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I’ll try not to make this short.
Between this perimenopause and stressors at work I don’t know what is going on . I had my first period in 3 1/2 months at the beginning of February, A few days after my period and then I had horrible anxiety/panic attack in the shower that didn’t seem to end. I’ve been constantly taking deep breath‘s and it’s been difficult to get a good yawn in, i’ve been trying really hard to fight the needing to take a deep breath because I know it can be a stress release but doing it too much isn’t necessarily good. Now I’ve been experiencing where I’m almost at times a little short of breath and my breathing seems off, is this a pre-menopausal thing or stress? I have no idea, has anyone else experienced this?? Any help is so appreciated!
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katherine_c kellie_123
Guest kellie_123
Hi Kellie, it can be both peri and stress, or stress brought on by peri. I had breathing issues, it started with getting short of breath now and then, then I felt like something was on my upper back and I couldn't breathe, now I know when my hormones are dropping because I will feel like it's kind of hard to breathe, but not as bad as it used to be. It really is connected to hormones somehow.
If it's stress, constantly thinking of breathing will just make it worse. Try and get your mind off it.
Hope you start feeling better soon,
kellie_123 Guest
Guest kellie_123
Just go and enjoy spring break and try to forget it. Yes, all these crazy symptoms are related, I don't know how or why they are, but they really really are. When I was going thru the worse of it, mornings were hard, I'd wake up with my heart racing and think why would it be racing when I was just sleeping? I guess it's all related to the increase in cortisol and adrenaline to compensate for the declining estrogen and progesterone. Would make sense that it causes an anxiety feeling and shortness of breath. I had doctors tell me that I wasn't in peri, but I was 52 and my periods were getting funky. They were very wrong. You're already skipping some periods, so indeed you are peri too.
katherine_c kellie_123
Edell7329 kellie_123
I have been having the same thing on and off for almost 2 years. I think it's anxiety and perimenopause. I am 47 and had a hysterectomy at 45 although they left my ovaries so I could go thru menopause naturally. Since last January I have had so many things I that I am attributing to this menopause crap. I have had acid reflux, weird aches and pain, intermittent breast and ovary pain. Palpatations,Anxiety, depression, crying almost every day. The list goes on. I have had many tests and they have come back good. Thank the good Lord Jesus! About the only thing I havent had is hot flashes! I get so aggravated sometimes because I can not take HRT because I had a blood clot in the past. I just wish there was some help out there for those of us that are not able to take HRT. The doctors can't even tell where I am at because I had the hysterectomy. All they want to do is give you anti depressants. Anyway sorry for the rant! You are not alone in the breathing thing. Just try not to take deep breaths it makes it worse! When I get all crazy I pray and ask God to help calm me down and he does!
katherine_c Edell7329
Gypsy014 kellie_123
Hi Kellie, its anxiety!! Which you get with peri, its awful but once you learn how to calm yourself down it gets easier.. When you can't get that deep enough breath do what ever you can to make yourself belch drink some water or something fizzy, until you let out some deep good belches/burps what happens is when your panicking your swolowing a lot of air and shallow breathing taking in too much so let it out ,gas, anxiety not enough deep breaths its all connected with peri... And omg the anxiety /panic attacks in the shower suck so bad.. I get them too, your not alone on that one but I do the breathing and the belching and calm myself and it always passes before I pass out lol.. Kidding I've never actually passed out but sure does feel like'll be fine it passes scary but it passes...
kellie_123 Gypsy014
I mean I knew I was in for a ride but I can’t believe all the crazy stuff that we have to go through, you would think we would get a break somewhere along the line!
Glad to hear other people have experience this as well period I thought it was a little too ironic that I started experiencing this stuff to days after my last period had ended and then All hell broke loose !
I do have mild asthma, maybe I should start using my inhaler little more in that might bring me some relief as well. Thank you for everyone’s help on this. if anyone else experiencing this please let me know so I know I’m not alone!
debra16694 kellie_123
Hi Kellie - I had about 5 fairly severe episodes of shortness in breath, they all happened around the same time of day...around dinner time - at first I thought it was heart related, then anxiety related, but the real whopper of an episode kept me gasping for air for about 6 hours until I took an Ativan & feel asleep...the next time it happened to me I grabbed a inhalator that I had of Symbicort & got relief - I then called the allergy doctor & made an appt. Years ago I had allergy induced asthma because we had a particularly wet winter & my allergies were horrible from the mold & mildew, but had not been plagued by either for 15 years. Turns out hormones play havoc on your respiration as well & the reason why I was always getting “attacks” at dinner time is because that is when your cortisol is either the lowest or highest (sorry can’t remember which it is) Anyway, I would go get checked out by an allergy dr and or it just could be your anxiety kicking in, which also can cause shortness in breath, either way, it’s our hormones wrecking havoc on our bodies - good luck!
tina00239 kellie_123
kellie_123 tina00239
pinkcatfairy kellie_123
Dear Kellie
I had terrible anxiety in peri and a few bad panic attacks which seemed to happen after I had caffeine so if you havent already I would cut that back, it does get better I'm two years post meno and although I have my moments it isnt as bad as it was , I also took a good multi vitamin which seemed to help me