Posted , 14 users are following.
Hi ladies
what anxiety means to u ? How u feel when ur having this ?
I am having anxiety alot these days
its very common in Perimenopause i head .
any tip to overcome this ?
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Posted , 14 users are following.
Hi ladies
what anxiety means to u ? How u feel when ur having this ?
I am having anxiety alot these days
its very common in Perimenopause i head .
any tip to overcome this ?
0 likes, 18 replies
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ImagineOneDay sunaina1983
Hi, I almost became and ANXIETY myself with perimenapause. I have just been putting up with it. I am not taking any medication. GP s have been very keen to give me antidepressants. But I have refused. But my life has changed a lot. I almost got used to living a strange life with anxiety and living in isolation. However time to time i know this is not true me and life shouldn't be like this. In my recent visit a GP prescribe me an pill for anxiety: SERTRALINE. I bought it but haven't used it yet since I am scared of the side effects and how long it may take till I actually get the benefits..?. So now I am at the stage I might take this medication to see if it really makes any change in the quality of my life. Have you been to the GP? What do they say to you? All the best
sunaina1983 ImagineOneDay
Hi mam
Anxiety is becoming worst symtom for me now a days.
me too feel not to go anywhere .just want to stay in my bed full day..not feel like doing anything
Thinking to visit my GP next week.
lets see how much she can help me.
Wish this Peri will pass soon for all of us
Sassyr12a sunaina1983
Hello sunaina
The anxiety has always been the worst part for me. It's slightly better taking hrt but it can be : a feeling of doom/dread, adrenaline rush, nausea, rapid heart, feeling faint or dizzy, physically shaking, feeling unbalance, wobbly legs, shaky voice.... Which makes work and meetings a bit of a pain. To overcome it I run, walk, do yoga when I can, do mindful meditation and acupuncture. I take hrt, menopace, evening primrose, hemp oil, kalms nighttime for sleep and very occasionally a diazepan. Hope that helps xxx
sunaina1983 Sassyr12a
thanks for reply mam
RACHAEL2411 Sassyr12a
Hi there, your symptoms sound nearly identical to what I've been suffering. I also get terrible derealization sometimes which terrifies me even more then crippling anxiety to begin with. I wondered what kind of hrt you are on and how much it's helped you...? As I've been thinking of going on it but to worried to. As so many negitive reviews on hrt these days... Many thanks Rachael
Sassyr12a RACHAEL2411
Hi Rachael
Think this was for me, but if not sorry! I'm been on kliofem now for past 3 weeks, but I was on bhrt for a year previously. I'm 43, and my menopause kicked in last year and I felt absolutely awful. I don't think I could have managed my symptoms without hrt to be honest. I'm usually someone who takes a holistic approach, but the anxiety, blood pressure problems, iron and thyroid problems were just too much and I was struggling to function. I've found bhrt and hrt really helpful and I try not to dwell on the longer term consequences because when you're at the point that your body can't regulate itself, you have to do something. Have a think about it and of course you have to be comfortable with it, but you may find it helps. Sara xx
RACHAEL2411 Sassyr12a
Hi Sara! Thank you so much for the reply and information 😊👌♥️ I know what you mean to, I'm also usually the same, try everything holistic...But also finding I'm at breaking point and think I need to at least try some kind of hrt. So thank you again for the reply and information. Hope all goes well for you, take care Rach xx
llotenz55 sunaina1983
Hi, i have suffered with aniexty for many years but feel it has gotten worse thru menopause. my dr prescribed me xanax, this you take as needed but it does work to calm me down because sometimes mine reach a full blown panic attack.
i do go for walks also in the evening as i feel it makes me sleep better
sunaina1983 llotenz55
wow nice u go for walk
Walk is too good
these days i have shaky legs and off balance issues so not able to go for walk 😭
louise25018 sunaina1983
hi hunni
sending you lots of kind thoughts whilst you are struggling.
i felt the same very recently and struggled on but it got to the point it was drastically affecting my whole life.
So i started HRT (gel and tablets) and now practise meditation, yoga everyday and mindfullness. I also switched to a vegetarian diet.
Its not a quick fix and patience is required but after 6 months of dedicated effort I now feel really good and almost back to pre- menopause me!
I have a few ongoing issues im still working on but I've made alot of positive progress.
I hope this helps for you and I wish you all the best with your journey through this.
take care
lou xxx
sunaina1983 louise25018
Thanks dear for wishes.
nice to know ur feeling little better
Takingtime sunaina1983
Hi Sunaina,
Yes anxiety has been that main culprit during this time and I believe this is what brings all the unwanted symptoms.I am not taking any antidepressants for the fact that I am not willing to deal with the side effects, that will make my anxiety worse.The things I have done which have all been very beneficial is counsilling, they teach you CBT which is very beneficial. Essential oils, diffusing lavender and rolling them on pressure points. Then the hardest one which is in my opinion the only way is pushing through it. There are many days I want to just hide out in my house, or cancel plans as that would be the easy thing to do, but all we do when we do that is feed into more I make myself, and once I do I get a huge relief and high when I overcame it. I live a very busy life, working, courses, advocating, and raising children, hiding at home is not an option, and don't kid yourself I have had some horrible effects from anxiety that have landed me in the emergency room so I am not fluffing this off as I know how bad it is. We just have to have the mindset to not let it over take our life.
sunaina1983 Takingtime
Thanks alot for motivational words dear
ur right hidding in home is not option..we have to face it
i wish we all will be ok soon .tk
Sassyr12a sunaina1983
Hi sunaina
I have to echo Kelly, and I know it feels absolutely impossible sometimes. I felt that way last March, and stayed home, stopped working and doing day to day things... It didn't help. Actually it just made going out a really scary thing, I'd be so anxious and off balance just doing basic things like shopping. I literally had to shove myself out of the door, and the more I did it, the less scary it became. I started just going for a little walk each morning and that helped to build some confidence. There's never going to be a good time to start living again, but unless you want to carry on as you are, you'll need to make a start no matter how small. Get some fresh air sunaina and things will start to seem a little more hopeful. You can always climb into bed after, but at least you'll start your day on a positive mindset xxx
kelly55079 sunaina1983
I sometimes have anxiety in the morning before I get up.. At this time I get on the floor to do some leg lifts, or push-ups or something just to make it go away. I feel a little sick, hopeless like 'oh no what am I going to do with my life'-- it's just scary to me. No one is up yet so I just stay on the floor until I"m ready. If I'm feeling anxious during the day-- I try to keep busy doing some deep breathes. Again I just feel hopeless, jittery maybe wobbly and shakey which then I don't feel like doing an errand. Walking is good BUT I hate going by myself-- I like talking to someone as I"m walking.I just wish it would go away!!!