Aniexty or peri menopausal

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Hi. I'm new to this and really need some advice and support. Out of the blue this year I became very anxious and like I was withdrawing from my love ones. I think it felt like depersonalisation. I went to the doctors and they put me on medication and I got better so I thought. It comes and goes in waves sometimes i feel that I'm living 

on my nerves it's so hard especially when I'm a mother and a wife and juggling everything. We sometimes have to be super women.

It is so nice when i don't have it as there are times when I'm ok. At the age of 39 the doctor told me that I wasn't on the the change but after 5 months of being fine then not I was so fed up the doctors (I saw 5 different ones and each time up my medication) finally listened and put me on hrt after doing a examination the doctor finally agreed there might be a chance I was in the early change I Thought it was working until last week when I have had another spell of it! I have had 5 since March this year.

I Went back to doctors where I no longer feel I can see her and I feel that she is fed up with me and not sure what to do next as I feel I'm wasting her time. Does anyone else feel like this as it feel so frustrating as aniexty and depression comes hand in hand with being peri menopausal and really some reassurance and guidance.

Alesa xxxxxxx

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    I can't offer any help but I think I am in the same boat.  42, totally regular periods (a bit heavier), really bad acnes and some other weird symptoms (tingling and numbness).  I have had some brutal bouts of anxiety that seem to be hormonal (but sometimes during ovulation and sometimes right after my period ends).  They've run a million blood tests and other tests (colonoscopy, MRI).  The only explanation they seem to have is early menopause (which is better than the alternatives but not really reassuring since it's not a definitive thing).  I'd say keep advocating for yourself and you know your body best (and medicine and science have some wonderful answers and some serious limitations). 


  • Posted


    I know it can sometimes feel as though no one understands but there are hundreds of women of all ages on here going through what you are including me.

    Changing hormones is one of the most difficult experiences that modern medicine can treat and most of the time successfully but a great majority of the time it is 'hit and miss'.

    I chose to use antidepressants low dosage, cut out all processed foods and eat as healthy as possible. I also take pilates and yoga and self hypnotherapy. I am by no means a 'mother earth' type of person but this has helped. Along with supplements and bio identical hormones I am slowly getting through it, what you are describing sounds like peri menopause (if you still have periods) this can last up to 12 years but normally a lot less.

    Don't feel a burden at your doctors if they are unsympathetic then change doctors but remember it's doesn't't last forever

    • Posted

      Hi. Hormones.... I,m taking a low dose of antidepressants too and going to try different foods in my diet. I will try anything as it horrible to live with. I'M usually a real sociable person and do lots of thing with my family but it gets quite overwhelming at times. I have good days and bad but when it bad it just takes it all out of me but I carry on for family. Getting into bed is the best thing after a long day with it X 

      Yes I feel changing doctors might be a option too as don't feel comfortable  going back as I feel like I sound like a broken record. 

  • Posted

    I have been through this Alesa, I felt like I didn't want to be with my family

    cause I felt like I couldn't be bothered and didn't have anything to offer

    them emotionally at the time. I sometimes feel a bit like it still but nothing

    like what I used to. That was about 5 years ago (51). Like I have been

    discussing with the ladies on the other threads, I still feel anxious, fed up

    and just downright miserable at times but I am trying to overcome it, or

    we are wasting our lives. I used to make myself do stuff with the kids and

    even though I dreaded it I felt better for it, you know, happier.

    You are very young to be starting all this but I know people who have, the

    same age as you.

    I am afraid this is all I have to offer as I have got myself through lots of

    symptoms over the last 12 years as I can't take any medication.

    All I can say is I am doing it so it is not impossible.

    I hope you can get some help, doctors are not as good as they used to be

    in my opinion.

    I wish you all the very best?

    • Posted

      Hi. I try and do thing with my children even though they are growing st up X Mybelest is 20 soon and has just back come ask from working aboard. All the family thought it maybe because my first born was moving away.

      i have had a lot going on in the last few year and originally put it down to life but this has really knocked me for sixth. 39 is young but it runs in family. My nan had it early at the age of 39 too.

      It nice to know that I'm not alone and that we can all support each other. 

  • Posted

    Hi, what you are going through is exactly the same as me. Sometimes I'm ok and then the anxiety and depression hit and I feel like a different person. It's awful and I wish there was something I could say to help you but you just have to hang in there. I do meditation and I try to take it easy, I've tried all sorts.

    • Posted

      Hi. It is difficult to pin point what causes it which makes it harder to cope with sometimes. Going to try yoga to see if that helps X 
  • Posted

    Alesha, you're not alone! It does sound like peri. There is such great advice and guidance here. Read others posts and you'll relate and find great things to try. I'm going through it too and finding so much help. 

    • Posted

      Hi. Thank you. It so nice to know as sometimes not sure what is going on with me. I will have a look at other posts x 
    • Posted

      Hi, I'm 41 and was told 2 months ago I had "HIT" it but that was only after seeing 2 doctors to get the rest done!!!

      I believe I started 3-4 yrs ago, I cant remember the last time my periods were regular and my moods (it ruined a relationship).

      I'm now on hrt, having fruit smoothies everyday and just started on cod liver oil with vitamin D & another (can't remember what the other it 🙄😂😂wink.

      I've downloaded an app on my ipad to track everything to see if there's a pattern, it's a working progress 😂.

      Keep reading on here and see what works for others but I think what works for 1 may not work for another but it's worth trying everything.

      I agree with changing Dr or just keep pushing we are entitled to good health care!!!

      Good luck xx

    • Posted

      Hi Karen. We know our own bodies but trying to convince the dr sometimes it is hard they just keep wanting to give anitdepressants I was against taking them but I'm willing to try anything atm to try and get me through it! 

      What at was the app that you downloaded? Will give it a go. 

      Thank you Xxx 

    • Posted

      Hi, yes we know our own bodies bit try to get that across to Dr sometimes especially when they don't listen is hard.

      I'm on a low dose of Citalopram, have been for a few yrs now for "pmt".

      The app I found is called menopause diary 2.

      You can add different symptoms, foods, vitamins etc. I'm still playing with it.

      It's worth giving it a go and if you fill it in daily you have loads of information on there for your Dr.

      I started using it to look for a pattern but I'm waiting to see a menopause nurse so I will now have loads of info for her as well now.

      Give it a go and let me know how you get on

    • Posted

      Thanks Karen. Much appreciated. I will give it a go and let you know X 
  • Posted

    I'm 48 and gynae confirmed peri meno...

    I also have anxiety out of the blue always around ovulation an during an after my period it's aweful.... I use a light calming pill those days to cope....I'll wake with this shaky feeling inside me or will wake up sweating an racing heart.... its all hormones I use evening primrose oil capsule that has vit B vit E zink an Magnesium in it and calcium supplement..... strongs

    • Posted

      Hi Michelle. Yes this is how I feel especially in the morning. I wake up from very nervous about how the day is going to be and if I can cope as sometimes the feeling is very overwhelming. It so frustrating at times as my life is good and my hormones are making feel very scared and negivitive about things for no reason. The pattern for me lately has been about a week before I'm due my aniexty about life goes through the roof! But because my periods are all over the place I get anxious about when the next spell of it will be.Will give promise oil capsules to give that a go to see if that helps X 


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