Another Strange Expierence

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Hello all,

This may or may not be a symptom at all. I can't tell at times if it's hormonal or some other health issue that I don't know about, or my mind playing tricks on me. Anywhoo, I was watching tv when out of the blue, my head felt like it was going in a different direction than my body. It felt so strange.

Has anyone else expierenced this?

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Menopause playing mind games with you . I've got MdDS in past 5 yrs all I believe down to hormones Jamie ,get some real hum dinger headache / pressure . Im now on low dose HRT ( progesterone ) week 2 .Think hormones sets us up for concerns ,what it does ,tomorrow another symptom  will raise its ugly head . Look at the symptoms Jay put up ,list is endless . 
    • Posted

      Thanks Marlene,

      I felt it was meno tricks too as it was so darn weird. I had a panick attack this morning out the blue. This is the pits. I'm so over this. I feel like I'm going to be a kook for the next few years of my life.

  • Posted

    Yes Jamie, it is called disassociation, or, it could be vertigo, or, very low iron causes disconnected feeling, often due to heavy period blood loss. Try Iron, and for Vertigo, they have a med that helps also, My mom Takes it for that feeling you describe, the disassociation possibility is psychologically based , and requires therapy.Hope this helps, Love Stella42
    • Posted

      I am currently on iron pills for anemia. I've had really heavy back to back periods in the past that caused me to be anemic. I have meclazine for the dizziness. The dizziness has actually stopped for now. I only deal with it when it's time for my cycle. That was the first time I expierenced it and thought it may have been anxiety. But thanks for the tips.
  • Posted

    Hi Jamie. .I have dizziness feel as if the floor is moving but you know that your not..

    I have disassociation ..its like a dreamlike state everything is foggy cloudy....which is obviously serotonin levels that are low of which go hand in hand with your hormones dropping. .I haven't had a period since 25 Dec last year.!! So I think I'm on my way through it hopefully! !...I suddenly became depressed all of a sudden too when months before that was great...All hell breaks loose.!!

    Just like to ask you ladies..that I haven't got the flashes and everything else that goes with it.. ( in the beginning I had ) I now just have very low mood and that disassociation feeling ...its terrible!! Oh and the bloody crying jaggs! !!!! can always take Hrt but I have still got mine still unopened. .I'm gonna see how far I can go without as I've been peri menopausal since I was 40 I'm now nearly 50...

    • Posted


      Thanks for your response. I thought it was the strangest thing. This has happened before and I never said anything because I didn't understand what it was. It makes perfect sense about seratonin levels being low. I feel like I could cry this morning and I have no real reason too. I am still having cycles but they are shorter and lighter and i am borderline hypertension so I can't take any type of HRT. Just dealing with it best I can. Now I know a name for it, I can deal with it better. It got my anxiety ramped up.

    • Posted

      Hang in there it will pass naturally just when things start to happen keep telling yourself it's just menopause symptoms and it will pass I have to do this a lot I am having issues right now with my ears and teeth makes my face hurt in different areas but I also need a few teeth pulled but since menopause I have gotten to where I am scared of something's that I never use to be and the dentist is one of them grrrrrrr so I suffer a bit but the other symptoms are sleepless nights breast pain shoulders hands oh Lord the list goes on not to mention my allergies have did a 360 I suffer bad with stuffy nose dry eyes Well good luck and hang in there
    • Posted

      Thanks Monique. I really appreciate it. I'm hanging in there best I can. I too have started to be scared of things that I never was either. I have always been a calm, chill person. Now the sound of a door closing too hard makes me want to jump out of my skin. Every ache, pain, twinge of any kind makes me think something is wrong. Today I have been moody and on edge all day. It's something every day but I deal with it.
    • Posted

      Yes it's hard sometimes to deal with it but I do like today I was explaining how my back teeth are bothering me because of my ears and it seems like it puts pressure on the nerves that causes me to have the pain in my ear and around my jaw so irritating sinuses and tension
  • Posted

    Sorry All.Getting a buzz to feel better.Will hopefully , if not too hungover, write more tomorrow.Stella42

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