Anterior hip replacement
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Hi, i have leg Perthes diagnosed at 5, however my parents decieded against traction. I had x-rays and was signed off at 17 however now at 27 I'm struggling and have lots of pain, however I think I've been living with pain all my life and become a bit immune to it. Now I'm struggling, I am self employed and have a very active job. My doctor has suggested a hip replacement. I've been looking and personally think I prefer the anterior approach (from in front) as I can get back to work and there is better range of motion ect after and fewer disadvantages. However I'm struggling to find a specialist in in this area (anterior approach) as you. An imagine I want it to be right so would like someone who had done many, o don't want to be the guinipig! Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated. Also if you have had this done please let me know I'd be interested to hear about how it went, where and who. Good and bad!
Many thanks.
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Carrielv lucyosborne
Hi Lucy,
I was also diagnosed with Perthes at age 5. My particular case was so far gone that I needed an osteotomy, but was told that around age 30 I would need a hip replacement. Although I lived life with some pain and a bit of a limp, I was still able to lead an active life until age 42. When I was no longer able to exercise and enjoy activities (i.e.. jumping up and down at concerts😊
, I decided it was time for a hip replacement. After much research, I went to a surgeon who had amazing reviews, but did not do the anterior approach. I knew of another surgeon who did the anterior approach and was also highly regarded. However, after speaking to different orthopedists, I was encouraged to go with my first choice. Because of the great deformity in my hip my recovery was always projected to be longer than average. I am a little more than a year out and I can tell you that my legs are perfect in length, I am stronger and more flexible than ever. Yes, my hip still hurts on occasion and exercise and stretching are very important. I was scared in the beginning, but have never been happier about this big decision.
I encourage you to not worry so much about the approach as to the experience and confidence that the surgeon has in your particular case.
I hope this has been of some help to you.
If you have any questions, please feel free to message me.
lucyosborne Carrielv
Thankyou very much :-) it's great to read first hand information.
valofsonwithLCP lucyosborne
Where do you live? My son, just had an anterior approach at age 26. Dr. Decook did his out or Northside Forsyth Hospital in Georgia. He was released 6 weeks after it. Said it was the best thing he did. He is now about 12 weeks out, and keeping a rigerous schedule in med school with clinical rotations requiring him to be on his feet 10-16 hours a day.
lucyosborne valofsonwithLCP
Hi there,
I'm in the UK (midlands) happy to travel anywhere in the UK for treatment. That's good to hear he had that approach and regained the descrepency. If you don't mind me asking how big was the descrepency in his leg length prior to surgery?
valofsonwithLCP lucyosborne
Good luck to you. He also did rehab after as he had to be back on his feet quickly.