Antidepressant and Perimenopause
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I have been on this forum many times with all of my ailments related to Peri.
After visiting both by Gyn then my GP, they both agreed that an antidepressant may help me (I also have gone to therapy)
This is because my mood is so bad now that I am at my wits end. I just want to cry all day and really do not have any interest in doing anything.
Has anyone had success with an antidepressant? If so which one?
Has anyone been on Effexor or Celexa?
Thank You
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heidiparthena nanc00951
Yes! Zoloft has been a Godsend for me. I was on Celexa in my late twenties for a spell and it really controlled the anxiety well but also gave me some undesirable side effects. I tried it again two years ago and it sent me to the moon with anxiety, and I gave it 12 full weeks before I called it quits and switched to Zoloft. Zoloft really helps with the anxiety with zero side effects. Miracle drug for me. That said, these are a crapshoot until you find the one that works for you. Definitely give any you try the full 8 weeks before throwing in the towel, and do keep trying until you find one that works. The first two weeks suck! Hang in there. There is no reason for you to have to go this without some help. My heart is with you! xo Heidi
lydia2311 nanc00951
im sorry to hear how much you are suffering through this, the hormonal imbalances can cause so much distress.
I have heard that effexor and celexa have worked for some of my friends during this time. I tried effexor a few years ago and had problems with agitation and it seemed to up my anxiety and jitters. Celexa was wonderful, but it made me feel so apathetic I didnt want to do anything. Not something I could take as I still work full time.
So what I found basically is that antidepressants that worked well for my friends didnt work for me.
The only other thing I would say is coming off effexor was really awful, whereas the Celexa was fine.
best wishes and good luck x
marion88770 nanc00951
hi i went to the doctor with symptoms which reflected menopause and/or depression and i have taken antidepressants since. worked for me.
If you dont mind my asking, which have you taken?
susan43259 nanc00951
hi there I have been on citalopram for a while now and have worked for me
I dont seem to get upset the same now or just randomly cry.
Guest nanc00951
I wouldn't touch either one with a 10 foot pole especially the Effexor that drug is bad news and almost IMPOSSIBLE to come off of and the list of side affects are a mile long NOT only that BUT my husband was healthy than a horse until both Effexor & Celexa was originally given to him for serious back issues and the depression it caused however after taking the Effexor and then switch to Celexa he felt fine for one month and then all heck broke lose and he developed ALS and is now dead. I am 100% sure those drugs caused it , the stupid doctor stopped his Effexor cold turkey which with that drug it is NOT to be done (you never want that drug in your system period . I know from personal experience and seeing the effects of that deadly drug! Well anyways she then started Celexa at 40 mgs when it should of been only 10 mgs to start with anyways he felt fine for 1 month and then he started falling , tripping, speech changed like a very deep horse and very rough, then PBA and then lost strength in his hands first then arms /shoulders and then started horrible nonstop twitches and within 3 months on life support and then totally paralyzed never came off of life support , never spoke again, and never ate again only through feeding tube. Could not communicate at all the whole 3 years before his death. The effexor did its damage and the celexa finished him off! I would drink wine or whatever to deal with menopause before I would EVER start effexor or celexa! There has been so many people literally unable to get off that drug do a deep research you will see. I know what it did to my husband, I know they say everyone is different and true it is however drugs don't change and their deadly side affects and the diseases they cause . I would NOT risk it that's my experienced and opinion had to share so that you can think and research before hand and decide yourself.
susan39015 Guest
Hi, first i want to say how very sorry i am to hear what your husband went through and what you also went through with him. I have been going through an awful time and about a year abd half ago i was put in a position where i had no choice but to take medication even tho i didnt want to and it was effexor. I was 90LB and dr had me take 35mg and wanted me to take it twice a day. I took it once first two days twice the next day then once the next day then completely stopped. I dont know how this drug works for people or is still on the market. I wouldnt give it to my worst enemy if i had one. IM afraid because i just stopped it even tho it was only 5 doses. Can i ask how long your husband was on it. I went to a neurologist and kept telling my husband i felt like i had ms or als. My love and prayers go out to you and your family ❤
Guest susan39015
Susan, you will be fine you wasn't on it long enough at all or high enough dose! You was VERY smart to come off it ..My husband was originally given it for pain management!
Guest Guest
i agree with crosado8, i have been suffering fir so long with perimenopause hell so i decided to try Celexa first which made me feel like i wanted to kill people, them i tried Zoloft which helped some with the anxiety & depression but i was getting massive headaches, bad nausea with loss of appetite and taste loss. So after 2 months i stopped the zoloft but the next thing i knew my headaches nausea & taste loss continued and i noticed my stomach felt icky continuously. So after another year i relented and tried zoloft again....couldnt stop throwing up, my taste disappeared completely, my face and arms started twitching and several nights i had sleep paralysis where i was awake but i couldnt open my eyes or move my arms!! I was so scared....i stopped the zoloft and a year later the twitches are finally going away but my stomach and taste are forever messed up! Be careful with some of the antidepressants, they can be a godsend for some but it can also be a poison to others!
Guest nanc00951
He was only on the Celexa for a month when all this happened BUT was on Effexor much longer like almost two years there's no coming off that drug once you on it a while he took 150 mgs twice a day total 300 mg! I think they start most people out on 75mg twice a day. He started showing symptoms of ALS while on Effexor but at the time we didn't realized it!! Once doctor went cold turkey on it and switched to Celexa he went down hill FAST! You have to come off Effexor extremely slow like breaking off tiny pieces a day for months at least!
I definitely am going to try something.
My doctor has been very helpful. Trying to help me choose the proper med.
I was on Zoloft years ago when I had postpartum depression, so this may be the way to go for me.
It is tiring to be in the state that I am in.
I cry over everything. I do not even want to leave the house to do anything.
Suffering, as I am, is not the answer.
tebrown96 nanc00951
My GP put me on Escitalopram (Lexapro) back in mid-December when my anxiety was at an all-time high. I'm only on 5 mg/day, which is lower than a standard therapeutic dose, but it seems to be working for me. I still have my worries (esp. health-related stuff) but I'm not so freaked out all the time and my emotions feel more even-keeled. When I saw my GYN last week, she said we could raise it to 10 mg/day to see if it helps my night sweats/hot flashes (I get more night sweats than hot flashes during the day), which is the standard dosage, but I don't really want to mess with it right now.
susan39015 tebrown96
HI, I know about 4 ppl on lexapro i go to my psychiatrist tom i was thinking of asking him if i coukd take that even though i dont want to take anything but i cant fight it anymore- to the point that i pray for God to please take me. I only took a few days of effexor but had an awful experience and stopped. If your comfortable on the dose youre currently taking maybe dont change it or you could always just go back to it if the increase doesnt agree with you.