anxieties with menopauses
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Have been having anxieties, went down some but I still feel weird at times. Today i felt my heart racing. Just cried and cried. It seems like all i am doing is crying and yelling and just not myself at times when is this going to stop. My OBGYN wanted me to bring my period on by taking a progesterone pill for 10 days but I don't want to bring a period on and have my body think its pregnant that would be more stress on the body so i am doing the blood test to see if i am in menopause. With all the anxieties why trick the body by bringing on a period
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dane521 susan47122
susan47122 dane521
kim27003 susan47122
I do not even know who I am any more. Very scary feeling, to now feel this insecure and anxious about everything. I have always been the "go to", and now half the time I don't feel like I can handle the smallest of things. I find it very difficult to talk to my family about it. I am so thankful for all the wonderful ladies, and their unwavering support on here.
My heart goes out to you, Susan.
anita31460 kim27003
Reading your story is like reading mine! I'm finding real comfort from knowing the symptoms I have are not at all unusual for ladies our age but at the same time it's a bit scary that there's no quick fix. I find the anxiety so debilitating that I can't face the thought of this being a long term thing. I'm in touch with our local wellbeing service and am trying to learn ways of coping with the anxiety but it's a daily battle.
Big hugs Anita
sue976 susan47122
i can tell you what as helped my anxiety loads, I joined yoga and that as helped me with controlling my breathing and helping me relax, I couldn't recommend it highly enough.
i do hope you feel better soon, and it does help if you can get a understanding doctor, when I was at my worst that was the time when a couple of the doctors just didn't believe I was feeling so bad.
good luck and a big hug from me xxx
susan47122 sue976
I will try yoga thank you
andrea92630 sue976
On top of all of this I am grieving for my brother that I lost a couple of months ago to cancer. And feel like I am just existing. My husband has been amazing, I feel so sorry for him putting up with all of this.
The list goes on doesn't it.
susan47122 andrea92630
It will get better, I have a lot of scary anxieties myself even panic attacks. That why I don't want to be doing HRT therapy because it can mess with your hormones and give a person more anxities. My OBGYN prscribed me progesterone to bring on my period and thats not what I want to do. I do not want to bring on a period because all it will do is cause more side effects in a person and hormones will be up and down.
I hope you feel better maybe the patch is to strong for you maybe you should do a HRT in a low dose. How much is in the patch. Or maybe your body is trying to tell you that you do not need HRT therapy. Look at it this way. Why go through all this hormone stuff with HRT because it just stress out the body more.
dane521 andrea92630
andrea92630 dane521
sue976 andrea92630
Adventurer susan47122
Now pending what you are currenty on will determine what will be good for you in the future HRT or not? Good luck with whatever you try - keep posting cause women we need one another through this journey. Stay strong and positive - you are not alone and keep trying with your Doc and trust yourself. x
susan47122 Adventurer