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I Went to see a counseler and befor i lefted she gaive me a card this is what it said hope it will help



What am i thinking ?

What am i reacting to ?

What am i feeling in my body?


Put in some perspective

See the bigger picture

Is this fact or opinion?

How would someone else see this ?


What's the best thing to do for me

for others

for this situation?

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4 Replies

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      Hi kristi my doctors where not helpfullwent to see 4 differant ones one doctor said what do you want me to do a bout it felt sick when i left When i went to see this lady it was so nice to talk and she was understanding felt good when i left seeing her next week

      Take care

      paula x

    • Posted

      it's important to have a good response from and with the person who's going to help you keep it together.  i'm glad you found her.  women (usually) are the ones who understand what we're going through.  my situation a few weeks ago was the reverse.  i went to my PCP who studied and has degrees on women's issues.  she is post menopausal... and yet when i complained of hot flashes AND severe cramping during periods, she suggested a heating pad.  a heating pad...with hot flashes!!  sometimes they just don't think.  i told her the ONLY thing that helps take the edge off the pain is pain killers.  she had me speak with our male gyne and he listened (really listened) and wrote me a script for pain pills - something i'd been asking for for months and months.  she just wanted me to treat it HER way.  you have to really sell yourself with these people; MAKE them listen.  that is distressng in itself. 


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