annoying heart skips beats
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hi have been suffering for a few months with mood swings and heavey bleeding every month and headaches and palpitations that are scarey feeling faint etc but been checked out, today just as feeling totally anxious free for a change i get heart palps yet again when out relaxing, feeling hot and worried, i return home and yet another period starting up, my temper flares and i feel hopeless any help please many thanks debi
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margaret04348 debi62095
jennifer01077 debi62095
I use progesterone cream, it really helps with the moodiness. It is a bit controversial, you could look into the vast discussion on line. You can order it over the internet.
As for the heavy bleeding, if it gets too much you can take tranexamic acid (you have to get it from your doctor).This will reduce the bleeding. You should make sure your blood iron levels are okay, ask your doctor to check. This is really important, low iron causes depression symptoms (irritability and bad sleep). You can easily supplement iron, again, just ask your doctor.
And vitamin B is really helpful.
I have been having these same problems for a long time, but with enough self-care I am managing ok. Mind you I haven't done the dishes in a while! PMS week.
shaznay96184 jennifer01077
I use the same as you now. Seems to work well for me at the mo.
Did take transexamic for quite a while:good stuff! Hate taking meds so when I'd forgotten to get a repeat prescription, I went 'cold turkey' = Fine. Maybe while I was using them my Ps were naturally changing?
Felt a bit hot this morning (a newby for me really, but i'm prepared!) so had an evening primrose.
Also feel my Bioidentical prog cream AND Menopace Original are a good combo for me, both for physical & mental symptoms. It'll all be put to the test over the next 12+wk, due to house sales/son moving out/relocating in the UK. I don't do tings by half!!
You're right about the debate about the benefits of probs cream, but from a personal point of view ive felt fine with it.
Watch this space.......:-)
jennifer01077 shaznay96184
I stopped taking tranexamic acid as well, my periods had gotten lighter. I guess I made it over the hump, and the estrogen started to fall as well. Although the last one was heavy . . .
Thanks for the sweet note, and sorry to debi for hijacking her convo!
susan21149 debi62095
you are not alone I have been suffering for about a month with palpitations myself and very moody at times. Yes it is scary I just want the palpitations to stop even at night when I get up to go to the bathroom my palpitations start up or when I am walking I have them too.
Feel scared and hopeless at times, just want to cry
helen64949 debi62095