Anti inflammatory ruined my stomach

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A couple of years ago I was put on anti inflammatory medication, I started feeling sick a lot so I stopped taking them. The sickness just got worse and worse until I couldn't keep any food down and was signed sick off work. After an endoscopy I was told I had gastritis, and followed a strict diet which initially made me better, along with omeprazole and cyclezine (anti sickness) tablets. I was only good for a couple.of.months before symptoms started up again, however now the doctors say it is something other than gastritis. Been for several tests and the specialist decided I just have to much stomach acid and gave me restrictions to my diet. Now I stuck strictly to it for a month and then was supposed to tween.myself back to a normal diet however it didn't help in the first place, I have a few good days then feel crisp again for the majority. I've started taking gaviacon when I feel bad which seems to help a little and still on omeprazole. I am not sick like I used to be but every time I eat I feel bloated, tried, heartburn, like I'm going to throw up (used to be sick every day during/after gastritis) it's driving me insane and ruining my life. Any theories or similar stories would be a great help. I don't think it's stomach acid as I'm not supposed to drink alcohol but when I do I'm fine most the time unless I eat as well, I just don't know what is wrong with me! Please help!

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    Are you taking probiotics?  digestive enzymes?  Also DGL licorice helps to coat the stomach and protect it from the acid and reduces heartburn.
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      No, I was eating plenty of yoghurt with probiotocs but seemed to make me feel sick. Where would get these from? Would be great just to eat normally and have no symptoms!
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      Also can they be used long term? I'm not getting much help from my doctor as they just don't know what the problem is. Going to try convince them to do another endoscopy hopefully when I see them in a few weeks
  • Posted

    Do some research and get a good brand.  You can take all of the things I mentioned long term.  The DGL licorice is actually a natural substitue for omeprazole.  Yogurt has probiotics but it is dairy and that is usually one of the first things they tell you to eliminate.
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    Since I suffer with chronic side pains which they have not been able to diagnose, I can relate.  A retired doctor that I know said there are many times they just can't find the cause.  Luckily I don't get sick any more (did for a while because I was afraid to eat anything). I use a TENS unit daily and try to get by the best I can.
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    As with a lot of the people on here it's trial and error trying different things

    Go onto search engine and put in best probiotics to use

    I can't advertise but I buy a bottle of 30 x 80 billion probiotic tablets and take 1 in the morning after food there made from vegetable ingredients and don't start to dispense the little good bacteria until it starts to go into your intestines

    It's just triel and error I hope you feel better soon

  • Posted

    You don't list what the anti inflamatory medication was . ? (NSAID ) ?

    I was prescribed Iburofen which didn't do my kidneys any good and I eventually ended -up on dialysis.  

                                              Regards,  E 

  • Posted

    Yes they were NSAID! Think I might try probiotics, at the moment the docs think it's excess acid and need to give my stomach time to heal however I tried this and stuck to their diet to no avail neutral Thanks for the comments guys, any advice on helping the stomach heal would be much appreciated
    • Posted

      What I do hear on these sites alot is an Alkali diet although I have never tried it, but I do have a diet rich in nuts, veg' and fruit. I tried to sent you a passage out of a well known woman's mag' but it was rejected due to mentioning the name of the mag'

                              Good luck E x

    • Posted

      Oh yeah ive heard of the alkaline diet but not yet tried it, Thank you.
  • Posted

    gaviscon messed up my stomach ph . 

    had trouble ever since unable to cope with certain foods 

    my mum had the same as you achol used to relax her stomach and the pain would go , cant really suggest very much because i do things natrual way . .taking one med usaly leads to taking another . sad so i never got on that bandwagon ,  my nan had R/A all her life and sinus problems delt with them her self never saw a doctor in over 40yrs .lived till she was 87 

  • Posted

    Gaviscon did? Yeah I don't want to become too reliant on anything so I suppose just trial and error, avoid things that make me feel bad... which is normally portion size rather that the actual food. Thanks kit I'm going to look into that and get some next week smile
    • Posted

      yes took it while pregnant on advice from gp 

      and have had bouts of constipation and food sensistivties ever since 

      its all very sientific to hard to go into . but it does alter your ph . 

      and with it containing aliminuiam salts i wish i had not gone there 

    • Posted

      Sorry to hear that! I will try not to take so much then thanks for the advice there.
    • Posted

      Your probably right as I find my antacids don't actually seem to help that I have noticed!
    • Posted

      ant acids once in a while wont hurt but taking them on a regular basis is really not good 

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