Antibiotics and LS flare ups!
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I am recently going through an itchy flare up and have had a light bulb moment whilst out walking my dog. It started around the same time I started a course of antibiotics last week. I wondered if anyone else has noticed the same or is it just coincidence?
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melissa0 Guest
Antibiotics can cause yeast infections. I still am trying to determine what is a flare up and what is a yeast infection. Last time I thought I was having a flare up that wasn't going away and the doctor gave me a pill for a yeast infection and all my itching went away. Still learning over here. Good luck
hanny32508 Guest
You might be right that the anti biotic has something to do with it. I've had the opposite happen - while in the midst of a flare up the LS went calm. Luck. No explanation.
fran24104 Guest
When I first had an auto-immune condition I did a lot of reading up on line. There was some suspicion then by medics that anti-biotics could trigger auto-immune reactions. Nothing proven just a suggestion. I'd just finished a course of anti-biotics at the time so I have avoided them ever since.