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I have been in peri for about 6 years.had my last period last November and was coping alright with the hot flushes.but lately the anxiety attacks are getting heart beats so fast and I really start to stress.i already take vit b6 and vit d along with iron tablets and primrose oil.any ideas on reducing the attacks.
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sharcerv52408 linda72460
jayneejay linda72460
Also Try some B12 the higher the mcg the better..
like jarrows 5000mcg B12 cherry flavour ..
also Vit E is fab, been using this myself for about a month now..
and consider a natural supplement like Menapol plus x daily .. I too take these ..
from amazon uk or simply suppllements .. ( 11.69 ) for 120 caplets
jay xx
tina90965 linda72460
jayneejay tina90965
i am age 50 and one year post menopause ... ( last period was 2 Sept 13)
all confirmed at last Gyno visit ..
i had a natural almost 10 year peri route ... vit B 6 is essential and you need at least 100mg daily ( i take 150mg) i use to take Jarrows B12 5000mcg, but now have injections every two weeks..
as for it all passes post meno, well i still get the odd shaky feeling, like blood / energy draining from my head to my feet and need to sit down on occasion, i still get the palpitations at times, hot flushes returned for me on approaching post meno but have eased now,
Vit E has helped me alot ... Very benefical Vit E for peri / meno
i also take menapol plus x 2 daily
amongst many other important vit for bone health etc Vit D, Calcium and Magnesium Chaleted and magnesium oil spray etc
jay xx
tina90965 jayneejay
jayneejay tina90965
no i dont take evening primrose
just Vit E ... Been on that about a month and like it alot, hot flushes have eased off with it, and it great for menopause ..
i too have a back problem ... And magnesium oil spray has been great for it, it eases the pain so much, its almost gone ..
magnesium very beneficial i use the spray for the back and take orally the chaleted magnesium ..
( magnesium citrate and oxide has laxative effect and can give you upset tum so avoid those two)
calcium also good for bone health
take care
jay xx
jayneejay tina90965
This is an important vitamin to consider at the menopause.
Over many years clinical studies have shown its effect on reducing hot flushes.
Vitamin E is also helpful for vaginal dryness and one study showed that just 400iu taken daily for between 1 and 4 months helped 50 percent of the women given supplemental vitamin E.
Although most women fear breast cancer, our biggest killer is heart disease. There is now such a wealth of information on the beneficial effects of nutrition on heart disease and unfortunately HRT has been shown to increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
A study published in the Lancet showed that 2000 patients with arteriosclerosis (fatty deposits in the arteries) had a 75 percent reduction in their risk of heart attack when given vitamin E.
At the time, researchers claimed that vitamin E was even more effective than aspirin in reducing heart attacks.
i never tried evening primrose oil as dont like the look of the side effects, so i stick to the Vit E personally.. & am fine on Vit E
my daughter took Evening Primrose oil and it made her feel sick, so not trying this one...
Useful info about it ...
Evening Primrose Side Effects
Side Effects and Precautions
Evening primrose oil is generally considered a safe supplement, but may cause mild nausea, stomach pain or headache in some people.
Pregnant or breast-feeding women should avoid it, and it shouldn't be taken by anyone with epilepsy or another seizure disorder.
It may raise the risk of bleeding and shouldn't be combined with blood-thinning medications. Primrose oil could also interact with drugs prescribed for high blood pressure, depression or seizures.
If you're approaching or in menopause and have questions about evening primrose oil, talk to your doctor to decide if the oil might be helpful for you.
tina90965 jayneejay
tina90965 jayneejay
Magnesium is a beneficial mineral that offers a variety of healing effects,
Magnesium oil is a form of the mineral that may be used to rejuvenate the body and assist in healing certain ailments.
Also used for sports injury and body pain..
It is important to supply your body with an adequate level of magnesium, as a deficiency may result in symptoms of anxiety, restless leg syndrome, sleep disorders, nausea, low blood pressure and weakness, among others.
Many people are unaware they are deficient of magnesium .
magnesium very beneficial during peri and menopause ..
In addition, spraying magnesium oil on certain parts of the body such as the thighs, abdomen and arms may help to relieve achy joints, muscle spasms and sore muscles.
You can spray it on the affected areas and rub it into the skin as needed. The more you rub the oil into the skin, the more it will effectively absorb.
( transdermal ) Using magnesium oil for massage stimulates blood flow to the skin, as well as the underlying tissues.
Further rubbing the oil into the skin enhances the absorption and distribution of the mineral to successfully relieve knots and spasms, Back pain etc
Used before bedtime can relax and aid a good nights sleep.
Hair Loss
Another use of magnesium oil is for treating hair loss, which may result in inflammation and calcium deposits in the hair follicles over time, Use of magnesium oil may be beneficial for people who suffer from male pattern baldness, as calcification of the scalp constricts the blood supply to the hair follicles, causing reduced nutrient flow.
Using magnesium oil effectively breaks up and dissolves calcium deposits by absorbing through skin membranes and into the bloodstream.
You can apply the oil directly onto your scalp or massage it into thin areas of the skin and scalp in order to maximize absorption into your bloodstream.
magnesium is also the first line of treatment after a heart attack, via paramedic or hospital via IV or injection..
Footballers, Sports people are treated with magnesium oil spray when an injury occurs on pitch etc ..
magnesium may assist in the prevention of heart attacks if taken regularly ..
( both men & women) ... Good all rounder ...
robin80460 linda72460
jayneejay robin80460
are you post menopause or peri ..
magnesium is good one to take..
i take the solgar chaleted magnesium .. one in morning one before bedtime.. doesnt cause upset tum..
also 150mg B6 and B12 injections amongst other things..
B6 is great for anxiety, brain fog, aches, the blues etc ..
the estrogen will decline as thats what menopause is .. its not that its too low, thats what nature does .. reduces the hormones ..
hope you get on well with your HRT .. which are you having ..
just estrogen ?
i am aged 50 had a natural almost 10 years peri menopause..
after a vaginal scan and confirmed my ovaries were now post meno, my Gyno suggested Ovestin Vaginal cream Estriol thats the kinder estrogen, Estriol is the kinder / safer estrogen, mainly i use for vaginal dryness but only half measure and once weekly now ..
Premarin ... make sure you read about that one, if given it. as its pregnant mares urine HRT .. something doctors dont tell you..
jay xx
robin80460 jayneejay
jayneejay robin80460
patch is a good option, doesnt go via liver ..
hope it makes life better for you robin 😃
good luck hun
jay xx
tina90965 robin80460