Angina & Stents

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I had a stent inserted in early March & I've got a further appointment for two more in May.  I'm finding it hard to deal with the tiredness,feeling breathless after a short walk, much worse than I was before I was diagnosed.  I take Beta Blockers, Aspirin & Clopodogrel every day which I think may be the cause. I've also devolloped a chesty cough.  Does anyone else have symptoms similar to this?  I was told that an appointment from the hospital would be sent to me after 4 weeks, next week, but so far no news of this yet.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello, ditto, i had a 60% block on the MID LAD and after angiogram was given betablocker, ace Inhibitor and aspirin and the fatigue is extreme. I can barely walk a mile and that's on a good day. I think the fatigue comes from heart disease and the medication combined.

    • Posted

      I agree with you re the medication once I started the Beta Blocker my got more breathless & asked my GP to reduce the dosage which has helped a little. Can you have a stent fitted? Two of my arteries are 70% blocked & a third 40%. also have a Mitral Valve leak this has not caused me any problems but they are not going to fix it. Wish you all the best.

  • Posted

    Hi 🙋 cecily,think you're self lucky you have one stent though surprised they didn't fit all of them,iv just come out of hospital after a month,I cant have triple bypass as because of my lung function probably wouldn't survive the table,cant have stents because the spasms in my coronary arteries would crush them so I'm home on heavy medication,like yourself I cant walk or do much without breathless and pain even though I'm on large doses of morphine,a month ago I was on 5 pills a day now on 16 a day and still in pain,hoping the medication will take better effect the longer I take it,all the best to you.

    • Posted

      Hi Peter, very sorry to hear that you are in so much pain & that you can't have stents. I had a heart attack two hours after stent was inserted so lucky to have recovered & feel nervous about having a second one done.  Hope your medication will ease your pain & breathlessness & you will be able to do more as it takes effect.

    • Posted

      Hi cecily,

      If you had a heart attack 2 hours after the stent being inserted that would explain your extreme tiredness ( fatigued ) and breathlessness. I have had a couple of NSTEMI's and they knocked me for a 6 for around a fortnight so I could only guess what a full blown heart attack could leave a person feeling.

      If you didn't have a heart attack I would of said that having the angiogram to fit stent(s) is enough to make you fatigued and breathless because even though medically thet are helping you, your heart still recieved some trauma to it when they inserted stents. I haven't got stents, they won't put them in, I have a 50% in the LAD and 60% in the RCA, they tell me that these are only "baby " blockages

    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply it has helped me realise that maybe I'm expecting too much too soon.  I'm usually quite an active person & just want to be able to do all the things I did before this happened.  The first Angiogram I had took me about 10 days to get over because I was shocked to hear they thought I needed a by-pass & I had a reaction to the dye also when my heart beat went down to 10.  Take care & hopefully blockage in your arteries will not go up further.

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