Anti histamine for blepharitis, get a good one

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Hi, I have had bleph on and on as opposed to off and on for two years, I've tried everything, wet ones worked for two months then it recurred with a vengeance, baby shampoo made them sting and didn't help, ALL drops really were too thin to tackle it head on and the only thing that has helped greatly so far has been blephagel, where its good and thick and cooling and in a really good size container I find this the very best thing for keeping it at bay, but recently it kept flaring up and was too sore and stingy and swollen to comfortably get the gel anywhere near it, so I complained bitterly to my GP and said do something and he gave me some antihistamine, which I was reluctant to use as I'd bought a shop bought variety of it some months ago and it had done nothing to help me.

However the one my doc gave me must be stronger than all the rest effectively as my eyes have been 99.9% clear for four days now, unheard of my having had it for so long.  In view of the discrepancy, I am going to post up the name of this particular type so that you may wish, if like me desparate for something to help, to try it.  It's called Cetrizine Hydrochloride, and you may wish to ask your doctor for it, as its certainly worked for me, I can't believe how clear my eyes are, I take one a day at exact same time, set my alarm, 12.00 noon and that's all I need do, on just two occasions I had to use just a very very small amount of my blephagel to back it up, but they are clear, they don't hurt, they are not red, sore swollen, stinging, weeping nor gunky.

Incidentally I also tried antibiotic ointment also from my GP but had to inform him that after finishing two courses of this they were back up to their old tricks again.

I also feel its worth saying again that the blephagel comes highly recommended as I have found that other thick gels do NOT work the same for me, but this one is in a lovely big tube so you can afford to be as generous as you like and the thickness of the gel calms the eye down really well, and I shall naturally go back to using it once these anti histamine have taken off the worst of it, which they seem to be doing very successfully, any help?

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes boots do this type in 10mg tabs? Did you need a prescription?
    • Posted

      I think the one I bought was piriton? Some word like that but anyway it didn't work. My prescriptions are free so it makes sense to get them from the doc, however, good to know Boots are doing them
  • Posted

    are you talking about tablets or eye drops? If tablets, do they make you drowsy?
    • Posted

      No, tablets, they don't make me at all drowsy, they are not that type of tablet
  • Posted

    I've been taking that anti histamine daily for 15-16 yrs( for another problem ,) but unfortunately it's done nothing to fight the bleth so not for everyone I'm afraid .
    • Posted

      Hi David, I am so sorry it is not working for you, I think the thing with any illness and bleph in particular probably is that what works for one doesn't for another, however I hope you are able to find some relief from it as I understand how awful it can be, with best wishes, Fiona
  • Posted

    I found this very interesting. Thank you.  What doseage of cetrizine hydrochloride are you taking? Best wishes, j.

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