Aniexty or something else
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HI Ladies
somedays i feel like my old self and out of the blue i feel sick to my stomach, light headed, and extremely tired. cant concentrate and overall feel horrible.
does anyone get this just suddenly ?
just wondering if this is sudden hormonal changes or aniexty attacks
havent had a period in almost 3 months
3 likes, 13 replies
laura21869 llotenz55
I constantly feel nauseous, dizzy and fatigued. My concentration span is not the same as it was. I think this is menopause brain fog and I think all of these things are directly related to hormonal changes.
CarolKelso llotenz55
hi there....yes i get this and happened to me last night. it can be due to sudden drop in hormone levels and can be very frightening...i got a weird head sensation and tummy gets quasey and feel awful....breath when this happens as you are not alone...keep checking in here for support...go easy as your body is transitioning....big hug Ck.
sara97862 llotenz55
Yes, I would get this every few weeks in the summer/fall. Like I just had to stop and lie down or I would be ill.
Very inconvenient when it happens at work. 😕 It takes every ounce of willpower I have to get to lunch break or end of day.
I have noticed if I take a good B Complex vitamin regularly, it doesn't seem as bad.
It is comforting to know I am not alone in this!!
Nettie261962 llotenz55
I get all of this too. The worst is the dizziness! On a daily basis, I feel awful. 56 and been in menopause since 48.
karen156794231 Nettie261962
Hi Nettie - what do the doctors say about the dizziness? The only answer I get is anxiety. Other doctors tell me that anxiety would not make me dizzy 24/7. The OB/GYNs I've seen say dizziness is not a peri symptom. How can they say that when so many of us are suffering from constant dizziness?
Guest llotenz55
DOES anyone else get blotches like on face hand arm and side and hives . blotches are round or and oblong . everything scares me silly !
sara97862 Guest
Hi crosado,
Do you get them at a certain time in your cycle every month, or just randomly?
I do currently get one round hive in the same place on my chin every month. It freaked me out the first few times, but it hasn't harmed anything yet, so I try not to worry... hard sometimes, I know.
Hugs and take care!
Guest sara97862
I'm post meno BUT even before I was post I still got the hives. In Peri they woulds come on chin and neck and chest like a few in each area.
Now I get them in random places above the eye on forehead have even gotten reds thickening one on nose and such. I still get them on cheeks of face randomly. They say in post this is suppose to get better however mine situation is NOT the case. Still have weird symptoms and panic and anxiety through the roof, scary horrible thoughts and internal shakes, On total body alert 24/7 waking up at least 2 to 3 times a night and takes time falling back asleep, Gum at side roof of mouth get like oblong and or round swelling like hive.** **Anyone get swelling thickening in area of gums ? **I have no upper teeth so not from teeth nor from cut or scratch. My breast feel full and tender and I'm two years post meno again. Itchy off and on everywhere!
I forgot to mention I feel scared ALL the time even physically feel the fear. Hot flashes are worse now. I feel nervousness a lot! Lightheaded and tightness in head and spaced out feeling off and on and well the list just goes on!
sara97862 Guest
Oh my Gosh, that 2nd part of your reply is describing my day perfectly today.
Sending you big hugs and prayers!!
karen156794231 llotenz55
This has been me 24/7 for the past six months. All the doctors say the dizziness is due to anxiety and not peri. Wondering if any of you have been advised to try an anti-depressant to help with the dizziness? This appears to be the only solution I have been given. Doctors don't think I need HRT; could try BHRT but cost-prohibitive.
laura21869 karen156794231
My thoughts...the dizziness is not due to anxiety. Maybe from sleeplessness, or menopausal brain fog, but not from anxiety. When I'm anxious, I become hyper-alert...
laura21869 karen156794231
Where I am, anti-depressants are mainly just prescribed for alleviating depression. Anxiety is another thing. The only true anxiety-relieving prescription meds are benzos, which doctors are reluctant to prescribe. Maybe Xanax, if you're lucky. I haven't been so lucky.
I am prescribed Buspar for anxiety, in addition to an anti-depressant. It doesn't seem wildly beneficial to me but I'm not always good at taking it. It has a good reputation.
Clonidine can also be helpful - which is prescribed for hot flashes. It helps me feel calm, but tired.
I also take something called Hydroxyzine(as needed), which is actually a strong antihistamine, prescribed to me for anxiety and insomnia. It is oddly effective.