Another symptom?
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a new one I'm experiencing is stuffy nose and a funny feeling when swallowing like having a frog in my throat - meno symptom? Not fluey or anything - started last night - anyone else suffered from this?
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yasmin49092 sophie76397
My nose feels like I'm trying to sniff in a sauna if that makes sense
susan56920 sophie76397
I have lots of problems with my throat :-( it's been going on for a year ... so fed up ... i've also developed an Adam's Apple which all docs are baffled by - loads of test done over this time - throat camera done - normal - ct scan on neck - normal ... maybe getting another throat camera done - waiting on decision on that. I am 50 and live in Scotland. not one dos has mentioned that it could be perimenopause ... all my hormone tests were within range. had thyroid tests done too ... really at end of tether ... should be on holiday in Portugal as I type but didnt go cause so down with this neck, throat puzzle :-(
brendababy susan56920
susan56920 brendababy
I'm just outside Edinburgh
brendababy susan56920
susan56920 sophie76397
I have lots of problems with my throat :-( it's been going on for a year ... so fed up ... i've also developed an Adam's Apple which all docs are baffled by - loads of test done over this time - throat camera done - normal - ct scan on neck - normal ... maybe getting another throat camera done - waiting on decision on that. I am 50 and live in Scotland. not one dos has mentioned that it could be perimenopause ... all my hormone tests were within range. had thyroid tests done too ... really at end of tether ... should be on holiday in Portugal as I type but didnt go cause so down with this neck, throat puzzle :-(
maisie05 sophie76397
I've had this for about a month when my night sweats and flushes started. Never thought it could be peri. And a tight chest. Thought it was humidity. Or not sleeping properly.
maisie05 sophie76397
Yes I've had this since night sweats and flushes started a month ago, and tight chest. Thought it was humidity. Never linked it to peri.
Sochima822 sophie76397
We are in allergy season so a stuffy nose would indicate that pollen is the culprit of that stuffiness.
As for the throat thing, yes, it's a part of peri, but it will go away just like everything else that shows up. Hopefully, it won't last too long.
sophie76397 Sochima822