Another symptom?
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Hi Ladies, I'm ranting again just in the hope I might feel a bit better....very selfish, sorry. Since my last post about the horrible n scary anxiety/dizzy episode 4 days ago I've felt just so awful! woozy lightheaded, hot n flushed really off & out of kilter...NOW this running stuffy nose & sneezing in the morning! 😖 (it's now Spring here but this only happens in the mornings) this too doesn't help with my already woozy head...always blubbering "I've never felt so off n sick n weird before" hubby just says 'you've never been 55 & menopausal before' true, but when is this going to stop, does it all get worse before getting better? I wonder if I can or will survive this? Will I ever feel well & normal again, I'm fast losing hope & positiveness...think I'll dig a big hole & climb in 😰 I've been told to ignore it all, just carry on normally but It's hard to live & carry on normally when you feel so off & 'un-normal' if that's a word LoLÂ
Keep Well Ladies xo
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suzydoo Bobbins059
okay factors to consider weight exercise and do you eat a healthy diet?
how long have you felt like this and what are your symptoms please list
why a list well you book an appointment with your doctor with a daily diary and you have evidence you ask if it's what you want HRT. Imagine the doctors is a shop you can go in and ask for what you want - if the request is unreasonable you will be turned away! You are having Menopause symptoms you say I would like please doctor cannot refuse!Â
I really hope this has helped xx
Bobbins059 suzydoo
Take Care xo
tracey123s Bobbins059
I don't know if you have read my posts below, but I do know what you are going through on the mood fronts. These freaked me out so much, the depression, not wanting to do things, wanting to cry all the time or shout and scream. I work full time and my loss of grain power is so frustrating and embarrassing. I forget so much from second to second, let alone day to day!
like I said in my earlier post I'm on b6 high strain and sage in tablet form. I'm not saying it will work, but hey, it might be worth a go.Â
We we are All here to try to help, so keep talking. I've found that gets me through things...,well apart from the really bad days which we all have and are pants!Â
keepsmiling15 Bobbins059
suzydoo keepsmiling15
suzydoo keepsmiling15
keepsmiling15 suzydoo
suzydoo keepsmiling15
i can see where you are at as you have been so lucky to have very minor symptoms and you think in your world that's it?Â
Noooo it's not  and hey I wish that was me and others who really are suffering - hope it doesn't get worse? I have been on HRT love it for 12 years I'm 48 nearly 49 all has gone gone crap in the last18 months. New HRT I'm bloody amazing back and rolling! All health checks done scans etc my body 5ft 4 9 stone don't smoke some drink exercise queen HRT my friend love it. Now I can be positive not wanting to end it. My friends would say I'm a really positive person my hormones said 'NO' feast on my words please as I'm up for a discussion xx
keepsmiling15 suzydoo
tracey123s suzydoo
Bobbins059 keepsmiling15
Keep Well xoÂ
tracey123s suzydoo
Im not here to get into an argument, I just feel your response was harsh to someone that was trying to offer support. Â I'm sorry you feel differently and that I have no credentials to have my own opinion.Â
keepsmiling15 suzydoo
sheryl37154 tracey123s
tracey123s sheryl37154
susan21149 tracey123s