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wondered if i could be on the perimenopause ive suffered with anxiety and panic attacks and depression for 21 years im 46 and recentley my periods have been all over the place but its the anxiety and constant crying i cant cope with i feel like im goin mad is it normal are other people going through the same x

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32 Replies

  • Posted

    Janine, unfortunately yes it's very normal, I'm 47 and been in peri nearly two years, and it's the panic and anxiety that has been the worst for me, I just feel do nervous all the time, I was really bad before Christmas and I thought I was cracking up, everyday for 3 weeks I was crying shaking and having the worst panic attacks, you are not alone and it will pass, stay strong and big hugs xx
    • Posted

      oh sue god bless you  i do hope you feel better soon and thankyou for sharing that with me are you on anything for it and has it helped at all if you dont mind me asking xx
    • Posted

      Hi Janine someone recommended Batch Flower for panic and anxiety, it's just totally natural mouth drops, it doesn't interfere with no meds either, it as been brilliant, every time if I feel slightly off it I just start with the drops and I feel better, it's not cheap but god it's good xx
    • Posted

      thankyou ill try anything im considering hrt if it will help xx
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      That's my last resort, trying all the natural stuff first and this has been the best yet xx
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      i shall certainley keep it in mind and thankyou xx
  • Posted

    Hi Janine,

    My anxiety is horrible. I never suffered from anxiety. I was always a laid back, calm person even in emergency situations. No, I am all over the place. Nervous, jittery, and on edge all the time. Sometimes I can deal with it and other times it drives me nuts. I can barely sit still at work from being nervous and trying no to have a panic attack. My family think I am losing my mind at times.

    • Posted

      jamie i know its awful im just the same i coulg literally pace up and down and rip my own hair out and the weird thoughts which are so awful then make me panic are you getting any help at all
    • Posted

      My GP prescribed me a small dose of Ativan to keep me relaxed. I haven't filled the script yet as I am not really one for taking pills unless I necessarily have to. So I haven't taken them. I want to try anything natural or herbal first. My anxiety has gotten a little better than I was at first. It's still bad but I talk myself through it and keep telling myself it will go away. Just can't stop thinking something is going to happen to me or I have some horrible disease everytime I get a weird feeling or pain.
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      i know the thoughts are terrible mine are about losing my mind or harming myself both being my biggest fears do you have a feeling of dread all the time
    • Posted

      I do I consently think I have something really fatal, I was never ever like this before peri, I was a very happy go lucky person and enjoyed life, now I consently worry that I have something terrible, with every new symptom, it's the worst feeling ever, I hope it passes soon xx
    • Posted

      Yes I do and it is horrible. I've bought puzzles, adult coloring books, and all sorts of things to distract my mind from focusing on the symptoms. Some days it's harder to shake the bad thoughts than others.
    • Posted

      I am the exact same way. I've changed so much that everyone noticed it. I think the exact same way. Everytime I get a new symptom I think it's fatal and then here comes the anxiety attack. The symptoms just started out of nowhere. Weird head feelings, internal tremors and tingling, chills, shaky, racing heart, body temperature fluctuating and a million more. Once the anxiety kicks in, it makes the symtpoms worse. Im just always on edge because of it. I try to talk myself through it now by telling myself im ok and it will go away.
    • Posted

      it is ive got to the point the last few days i just dont want to be on my own si was ironing at 3 this morning i was so restless its nice to be able to share with people though thanku sue and jamie xx


    • Posted

      I got a really good book yesterday on anxiety and how to deal with it,  it's called dareresponse and omg it is like me describing myself and you too Jamie, and basically that's what it says you have to embrace it and try not yo fight it, because when we panic all we're doing is feeding it, I know it's easier said than done but he as a way of doing it, I will try anything before go on tablets, they really are my very very last resort xx
    • Posted

      I was the same Janine before Christmas I had to be with someone all the time, if I wasn't I was having panic attacks, that is the worst I have ever been, I neverwant to go there again it was one of the worst times I've had xx
    • Posted

      That sounds like a good book. I've gotten to the point of just talking myself through it and telling myself im ok and it will go away. It's not easy but that's what I hold onto. If I don't I would wind up in a mental institution. Some days are good ones and some are horrible. I try to keep the negative thoughts down and reduce the stress on my body since the hormones are causing enough stresson their own.
    • Posted

      Definitely keep sharing. I post a lot as sharing is a way of therapy for me. Especially being able to share with ladies such as yourself that understand and can offer some suggestions as to what may have helped them through this. It makes me feel like what I am experiencing is not all in my head and I'm not losing my mind.
    • Posted

      keep writing Jamie, whats therapy for you is therapy for us too.

      mornings are the worst time of the day for me....the nausea is at the top, body is shaking incontrollably because the stomach has been empty overnight, palpitations /anxiety are the first thing i do is brush my teeth, and eat the food the food I have kept overnight - i go for yogurt and crackers and cheese. for the shakiness I try to keep myself engaged in some walking and floor exercises, for palpitations I focus on my controlling my breathing - in out for certain counts and also a fake cough helps to reset the heart pounding...

    • Posted

      I get the shakiness and jitters in the morning. Sometimes it goes away and sometimes it lingers all day. I try to keep calm when the heart palps start and then it stops. I don't have them too much and I am thankful for that. I did notice that when my pulse gets stronger then I get really hot. I don't sweat but I get extremely hot. Some days I get the weird head feelings and I get scared and think im going to colapse. I get the twitching muscles, internal tremors/tingling, burning feet and hands, trembling and shaking, doom and gloom, really bad gas and indegestion and everything else under the sun. I don't do too much of anything by myself anymore. I'm scared to drive but I do. I don't go out that much anymore because I'm scared I will flip out in public or pass out. It's been a rough couple of months for me but im learning how to manage.
    • Posted

      completely relate to 98 percent of your experiences jamie.

      someone told me when the jitters and shakiness is pronounced to keep myself physically moving...

      on a lighter note...i think we should put some music on and step-dance !

    • Posted

      can relate to everything you say jamie ikeep  telling myself all will be ok sometimes it works other times i feel like im goin to go mad i also feel sick and jittery all the time 
    • Posted

      I feel like you. Never had an issue with depression or anxiety but now having issues. Still go to work every day but feel like I have lost confidence and don't want to be around people much except for my husband and kids. Feel anxious and on edge and have mood swings. Don't feel like me! Have horrible bloating issues too which don't help. Going to doctor for first time tomorrow.

    • Posted

      It really bothered me because it seemed like it came out of nowhere. I've become such an introvert. I still go to work but it's rough as I either leave early or don't go in. The nervousness and jitters has me on edge so much that I can't sit still at work. I haven't taken anything yet as I am not a pill person. I have taken some of the ladies suggestions for herbal and natural remedies. For now I have just been toughin it out and it is hard. This site always lifts me a bit though when I feel some days I can't take it, I come here and vent and the lovely ladies listen and don't think I'm going crazy.

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