Another post meno bleed?

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hello ladies, could do with some advice as Im sick tired of moaning to my gp! Im 53 and havent had a period for about two years. My flushes have subsided and I think Im through the worst of it.  A year ago I had a small amount of blood in my urine and ended up having a scan which showed uterine thickening, then a biopsy which was normal. Today I noticed a pink tinge on my toilet tissue after having a pee ....sorry to be so graphic. No pain. I did have some lower abdo pain last week, similar to the pain I had prior to my period. Is it worth seeing the doc again or do you think its a sort of period? The thought of going through scans and biopsies again does not appeal! Any advice appreciated. 

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8 Replies

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    I am 57 my spotting of blood has come to a halt, but i am none the wiser whether my ovulation has finally ended, i won,t know until December 2016.

    I don`t bother with GP`s and hospital`s because of all the poking and proding you have talked about. 

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      Hi Lulu, when you say you wont know about ovulation ending, is this info from a hormone test?
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    Hi debbie I have had exactly the same although my periods still arrive intermittently. I had small trace of blood in my wee like you. Had scan about 15 months ago and they found I had a cyst but this went after 8 weeks when I had a further scan.

    Had another urine and health check last year. Still timy trace of blood in urine but Doc (and Bupa) advised it was only a trace so is fine. They both said us meno ladies are always natirally have little traces of blood down below and as urine is collected it does pick up small traces which then register in the tests.

    I have pink wipings still occasionally and then,as always, i start the anxiety cycle again as I keep thinking of bad stuff!!! I have vety light priody thpe aches still but have not complelty stopped yet so thats what it is i hope.

    I am going to Docs tomorrow again to check so I will let you know if you like.

    Thanks for starting this thread as it is virtually the same issue i am having and hope we can help each other here. Take care hun xxx

    • Posted

      Oh thanks so much Louise, that is very reassuring. Im sick of running back and fore to gp, and I look like a beached whale, no unusual pain, so dont think its anything sinister. Let me know how you get on. X
    • Posted

      Hi Debbie went for my health check today - but it didn't include a  smear or urine test so have to go back next week! I'll let you know as soon as I have an answer or some guidance. 

      I'm sure you don't look like a beached whale luvvie - its just how this tim eof our lives makes us feel - Grrrrr!

      Glad you don;t have pains anyway and I'll get back to you on what doc says for guidnance. Take care hunni xxxxx

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      Ok, maybe look like a beached sealion then! Thanks for keeping in touch and hope its not too stressful next week. Will wait to hear your news. Good luck. Xx
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    IF your tests have ruled out anything serious, it can normally be associated with your womb cleaning itself out, this happened to my sister, they did tests, found nothing, and this is what they told her it could be, but, it isnt like a normal period, its darker in colour, and not the same sought of texture, if your saying, it seems like a period to you, then its a period, but, wouldnt want you to leave anything thats not normal to you, but know what you mean about going back to gps again...........  
    • Posted

      Thanks Elaine. Its a tiny trace of blood, nothing new today. Will ask about when I next visit the doc. X

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