is considered a great big muscle but it also our life line and when it hurts Paracetemol aint going to cut it . I suffer from Prinzmetal Angina, I don't know what type of angina you have but believe me I know how you feel, I have 2 cardiologists that concur that I have P M Angina, 3 Cardiologists that agree I have and hopefully still only have mild heart disease. I have had 2 NSTEMI's , suspected TIA and just the other day one emergency doctor said I may of had a very small heart event because my tops came back positive but not enough to prick the cardiologists ears.
My record shows what I am expected to do in my situations, it also states what is to be given to me as preferred treatment ( as in pain relief ) just because coronary artery spasms isn't really directly heart related ( according to some emergency doctors ) it doesn't hurt, how lucky they are they have never experienced it themselves.
Reddave8 lady_ami
HI lady ami,
I'm sorry to hear about your suffering and it seems to of been going on for ages. My initial thought was possible stent fitting as that's what my next step is, though I'm not sure that would be of use to you as I'm only in the early stages of angina and my GTN spray takes the edge off the symptoms. Like you I have spent to many times being an in-patient and will do whatever it takes to avoid another!
I do wish you well on your individual journey and it will hopefully end in the desired outcome for you, stay strong!
lady_ami Reddave8
Thank you for your reply , l know what a shock it can be to have a heart problem diagnosed, with me it wasnt quite so bad as l just knew it was my heart from the age of 13 which is when it all kicked off .
Im due to see my cardiologist again in a couple of weeks so by then he may have got his act together and decided if lm going to have one of the following .......
1: a stent.
2: exterior defibrillator
3: a pacemaker
or l could hit the jackpot and get the lot 😩😩😩........with my luck l probably will about ' we can rebuild her ' 😂😂😂😂😂😂