Another bad day😣
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Stomach feels raw inside, nausea, trouble getting a deep breath in. Absolutely hate these days. Sad, depressed, body hurts, especially the front of my thighs.
Of course I think I'm dying....
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karen77710 Lotti1966
Sochima822 Lotti1966
Lotti, why are you having a hard time getting a deep breath in? Go to the ER if you're having trouble breathing.
Lotti1966 Sochima822
It comes from my anxiety. I use advair but I really don't think I need to. It only flares up like this when my anxiety is bad.
I've always been the sounding board, the buffer, the peace maker in our family. I'm so done listening to other people's problems...
karen77710 Lotti1966
Yes lotti my breathing goes all over amen my anxiety is bad. It's always first thing on a morning when I wake up darl xx
Sochima822 Lotti1966
I went through the exact thing I no longer wanted to hear of other people's problems. So I changed and said stop I don't want to hear it unless it's good news. Except I was lucky I rarely ever got anxiety.
shelley10976 Lotti1966
Ahh you need to get more help. We all need more people to talk to. I'm not having the best day either. Getting close to the time of month when my panic attacks start and I'm panicked about panic. Even when you know you're not dying it doesn't make you feel better when you think you're dying. There has to be more help. I'm searching every day.