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Hi Ladies!
I was wondering if any of you who suffered with anxiety have come across anything that works rather quickly to bring you out of it as you feel yourself going into an attack before the full blown thing hits? I don't know if I'm making any sense.
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natacha66 sharcerv52408
Started working rather quick.
Try it.
maria101 sharcerv52408
Hi Sharcev, I wish mine will go away I had attack sometime ago couldn't breath and call Ambulance, I was told to blow inside a brown bag or take 3 deep breaths hope this helps.
michelle46271 maria101
How are you? X
2chr2015 sharcerv52408
Once you know what it is and that you aren't dying, you can learn to breathe yourself through it. Close eyes, deep breaths...sometimes that works. Other times, I have had to take Ativan. It works within 15 minutes
debbie_18471 sharcerv52408
Depending on how bad I am I will start with essential oils like lavender. I will put a few drops on back of my neck. I will try fish oil or magnesium supplements too. Sometimes Chamomile tea helps. If I am getting really bad and I've tried everything else I have some Xanax my endocrinologist gave me. I break the pill into quarters and I take a fourth of the pill and that will do the trick. I don't feel drowsy because I take such a small amount but it really makes me calm and rational again. Prayers for you🙏🙏🙏
sharcerv52408 debbie_18471
I'm going to ask my GP to refer me to an Endo doctor to get all of this sorted.
tinaarena.1 sharcerv52408
Hi, it's a combination of things that will help you to alleviate that horrible feeling without actually resorting to medication..
First off you do need to get your breathing under control so close your eyes whilst taking deep breathes - in through the nose and out through the mouth - whilst doing this focus in on the feeling in your tummy/chest - talk to it!
( no I'm not mad) well just a little bit!!
Repeat - your just a feeling u cannot hurt me - this allows u to take control of your thought pattern - continue to do this until you start to feel calmer..
The reality is it is just a feeling! A horrible one that can be controlled through practice..I hope this helps you let me know how you get on 💟
sharcerv52408 tinaarena.1
Sochima822 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 Sochima822
Hi Sochima! I wish I could take St. John's Wort but it interferes with blood pressure.
Sochima822 sharcerv52408
Oh, sorry I forgot about that. Then how about putting a rubber band on your wrist and snapping it when you feel it coming on, I've read ladies here do that, and seems to help or try tapping with eft?
sharcerv52408 Sochima822
Sochima822 sharcerv52408
EFt is Emotional Tapping Technique. You tap on certain parts of the body to relieve the problem. Google it, there are yt video's for it as well. I've also heard ladies go for acupuncture. If you're wanting to go a more natural route that might be a good one but more costly.
sharcerv52408 Sochima822
Guest sharcerv52408
If I feel it coming I imagine a big stop sign in my mind. Then I get active...I do anything to take my mind off it...vacuuming washing...anything that makes me move. I also put lavender oil on my wrists and inhale and try to slow my breathing. Just remember...its only thoughts...they can't hurt you and it will go away again. Sometimes it helps to get mad at the anxiety...i just think to myself 'no...not is not going to control me!'
Sounds weird but it does help. Just remember....heaps of people suffer from it....if you are with someone tell them about it....running from it makes it worse. Sometimes sitting there and accepting it makes it easier to cope with an attack.