Antidepressants to treat surgical menopause ! Do I take them ?

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Hi I'm 51 and after surgery for ovary removal I'm in surgical menopause and really struggling.Its now been 3 months and I've tried all the natural remedies with no relief.

Doctor is reluctant to let me go on hrt because of family history of breast cancer and wants me to go on antidepressants but I'm really not comfortable with long term use of them.


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22 Replies

  • Posted

    If it's any help, I'm in natural menopause but also cannot take HRT due to family history. I'm on anti-depressants and have been on and off for several years. They make a massive difference to my hot flushes and mood swings. I take a low dose of citalopram which is actually quite easy to come off - you just lower the doseage slowly.

    I look at it like using any other medication - try it, if it suits, great - if it doesn't go back back to your GP and try something else. It will only be worse if you struggle on and get more and more miserable.

    It's worth a go - even just for some respite!

    Plus - B6 is good too smile

  • Posted

    HRT is your go to miracle product Wendy, try another Dr who is up to date with recent updated HRT products - Tiberlone (livial) gets great reviews in Australia and speak for myself when I say it is a wonderdrug - and much 'breast cancer history friendlier' than those drugs produced years ago which gave HRT a bad name.

    There is no need for you to struggle in this day and age - look at the huge Menopause centres and websites in AUS - UK and USA and read up on what amazing progress they have made. Millions of lives are better and happier for it.

    Thinking of you, keep us posted re your progresssmile

    Loui x

    • Posted

      Hi I had done lots of research on Livial before going to the doctors and she said she will do her own research on it for when I go back I was really hoping she would agree on that 1 as it does seem the best suited for my circumstances, 

      thanks for your reply x

  • Posted

    Hya Wendy..

    Im natural postmenopausel...

    Im taking anti dees...mainly for uncontrolable anxiety,reluctantly tho...But they definately help....x

  • Posted

    My doctor was the same. I tried 'natural' remedies with no joy and told him I wanted HRT. It worked very well for a while, but then I started to bleed and decided to stop taking it.

    Long story short - the natural remedies do work if you find the right mix for you and hunt out the best quality ones - not the cheapest (and not always the most expensive) Also Vits D, K2, C and B complex, Magnesium and Omega3. I did this and feel SO much better.

    Now if I could just fix my shoulder/neck problem ......rolleyes

    • Posted

      Hi Bobbysgirl me too I stop taking HRT beside I started to bleed as well,I'm on Anti Depressants for s while but hope to stop them and all soon.

  • Posted

    Hi Wendy, did you try flax seed oil? Flax seeds helps with hot flushes, try Vitamin D3 for mood swings. You don't say what natural remedies you tried but I know these 2 can help. I also took Macca, not sure if that would help you but try Flax seed oil and VD3. Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      When I said Vit D I meant D3 (rather than D2).smile Flax seeds are full of Omega3.

    • Posted

      Hi I started on homeopathy didn't helped at all, Ive been doing acupuncture & Chinese Hermes and has helped a little but at £200 a month not really worth for the small relief I get.

      i also take flax seeds sage & evening primrose & vitB nothing seems to help maybe it's because surgical menopause puts your body into suddenly having no hormones.

      i will look at vitd3 & Macca

      many thanks

  • Posted

    Hi Wendy. its a shame you can't take hrt as it definately helps me. there is an anti depressant called fluoxetine that is particularly helpful in softening peri/meno symptoms for many ladies; in the past i have read alot of ladies on here found it helped, & personally speaking, one of my old workmates takes it for meno (she'e in her 50's) & finds it really helps her. worth a try. xxx

    • Posted

      Thank you my worry is having to take it long term and the side affects
    • Posted

      Hi Wendy. All meds have a list of side effects, & often have initial side effects until your body adapts to it. If you start on a low dose (which may even be enough to help you) you are much less likely to have side effects. most anti depressants have initial side effects for 1st 4-8wks, but as i say are reduced if you start on a low dose & very gradually increase to a level that helps you eg lowest dose for 6-8wks, then if you dont feel its making enough difference go up to the next level for 6-8wks. I think if you had tried natural alternatives without success it is worth a try. anti depressants can be taken indefinately (I have been on them most of my lif since my 20's (now 45) due to prolonged bouts of anxiety & depression, & they keep me as the real me. There is not the stigma there used to be about being on them. If you had diabetes or thyroid problems you would take meds to help control it right? so if you need a med to help control anxiety or depression & improve your quality of life long term - then so be it! The aim is to make you feel better about life while going through this horrible phase in a woman's life. if, when you pass meno, you want to stop anti depressants, you very gradually over a period of weeks/couple of months reduce dose. I hope this helps you Wendy to consider it - I have your best interests at heart here & don't want people like you to suffer when there is a possible solution to help you. I would talk to your gp about it & see what she thinks. Take care hunny. xxx

  • Posted

    I would like to rec passionflower. It has helped me for yrs, and it's all natiral

  • Posted

    Dear Wendy

    I am a year into surgical menopause, I too had ovary removal due to family history, I had an aunt who had ovarian cancer at 21 and my sister died of breast cancer at 31, she had it at 27. I havent taken hrt either. I must admit that symptoms were OK for the first few months apart from hot flushes but seven months on I had terrible anxiety and panic and have been struggling with that! I'm unsure what to take apart from adding magnesium which has helped my bad muscle pain and I think helps a little with anxiety as low magnesium can cauae theae symptoms

    • Posted

      Hi yes the anxiety has been terrible for me too sometimes I have a couple of days where I feel ok and I'm hopeful its settle then it comes back again.

      I've never suffered with anxiety and I'm really not sure any supplement help with how extreme surgical menopause is.I've tried everything but nothing's helped although Maca has been suggested which I've not tried so I'm going to look at that.

      Has your doc suggested any alternatives to hrt mine really wants me to take Vensir but the side effects look terrible.

    • Posted

      No the doctor didn't, I really felt like I was left on my own after th wen op, no advice of what might follow, she did refer me to talking therapies, cbt, but although It helped with the negative thinking, I don't think it will help with panic and anxiety if it is our bodies reacting to lack of hormones which regulate our moods etc etc. I haven't heard of Macca x

    • Posted

      It's really nice to speak to someone who has had the same op and similar symptoms, I keep blaming myself for the anxiety and panic and thinking it is just me and that doesnt help x

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      I keep looking for answer to why I'm so anxious and I'm positive it's nothing we are doing, a menopause nurse  said removing ovaries is like hitting a brick wall and the body goes into shock and it can take years to recover !!

      my doc wants me on antidepressants they have been sitting on my bedside table for 5 weeks but just too scared to take them after reading up on them.

      it is nice to talk to someone that understands I feel like I'm boring my family & friends now. X

    • Posted

      Yes I have always tried to be positive especially after I lost my mmum and sister together twenty years ago, I had to help bring up my sisters childeen Aswell as my own, so I have always tried to be positive and strong. I never really thought about how it would affect me after the op, I suppose I thought I would sail through menopauae like my pregnancies! Putting it like hitting a bricka wall does put it in prospective and it does help me realise that what we are experiencing is normal x
    • Posted

      Excuse spelling I have a new phone lol
    • Posted

      Sounds like you have been through a lot but I think even the strongest person would struggle with surgical menopause, my consultant did warn me but defiantly played it down I really thought I would sail through it too, some days I feel like it's taken over my life.

      take care x

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