Anti depressants and hormones?
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Hi, I have the option of going on zactin (marriage in trouble,struggling emotionally)
but I really don't want to risk having anything affect my hormones in anyway as they can be pretty
sensitive.Im wondering about trying a more natural approach such as ..yeah,chocolate walking,
St Johns wart (?) chilli etc .Doing everything I find pleasurable,eating well and reducing coffee..visiting friends.
There's no cure for heart ache and unanswered questions ,somethings we just have to work through and hopefully grow from I know,it's gonna take time and a lot of self care.
I'm 48 and everything pretty regular ,I know stress can be a factor.. but I really,really want to keep everything as natural as possible dealing with this
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Forgot to say,I've been on it a week and feel more sad,wake sweating 4:30 in the morning a few times..
maxinecarla Fairywren
Hi Fairywren,
sorry you are feeling so low. I have taken antidepressants several times in my life and for the first two weeks, they make you feel worse, even suicidal sometimes. The doctor can give you something to help you through those 2 weeks. After then, you should start to feel much better. Good luck! x
Fairywren maxinecarla
laura370 Fairywren
May I ask what trouble you're having in your marriage? Because I'm also having issues with mine over certain matters. I would prefer to privately ask you that question, but I can't see a way to message you. Thank you.
Laura, 51
Fairywren laura370
Well it's a LDR and my husband has anxiety,wants to give up.
nanette44686 Fairywren
Hi I think women who are going through the menopause can sometimes find they have unsupportive partners who struggle to cope when there partners are in perimeno/meno this can lead to all sorts of problems which just ends up making us more down and anxious as if we don't have enough to deal with ??😩X
kelly55079 nanette44686
Yes!! I believe that's it.. My spouse is very unsupportive and nows the time I need support!! I can't do everything and often get overwhelmed.. There is a saying that I heard that when a woman is loved enough she is 10 times the person she used to be.. Or something like that. I just need love and support and if I don't feel like cooking or doing the dishes, I'd like him to do it!! Ha Or at least just support and listen to me.. I hate being neglected!!
Fairywren kelly55079
Fairywren kelly55079
I'm so sorry I misread that he's not supportive X
I wish there was something he could read or a friend talk to him.Funny,my kids always took more notice if someone other than me said the same thing that I've tried to explain.
angie58226 Fairywren
Hi, I had been on antidepressants for about a year. Needed a restart, anxiety was increasing and my Dr suggested them. I truly didn't like the way they made me feel. I actually began to not feel. I couldn't express tears or emotion. I feel you need to release that at times. After the year I went the natural way. I took some workshops on adrenals and cortisol levels. That really helped me, I take an adrenal force vitamin. It's a combo of ashwagandha and rhodiola. I also take magnesium at night. Walking regularly and meditation helps me so much. It doesn't have to be sitting in the lotus position type if you can't. There are many ways to meditate. But deeeeep belly breath work really helps.
Fairywren angie58226
Heartbreak is raw emotion,a trauma..I feel the need to cry and feel feels wrong to block that with medication..kind of like being prescribed antibiotics for a sore throat that's not infected,somethings just have to run their course.
i have to work my way through this grief naturally and be stronger for it somehow,I feel.I don't want to feel anger and blame,and am still holding onto hope..well,at least till I get answers if any.Im still in a state of shock I guess.
Marianna68 Fairywren
Hi, I am 49 and for the last couple of years had a lot of everything: anxiety, panic attacks, blood pressure, skipping my periods on and off, bleeding, etc.... My doctor suggested to start Lexapro an year ago. The first two weeks I felt much worth but didn't stop and today I am pretty much ok. I still have my irregular periods but all my anxiety, panic attacks and all other problems are gone. What I don't like so I absolutely lost any interest in sex, I mean absolutely. Was thinking to stop the Lexapro to see how I am going to feel without it but really afraid that all my other symptoms will come back. Don't know what is better....
juanita93228 Marianna68
So many of the newer antidepressants have unpleasant side effects like making you feel worse before you feel better, weight gain, you're like a zombie, you don't care about anything, no emotions, and the worse one for most is the complete loss of interest in sex, and if you are interested reaching an orgasm is very difficult. Everyone is different and you have to find what works for you but I take 100mg of Trazodone, it's an older antidepressant that also acts as a sleep aid. The only side effect I had was a stuffy nose and that eventually went away. But I also take a multivitamin for women over 50, magnesium, drink plenty of water, and I spice my food with turmeric(it is supposed to help anxiety). I do have some Valium in case I hit a rough patch, but I only take it once or twice a week. Prayer also helps a great deal. I always forget to mention that, when it should be the first thing I mention. Be kind to yourself do some research, it takes time to find just the right combination to feel "mostly normal".
Fairywren juanita93228
It sounds like you've got some good strategies in place juanita
im kind of scared the stuff could mess with hormones if it affects libido,gives breast tenderness and sweats at night,scared it could speed up the onset of menopause some how,I dunno.
Must get back to walking regularly,and not think too much as I pull out weeds gardening
Just enjoy the air,sunshine and nature.
Praying is great,sometimes I'm just too emotionally exhausted so just offer that up as a prayer,knowing I'm understood.
Thanks everyone for your input x